HED 510 Introduction to Higher Education. (3) F
An overview of American higher education, including philosophical, political, and social aspects.
HED 515 Student Diversity in Higher Education. (3) S
Orients students to the demographic profile of college students and addresses diverse students access, retention, and graduation. Lecture, collaborative learning.
HED 527 Seminar: Student Affairs Administration. (3) F
Organizational models, administrative competencies and skills, and emerging challenges of student affairs administration. Lecture, discussion, group projects, written assignments.
HED 533 The Community-Junior College. (3) F, S
History, functions, organization, and current issues. Meets Arizona community college course requirement for certification.
HED 602 Institutional Research/Strategic Planning. (3) F
Provides an overview of policy research and planning in higher education at the campus system and governing/coordinating agency levels. Lecture, group discussion, research projects. Prerequisite: HED 510.
HED 603 Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis. (3) S
Emphasizes the applied and computing aspects of qualitative research design, data analysis, and reporting of results. Lecture, lab, demonstrations. Prerequisite: COE 503 or equivalent.
HED 611 Curriculum and Instruction. (3) S
Curriculum development, instructional organization, and improvement of instruction in higher education. Prerequisite: HED 510.
HED 644 Higher Education Finance and Budgeting. (3) S
Financial planning and budgeting in higher education institutions. Issues related to financing public and private colleges and universities. Prerequisite: HED 510.
HED 649 Law of Higher Education. (3) F
Analysis of legal issues related to higher education; examination of key court decisions. Prerequisite: HED 510.
HED 679 The American College Student. (3) S
Provides overview of American college student from demographic, background characteristics and values/attitudes/perspectives. Includes access, persistence, and degree completion. Lecture, group discussion, research projects. Cross-listed as CED 656. Credit is allowed for only CED 656 or HED 679.
HED 687 Governance, Coordination, and External Influences in Higher Education. (3) S 2001
Study of governance and coordination in higher education systems and the impact of external forces on them. Lecture, discussion.
HED 688 Organizational Theory. (3) S
Major views of organizations and their influence on role definition and participant behaviors in educational organization. Seminar, discussion. Cross-listed as SPF 622. Credit is allowed for only HED 688 or SPF 622.
HED 689 Leadership in Higher Education. (3) F
Theory and practice of leadership and administration in higher education institutions.