GER 101 Elementary German. (4) F, S, SS
Reading, writing, speaking, and understanding of basic German, with emphasis on pronunciation and grammar. Not open to students with credit in GER 111. 4 hours lecture, 1 hour lab.
GER 102 Elementary German. (4) F, S, SS
See GER 101. Prerequisite: GER 101 or equivalent.
GER 111 Fundamentals of German. (4) F, S
Primarily for students with two years of high school German who need review to enter second-year study. Not open to students with credit in GER 101 or 102. 4 hours lecture, 1 hour lab.
GER 201 Intermediate German. (4) F, S, SS
Intensive review of grammar, with emphasis on the development of the skills of speaking, listening comprehension, reading, and writing. 4 hours lecture, 1 hour lab. Prerequisite: GER 102 or 111 or equivalent. General Studies: G.
GER 202 Intermediate German. (4) F, S, SS
See GER 201. Prerequisite: GER 201 or equivalent. General Studies: G.
GER 303 Scientific German. (3) N
Acquisition of a specialized vocabulary through the reading of German scientific publications. Prerequisite: GER 202 or equivalent.
GER 304 Scientific German. (3) N
See GER 303. Prerequisite: GER 202 or equivalent.
GER 311 German Conversation. (3) F
Expansion of idiom through oral practice dealing with contemporary articles, essays, and stories. 3 semester hours limit for majors. Prerequisite: GER 202 or equivalent. General Studies: G.
GER 312 German Conversation. (3) S
See GER 311. Prerequisite: GER 202 or equivalent. General Studies: G.
GER 313 German Composition. (3) S
Intensive practice in writing, emphasizing style, and grammar. Prerequisite: GER 202 or equivalent. General Studies: G.
GER 314 Introduction to German Literature. (3) F
Beginning study of German poetry, drama, the novel, and the Novelle. Prerequisite: GER 202 or equivalent.
GER 319 Business Correspondence and Communication. (3) N
Organization and presentation of clear, effective business communications; vocabulary applicable to modern business usage. Prerequisite: GER 313 or instructor approval. General Studies: G.
GER 394 Special Topics. (14) N
GER 411 Advanced Grammar and Conversation. (3) F
Improvement of diction and idiom through intensive oral review. Prerequisite: GER 311 or 312 or equivalent. General Studies: G.
GER 412 Advanced Grammar and Composition. (3) S
Improvement of writing ability. Prerequisite: GER 313 or equivalent. General Studies: G.
GER 415 German Civilization. (3) S
Aspects of political, social, and cultural life of the German-speaking world from the beginning through 1600. Prerequisite: any 300-level course in German or instructor approval. General Studies: HU, H.
GER 416 German Civilization. (3) F
From 1600 through 1945. Prerequisite: any 300-level course in German or instructor approval. General Studies: HU, H.
GER 421 German Literature. (3) F
From the beginning to classicism. Prerequisite: 6 hours of 300-level German. General Studies: HU.
GER 422 German Literature. (3) S
From Romanticism to the present. Prerequisite: 6 hours of 300-level German. General Studies: L/HU.
GER 445 German Literature: Enlightenment to Classicism. (3) N
Major works of the literary epochs in the century. Prerequisite: GER 421 or instructor approval.
GER 451 German Literature: Biedermeier to Naturalism. (3) N
Representative works of prose and poetry from 1820 to 1890. Prerequisite: GER 422 or instructor approval.
GER 453 German Literary Masterpieces on Film. (3) F, S, SS
Film and literature in their correlation to each other and to cultural, political, and social trends in German-speaking countries. Special arrangements for graduate students and those without a knowledge of German. Lecture, discussion. General Studies: HU, G, H.
GER 461 Contemporary German Literature. (3) S, SS
German writers since 1945. Prerequisite: GER 422 or instructor approval.
GER 494 Special Topics. (14) N
GER 500 Bibliography and Research Methods. (3) N
Required of all graduate students.
GER 511 German Stylistics. (3) N
Art of writing literary German, comparative stylistics.
GER 521 History of German Language. (3) N
Linguistic development of German from the earliest records to the present.
GER 523 German Drama. (3) N
Drama of the 19th and 20th centuries.
GER 525 German Novel. (3) N
Special studies in the German novel.
GER 527 The Novelle. (3) N
Special studies in the German short story.
GER 531 Middle High German Language and Literature. (3) N
Reading and discussion of specimens of the Middle High German epics, romances, and other literary genres.
GER 551 Romanticism. (3) N
Treatment of early and late Romanticism.
GER 555 Modern German Literature. (3) N
Major works from the period of Expressionism to 1945.
GER 591 Seminar. (3) N
Special topics are concerned with a figure, theme, or work in German literature or Germanic studies. Topics may be selected from the following:
(a) | Faust |
(b) | Germanic Studies |
(c) | Goethe |
(d) | Grass and Böll |
(e) | Hesse |
(f) | Kafka |
(g) | Kleist |
(h) | Schiller |