FON 100 Introductory Nutrition. (3) F, S, SS
Basic concepts of human nutrition. Alternative diets and how food choices affect personal health. Prerequisite: nonmajor.
FON 142 Applied Food Principles. (3) F, S
Applied scientific principles of food preparation and production. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab.
FON 241 Human Nutrition. (3) F, S, SS
Principles of human nutrition relative to health. Emphasis on nutrients and the factors affecting their utilization in the human body. Prerequisite: CHM 101 or equivalent.
FON 341 Introduction to Planning Therapeutic Diets. (3) S
Cultural, health, and economic aspects of diet planning. Computer and manual assessment of food composition. Review of common therapeutic diets. Prerequisites: FON 142 and 241 (or equivalent).
FON 344 Nutrition Services Management. (3) S
Organization, administration, and management of food and nutrition services in hospitals and other institutions. Field trips may be included. General Studies: L.
(a) | Computers in Nutrition and Foods |
FON 440 Advanced Human Nutrition I. (3) F
Metabolic reactions and interrelationships of vitamins, minerals, and water. CHM 332 recommended. Prerequisites: BCH 361; BIO 202; FON 241 (or equivalent).
FON 441 Advanced Human Nutrition II. (3) S
Metabolic reactions and interrelationships of carbohydrate, lipid, and protein. CHM 331 and 332 recommended. Prerequisites: BCH 361; BIO 202; FON 241 (or equivalent).
FON 442 Experimental Foods. (3) F
Food product development techniques, food evaluation and testing, and investigation of current research into food composition. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisites: CHM 231; FON 142.
FON 444 Diet Therapy. (3) S
Principles of nutritional support for prevention and treatment of disease. Prerequisites: BIO 202; FON 241 (or equivalent).
FON 445 Quantity Food Production. (3) S
Standard methods of food preparation in quantity; operation of institutional equipment and menu planning for institutions. Experience in quantity food service. May require field trips. 1 hour lecture, 6 hours lab. Prerequisites: FON 241 (or equivalent) and 344 or instructor approval.
FON 446 Human Nutrition Assessment Lecture/Laboratory. (3) S
Clinical and biochemical evaluation of nutritional status. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisites: BCH 367; FON 440 (or 441).
FON 448 Community Nutrition. (3) F
Food-related behaviors; community organization and delivery of nutrition services; program design, implementation, and evaluation strategies; nutritional assessment of population groups. PGS 101 and SOC 101 are recommended. Prerequisite: FON 241 or equivalent. General Studies: L.
FON 450 Nutrition in the Life Cycle I. (3) F
Emphasis on nutritional needs and problems during pregnancy, lactation, infancy, and childhood. Prerequisite: FON 241 or equivalent.
FON 451 Nutrition in the Life Cycle II. (3) S
The nutritional requirements and nutrition-related disorders of adolescence, middle adulthood, and later life. Prerequisite: FON 241 or equivalent.
(a) | Nutrition and Health Promotion |
FON 531 Recent Developments in Nutrition. (3) N
Survey of research. Prerequisites: 1 course each in advanced nutrition and biochemistry.
FON 532 Current Research in Nutrition. (3) S
Vitamins and minerals. Prerequisites: 1 course each in advanced nutrition and biochemistry.
FON 540 Advanced Micronutrient Metabolism. (3) F
The metabolism of vitamins and minerals, primarily as applied to humans, with research literature emphasized. Prerequisites: 1 course each in basic nutrition and biochemistry.
FON 541 Advanced Macronutrient Metabolism. (3) S
The metabolism of protein, fat, and carbohydrate, primarily as applied to humans, with research literature emphasized. Prerequisites: 1 course each in basic nutrition and biochemistry.
FON 542 Experimental Foods. (3) F
Food product development techniques, food evaluation and testing, and investigation of current research into food composition. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisites: CHM 231; FON 142.
FON 544 Therapeutic Nutrition. (3) S
Current theories of the nutritional prevention or treatment of various diseases. Prerequisites: 1 course each in basic nutrition and physiology.
FON 545 Recent Developments in Institutional Feeding. (3) S
Current practices in institutional feeding, including supervised practicum with local quantity food operation. 1 hour lecture, 6 hours lab. Prerequisites: FON 142 and 344 or instructor approval.
FON 548 Nutrition Program Development. (3) F
The planning, development, implementation, and evaluation of community nutrition programs, including the process of grant applications. Prerequisites: 1 course each in basic nutrition and sociology.
FON 550 Advanced Maternal and Child Nutrition. (3) F
Metabolic characteristics and nutritional needs of the pregnant woman, lactating woman, infant, and child are reviewed in-depth. Prerequisites: 1 course each in basic nutrition, physiology, and biochemistry.
FON 551 Advanced Geriatric Nutrition. (3) S
Metabolic characteristics and nutritional requirements of the elderly are reviewed in depth. Prerequisites: 1 course each in basic nutrition and physiology and biochemistry or instructor approval.
FON 580 Dietetics Practicum. (39) F, S, SS
Structured practical experience in the Dietetic Internship, supervised by practitioners with whom the student works closely. Practicum. Prerequisite: acceptance into the Dietetic Internship.
(a) | Recent Developments in Food and Nutrition |
FON 598 Special Topics. (14) N
(a) | Research Methods in Nutrition |