GCU 102 Introduction to Human Geography. (3) F, S
Systematic study of human use of the earth. Spatial organization of economic, social, political, and perceptual environments. General Studies: SB.
GCU 121 World Geography. (4) F, S
Description and analysis of areal variations in social, economic, and political phenomena in major world regions. General Studies: SB, G.
GCU 141 Introduction to Economic Geography. (3) F
Production, distribution, and consumption of various types of commodities of the world and relationships to the activities of humans. General Studies: SB, G.
GCU 200 Orientation to Geography. (1) F
Basic introduction to the Department of Geography faculty, undergraduate graduation requirements, and possible jobs and skills in geography. Cross-listed as GPH 200. Credit is allowed for only GCU 200 or GPH 200.
GCU 240 Introduction to Southeast Asia. (3) F
An interdisciplinary introduction to the cultures, religions, political systems, geography, and history of Southeast Asia. Cross-listed as ASB 240/HIS 240/POS 240/REL 240. Credit is allowed for only ASB 240 or GCU 240 or HIS 240 or POS 240 or REL 240. General Studies: G.
GCU 253 Introduction to Cultural and Historical Geography. (3) N
Cultural patterns, including such phenomena as language, religion, and various aspects of material culture. Origins and diffusion and division of the world into cultural areas. General Studies: SB, G.
GCU 294 Special Topics. (4) A
Topics include global awareness.
GCU 322 Geography of U.S. and Canada. (3) F
Spatial distribution of relevant physical, economic, and cultural phenomena in the United States and Canada. General Studies: SB, C.
GCU 323 Geography of Latin America. (3) F
Spatial distribution of relevant physical, economic, and cultural phenomena in South, Middle, and Caribbean America. General Studies: SB, G.
GCU 325 Geography of Europe. (3) A
Broad and systematic overview of Europe, emphasizing physical, economic and cultural phenomena. General Studies: SB, G.
GCU 326 Geography of Asia. (3) F
Spatial distribution of relevant physical, economic, and cultural phenomena in Asia, excluding the former Soviet Union. General Studies: SB, G.
GCU 327 Geography of Africa. (3) N
Spatial distribution of relevant physical, economic, and cultural phenomena in Africa. General Studies: SB, G.
GCU 328 Geography of Middle East and North Africa. (3) N
Spatial distribution of relevant physical, economic, and cultural phenomena in the Middle East and North Africa. Prerequisite: GCU 121 or instructor approval. General Studies: SB, G.
GCU 332 Geography of Australia and Oceania. (3) A
Spatial distribution of relevant physical, economic, and cultural phenomena in Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific Islands. General Studies: SB, G.
GCU 344 Geography of Hispanic Americans. (3) S
Examines the homelands, migrations, settlements, landscapes, roles, and selected cultural traditions of Hispanic Americans. General Studies: SB, C.
GCU 350 The Geography of World Crises. (3) F, S
Contemporary world crises viewed from a perspective of geographic concepts and techniques. General Studies: SB, G.
GCU 351 Population Geography. (3) F
Demographic patterns; spatial, temporal, and structural investigation of the relationship of demographic variables to cultural, economic, and environmental factors. General Studies: SB, G.
GCU 352 Political Geography. (3) N
Relationship between the sociophysical environment and the state. General Studies: SB, G.
GCU 357 Social Geography. (3) A
Environmental perception of individuals and groups. The spatial aspect of social and physical environments is stressed. General Studies: SB.
GCU 359 Cities of the World I. (3) F
Historical evolution of urban patterns and structures in the Middle East, India, Southeast Asia, China, Japan, and Europe. General Studies: SB, G, H.
GCU 360 Cities of the World II. (3) N
Historical evolution of urban patterns and structures in Latin America, North America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Australasia. General Studies: SB, G.
GCU 361 Urban Geography. (3) F, S
External spatial relations of cities, internal city structure, and spatial aspects of urban problems in various parts of the world, particularly in the United States. General Studies: SB.
GCU 364 Energy in the Global Arena. (3) S
Production, transportation, and consumption of energy, emphasizing the electric power industry and its environmental problems. General Studies: SB, G.
GCU 394 Special Topics. (14) F, S
GCU 421 Geography of Arizona and Southwestern United States. (3) F, S
Geography of the Southwest with an emphasis on Arizona. Divided into physical geography, history, people, and economy. General Studies: SB, C.
GCU 423 Geography of South America. (3) S
Prerequisite: GCU 323 or instructor approval. General Studies: SB, G.
GCU 424 Geography of Mexico and Middle America. (3) A
Central America and Mexico. Prerequisite: GCU 323 or instructor approval. General Studies: SB, G.
GCU 425 Geography of the Mexican American Borderland. (3) S
Geography of a binational and bicultural region. Examination of settlement, boundary issues, ethnic subregions, population change, industrial development, and urban growth. General Studies: L/SB, G.
GCU 426 Geography of Russia and Surroundings. (3) N
Examines the geography of Russia and other post-Soviet states. Prerequisite: GCU 121 or instructor approval. General Studies: SB, G.
GCU 433 Geography of Southeast Asia. (3) S
Examines the biophysical and social features of Southeast Asian nations and peoples. Prerequisite: GCU 326 or instructor approval.
GCU 441 Economic Geography. (3) A
Spatial distribution of primary, secondary, and tertiary economic and production activities. Prerequisite: GCU 141 or instructor approval. General Studies: SB.
GCU 442 Geographical Analysis of Transportation. (3) S
Networks, modes, economics, and flows at the urban, national, and international scales. Prerequisite: GCU 141 or 441. General Studies: SB.
GCU 444 Geographic Studies in Urban Transportation. (3) S
Current urban transportation issues in metropolitan Phoenix. Lecture, team project. Prerequisite: GCU 361. General Studies: SB.
GCU 453 Recreational Geography. (3) N
Examination of problems surrounding the organization and use of space for recreation. Introducing geographic field survey methods of data collection and analysis. Saturday field trips may be required.
GCU 455 Historical Geography of U.S. and Canada. (3) N
Geographical perspective on the evolution of the United States and Canada from pre-Columbian times to early 20th Century. General Studies: SB, H.
GCU 474 Public Land Policy. (3) F
Geographic aspects of federal public lands, policy, management, and issues. Emphasis on western wilderness and resource development problems. General Studies: SB.
(a) | Geography of Phoenix |
GCU 495 Quantitative Methods in Geography. (3) F, S
Statistical techniques applied to the analysis of spatial distributions and relationships. Introduction to models and theory in geography. Prerequisite: MAT 119. General Studies: CS.
GCU 496 Geographic Research Methods. (3) F, S
Scientific techniques used in geographic research. Prerequisites: GCU 495; GPH 371, 491. General Studies: L.
GCU 515 Human Migration. (3) F
Economic, political, social, and geographic factors underlying population movements. Migration selectivity, streams and counter-streams, labor migration, and migration decision making. Lecture, seminar. Prerequisite: GCU 351 or instructor approval.
GCU 526 Spatial Land-Use Analysis. (3) N
Determination, classification, and analysis of spatial variations in land-use patterns. Examination of the processes affecting land-use change. Prerequisite: 15 hours of geography or instructor approval.
GCU 529 Contemporary Geographic Thought. (3) F
Comparative evaluation of current philosophy concerning the nature and trends of geography. Prerequisites: 15 hours of geography; instructor approval.
GCU 585 Advanced Research Methods in Geography. (3) S
Specialized research techniques and methodologies in economic, political, or cultural geography.
GCU 591 Seminar. (13) F, S, SS
Selected topics in economic, political, or cultural geography. Field trips may be required.
GCU 596 History of Geographic Thought. (3) F
Historical development of geographic thought from pre-Greek days to the early 20th century.