HIS 100 Western Civilization. (3) F, S
Traces origin and development of Western societies and institutions from the ancient world through the Middle Ages. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 101 Western Civilization. (3) F, S
Traces origin and development of Western societies and institutions from the Renaissance and Reformation through Age of Enlightenment. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 102 Western Civilization. (3) F, S
Traces origin and development of Western societies and institutions from the French Revolution to the present. General Studies: SB, G, H.
HIS 103 The United States. (3) F, S
Growth of the Republic from colonial times through the Civil War period. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 104 The United States. (3) F, S
Growth of the Republic from the Civil War period to the present day. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 107 Introduction to Japan. (3) F
Historical survey of the people, culture, politics, and economy of Japan, supplemented by audiovisual presentations. Intended for nonmajors. General Studies: SB, G, H.
HIS 111 Global History Since 1500. (3) F, S
Survey of Africa, the Americas, and Eurasia; changes in communication, communities, demography, economics, environment, politics, religion, technology, warfare, and women. Lecture, CD-ROM, electronic forum, discussion. General Studies: G, H.
HIS 201 Introduction to Slavic Civilization. (3) F, S, SS
Development of Slavic cultures and societies from medieval Byzantium to the present; introduction to modern Eurasia. Lecture, discussion, electronic forum. Pre- or corequisite: ENG 101. General Studies: L/SB, H.
HIS 230 American Social History. (3) N
American society from the colonial period to the present. Ethnicity, race, age, and sex as factors in historical experience. Lecture, discussion. General Studies: L, H.
HIS 240 Introduction to Southeast Asia. (3) F
An interdisciplinary introduction to the cultures, religions, political systems, geography, and history of Southeast Asia. Cross-listed as ASB 240/GCU 240/POS 240/REL 240. Credit is allowed for only ASB 240 or GCU 240 or HIS 240 or POS 240 or REL 240. General Studies: G.
HIS 270 Judaism in American History. (3) N
A chronological analysis of Jews and Judaism in American history and letters. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 273 American Military History. (3) N
A study of the role of the military in American life during war and peace from colonial times to the present day. 3 hours lecture/conference. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 294 ST: Selected Topics in History. (3) N
A full description of topics for any semester is available in the Department of History office. May be repeated for credit.
HIS 300 Historical Inquiry. (3) F, S
Historical methods and critical inquiry related to particular events and processes. Topics vary. Required course for majors. Prerequisite for HIS 498. Discussion, seminar, lecture. Prerequisites: ENG 102; History major. General Studies: L/SB, H.
HIS 302 Film as History. (3) A
Survey of moving image media as recorder, object, and writer of history. General Studies: HU.
HIS 303 American Cultural History. (3) F, S
Culture in a broad connotation, including ideas, ideals, the arts, and social and economic standards from the nations colonial background and early national period. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 304 American Cultural History. (3) F, S
Culture in a broad connotation, including ideas, ideals, the arts, and social and economic standards from the age of industrialism and modern America. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 305 Asian Civilizations. (3) A
The civilizations of China, Japan, and India to mid-17th century. General Studies: SB, G, H.
HIS 306 Asian Civilizations. (3) S
The civilizations of China, Japan, and India from the mid-17th century to present. May also include Southeast Asia. General Studies: SB, G, H.
HIS 308 Modern Southeast Asia. (3) S
Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, and Philippines since 1750: imperialism, revolution, and independence. Lecture, discussion. General Studies: SB, G, H.
HIS 309 History of Chinese Science. (3) N
Explores development of traditional Chinese science in the context of Chinese thought and society and in comparison with developments elsewhere. Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as HPS 325. Credit is allowed for only HIS 309 or HPS 325.
HIS 312 Interpreting Chinas Classics. (3) N
Study of selected Confucian and/or Taoist classics and ways they have been read in both Asian and Western scholarship. Cross-listed as HUM 312. Credit is allowed for only HIS 312 or HUM 312. General Studies: L/HU, H.
HIS 315 Japan in the Age of the Samurai. (3) N
History of the warrior class of Japan, 7001868.
HIS 320 Ancient Greece. (3) F
History and civilization of the Greek world from the Bronze Age to the Roman conquest of the Hellenistic kingdoms. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 321 Rome. (3) S
History and civilization of Rome from the beginning of the Republic to the end of the Empire. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 322 The Middle Ages. (3) F
Political, socioeconomic, and cultural developments of Western Europe during the Early Middle Ages. Prerequisite: HIS 100 or instructor approval. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 323 The Middle Ages. (3) S
Political, socioeconomic, and cultural developments of Western Europe during the High Middle Ages. Prerequisite: HIS 100 or instructor approval. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 324 Renaissance. (3) F
Antecedents and development of the Renaissance in Italy and its spread to the rest of Europe. General Studies: L/SB, H.
HIS 325 Reformation. (3) S
The Protestant and Catholic Reformation in the 16th century. General Studies: L/SB, H.
HIS 326 Early Modern Europe. (3) F
Social, economic, cultural, and political changes in 17th-century Europe. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 327 Early Modern Europe. (3) S
Social, economic, cultural, and political changes in 18th-century Europe. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 329 19th-Century Europe. (3) F
Political, social, economic, and intellectual currents in Europe from Napoleon to 1866. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 330 19th-Century Europe. (3) S
Political, social, economic, and intellectual currents in Europe from 18661918. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 331 20th-Century Europe. (3) F
Europe in its world setting since World War I, emphasizing major political and social issues. 19141945. General Studies: SB, G, H.
HIS 332 Europe Since 1945. (3) N
Europe in its world setting since World War II, emphasizing major political and social issues from 1945 to the present. General Studies: SB, G, H.
HIS 340 Witchcraft and Heresy in Europe. (3) N
Background, origins, and development at the Inquisition. Analysis of marginal groups and their suppression. Cross-listed as REL 374. Credit is allowed for only HIS 340 or REL 374. General Studies: L, H.
HIS 341 Sex and Society in Classical and Medieval Europe. (3) F
Family life, sex roles, and marriage, and their relationship to political, economic, and religious change in classical and medieval Europe. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: upper-division standing or instructor approval. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 342 Sex and Society in Early Modern Europe. (3) S
Family life, sex roles, and marriage and their relationship to political, economic, and religious change in early modern Europe. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: upper-division standing or instructor approval. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 343 Sex and Society in Modern Europe. (3) N
Family life, sex roles, and marriage, and their relationship to political, economic, and social changes in modern Europe. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: upper-division standing or instructor approval. General Studies: L/SB, H.
HIS 344 Women and Society in Europe. (3) N
Womens role, status, and achievements in Europe, 17501950. Changes in everyday life, sex roles, family patterns, work, and culture. General Studies: L/HU/SB, H.
HIS 351 England. (3) F
Political, economic, and social development of the English people to the 17th century. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 352 England. (3) S
Political, economic, and social development of the English people from 17th century to the present. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 356 Immigration and Ethnicity in the United States. (3) F, S
Origins, historical development, and future of a multiethnic society, 1492 to 2050. Prerequisite: HIS 103 or 104. General Studies: SB, C, H.
HIS 357 19th-Century West. (3) F, S
Social, political, and economic development of trans-Mississippi West beginning with Louisiana Purchase and ending in 1900. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 358 The West in the 20th Century. (3) F, S
Role of the western states in American history since 1890 with emphasis on politics, the environment, industry and labor, and the changing position of ethnic minorities. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 360 American Indian History to 1900. (3) F, S
Cultural, economic, political, and social continuity and change of American Indian communities to 1900. Lecture, discussion. General Studies: SB, C, H.
HIS 361 American Indian History Since 1900. (3) F, S
Cultural, economic, political, and social continuity and change of American Indian communities from 1900 to the present. Lecture, discussion. General Studies: SB, C, H.
HIS 363 African American History I. (3) F
The African American in American history, thought, and culture from slavery to 1865. Cross-listed as AFS 363. Credit is allowed for only AFS 363 or HIS 363. General Studies: SB, C, H.
HIS 364 African American History II. (3) S
The African American in American history, thought, and culture from 1865 to the present. Cross-listed as AFS 364. Credit is allowed for only AFS 364 or HIS 364. General Studies: SB, C, H.
HIS 366 The Modern Middle East. (3) N
Impact of the Western world upon Middle Eastern governments, religion, and society in the 19th and 20th centuries; problems of modernization and the role of the Middle East in world affairs. General Studies: SB, G, H.
HIS 369 Exploration and Empire. (3) N
An interdisciplinary survey of exploration by Western Civilization over the past 500 years. Lecture, discussion. General Studies: L, H.
HIS 370 Women in U.S. History, 16001880. (3) F
Examination of American women of diverse racial, religious, ethnic groups, and classes; focus is on changing definitions of womens roles. General Studies: SB, C, H.
HIS 371 Women in U.S. History, 18801980. (3) F, S
Examination of American women of diverse racial, religious, ethnic groups, and classes; focus is on changing definitions of womens roles. General Studies: SB, C, H.
HIS 373 Women in 20th-Century West. (3) A
Examines how women of various cultures have contended for and shaped the American West, including the West of the imagination. Lecture, discussion. General Studies: C, H.
HIS 380 History of the Mexican American. (3) N
Role of the Mexican American in U. S. history. General Studies: SB, C, H.
HIS 381 Quantification in History. (3) N
Quantitative techniques, including political analysis, new economic theory, demography, and social history. Research methods in social science, including design, data collection, and computer skills. Prerequisite: MAT 117 or a course for which MAT 117 is a prerequisite.
HIS 383 Latin America. (3) F, S
Ancient civilization, explorers and conquerors, and colonial institutions. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 384 Latin America. (3) F, S
Nationalistic development of the independent republics since 1825. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 385 Women in Colonial Latin America. (3) F
History of women in colonial Latin America, cross-examining class, race, and gender relations in depth. Lecture, discussion.
HIS 386 Latin American Women: The National Period. (3) S
Surveys the history of women, gender relations, and state policies in a broad continental setting, from independence to the present. Lecture, media, discussion. General Studies: SB, G, H.
HIS 394 ST: Selected Topics in History. (3) F, S
A full description of topics for any semester is available in the Department of History office. May be repeated for credit.
HIS 401 American Colonial History. (3) F
Political, economic, social, and cultural history of the colonial era. Concentrates on English colonies, with some consideration of Spanish, French, and other colonial regions in North America. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 403 Revolution and Constitution. (3) N
The causes, course, and consequences of the American Revolution culminating in the ratification of the Constitution. Prerequisite: HIS 103 or instructor approval.
HIS 404 The Early Republic, 17891850. (3) A
Political, social, economic, and cultural development of the United States from the Revolution to 1850. Prerequisite: HIS 103 or instructor approval. General Studies: L/SB, H.
HIS 406 Civil War and Reconstruction. (3) A
Explores the causes, conduct, and consequences of the American Civil War, concentrating on the years 1848 to 1877. Prerequisite: HIS 103 or instructor approval. General Studies: L/SB, H.
HIS 407 The Emergence of the Modern United States, 1877 to 1918. (3) A
The triumph of modern political, social, and economic structures and values, 18771918; role of region, religion, race, and ethnicity. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 408 The Modern United States, 1918 to 1945. (3) A
1920s boom and the crash, the Depression and the New Deal response. The Second World War at home and abroad. Prerequisite: HIS 104 or equivalent. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 409 The Postwar United States. (3) A
The United States from 19451973. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 410 The Contemporary United States. (3) A
The United States from 1973 to the present. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 414 The Modern American Economy. (3) N
Origins of 19th-century slavery and industrialization; 20th-century crisis and regulation: political economy of an advanced capitalist democracy. Prerequisite: ECN 111 (or 112) or HIS 103 (or 104). General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 416 American Diplomatic History. (3) S
American relations with foreign powers from 1898 to the present. Prerequisite: HIS 104 or instructor approval. General Studies: SB, G, H.
HIS 417 Constitutional History of the United States. (3) F
Origin and development of the American constitutional system from Colonial origins through Reconstruction. Prerequisite: HIS 103 or instructor approval. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 418 Constitutional History of the United States. (3) S
Origin and development of the American constitutional system, from Reconstruction to the present. Prerequisite: HIS 104 or instructor approval. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 419 American Urban History. (3) F
The history of the city in American life from colonial times to the late 19th century. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 420 American Urban History. (3) S
The history of the city in American life from the 19th century to the present. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 421 History of American Labor. (3) N
American workers, from the colonial period to the present, including farmers, slaves, housewives, the skilled and unskilled, unionized and nonunionized. Prerequisite: HIS 103 (or 104) or MGT 301. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 422 Rebellious Women. (3) F, S
Examination of the roles of rebellious women in history through the study of autobiography, biography, and theory. General Studies: L/SB, C, H.
HIS 424 The Hispanic Southwest. (3) N
Development of the Southwest in the Spanish and Mexican periods to 1848. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 425 The American Southwest. (3) F
Development of the Southwest from 1848 to the present. General Studies: L/SB, H.
HIS 426 Indian History of the Southwest. (3) F, S
Comprehensive review of historical events from prehistoric peoples, the Spanish and Mexican periods, and the American period after 1846 to the present. Prerequisite: upper-division standing or instructor approval. General Studies: SB, C, H.
HIS 428 Arizona. (3) F, S
Emergence of the state from early times to the present. Prerequisite: upper-division standing or instructor approval. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 430 20th-Century Chicano History. (3) S
Historical development of the Chicano community in the 20th century. General Studies: SB, C, H.
HIS 431 The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Era. (3) N
Conditions in France before 1789, the Revolutionary decade from 1789 to 1799, the organization of France under Napoleon, and the impact of changes in France on European society. Prerequisite: upper-division standing or instructor approval. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 433 Modern France. (3) N
Social, political, economic, and cultural transformations of French society, 1815present. Impact of industrialization, war and revolution on peoples lives. Prerequisite: upper-division standing or instructor approval. General Studies: SB, G, H.
HIS 434 Hitler: Man and Legend. (3) F
A biographical approach to the German Third Reich emphasizing nature of Nazi regime, World War II, and historiography. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 435 Modern Germany. (3) S
Germany since 1840. General Studies: SB, G, H.
HIS 437 Eastern Europe and the Balkans. (3) N
Peoples and countries of eastern and southeastern Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries from 1800 to 1914, emphasizing the Hapsburg and Ottoman Empires. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 438 Eastern Europe and the Balkans. (3) N
Peoples and countries of eastern and southeastern Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries, emphasizing the successor states from 1914 to the present. General Studies: SB, G, H.
HIS 441 The Russian Empire. (3) F
Development of modern Eurasia from the late seventeenth century to 1917, including analysis of Russian society, institutions and cultural traditions. Lecture, discussion. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 442 The Soviet Union. (3) S
An examination of Soviet and post-Soviet politics, economic development, and foreign relations from the 1917 Revolution to the present. General Studies: SB, G, H.
HIS 443 Russia and the United States. (3) S
Official and unofficial relations between Russia and the United States, from the late 18th century to the present, emphasizing period following the Bolshevik Revolution. General Studies: SB, G, H.
HIS 445 Tudor England. (3) A
Political, social, economic, and cultural developments in 16th-century England. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 446 Stuart England. (3) A
Political, social, economic, and cultural developments in 17th-century England. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 449 Modern Britain. (3) N
Factors contributing to Britains position as the worlds leading power in the 19th century and its decline from that position in the 20th century. General Studies: SB, G, H.
HIS 450 British Constitutional History. (3) N
Historical development of the constitutional system of Great Britain from the Middle Ages to the present, emphasizing the growth of democracy. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 451 The British Empire. (3) A
British imperialism and colonialism in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and the South Pacific. Prerequisite: upper-division standing or instructor approval. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 455 Intellectual History of Modern Europe. (3) A
Major developments in European thought from Karl Marx to the present. Prerequisite: upper-division standing or instructor approval. General Studies: HU, H.
HIS 456 History of Spain. (3) F
Cultural, economic, political, and social development of Spain from earliest days to 1700. General Studies: HU/SB, H.
HIS 457 History of Spain. (3) S
Cultural, economic, political, and social development of Spain from 1700 to the present. General Studies: HU/SB, G, H.
HIS 460 Spanish South America. (3) N
Political, economic, and social development of the Spanish-speaking nations of South America since independence. 19th-century developments. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 461 Spanish South America. (3) A
Political, economic, and social development of the Spanish-speaking nations of South America. 20th-century developments. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 463 Intellectual and Cultural History of Latin America. (3) A
Main currents of thought, the outstanding thinkers, and their impact on 19th- and 20th-century Latin America. Cultural and institutional basis of Latin American life. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 464 The United States and Latin America. (3) A
The Latin American struggle for diplomatic recognition, attempts at political union, participation in international organizations since 1810, and relations between the United States and Latin America. General Studies: SB, G, H.
HIS 466 Mexico. (3) F
Political, economic, social, and cultural developments from earliest times to 1810. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 467 Mexico. (3) S
Political, economic, social, and cultural developments from 1810 to the present. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 468 Brazil. (3) N
Discovery, conquest, and settlement by the Portuguese; achievement of independence; rise and fall of the empire; problems and growth of the republic to the present. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 469 Chinese Thought and Way. (3) F
Chinas classics in translation studied both for their intrinsic ideas and for the origins of Chinese thought. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 470 Chinese Thought and Way. (3) S
Evolution of Confucian Tao (Way), its synthesis of Taoism and Buddhism, and 20th-century reactions to that Tao. General Studies: SB, G, H.
HIS 471 The United States and Japan. (3) F
Cultural, political, and economic relations in the 19th and 20th centuries. Emphasis on post-World War II period. General Studies: SB, G, H.
HIS 473 China. (3) F
Political, economic, social, and cultural history of the Chinese people from early times to the late 17th century. General Studies: SB, H.
HIS 474 China. (3) S
Political, economic, social, and cultural history of the Chinese people from mid-17th century to the present. General Studies: SB, G, H.
HIS 475 The American Experience in Vietnam, 19451975. (3) F
Intersection of American and Asian histories in Vietnam, viewed from as many sides as possible. General Studies: SB, G, H.
HIS 477 Japan. (3) F
Political, economic, social, and cultural history of the Japanese people from early times to the 19th century. General Studies: L/SB, H.
HIS 478 Japan. (3) S
Political, economic, social, and cultural history of the Japanese people from 19th century to the present. General Studies: SB, G, H.
HIS 481 The Peoples Republic of China. (3) N
Analysis of major political, social, economic, and intellectual trends in China since the founding of the Peoples Republic in 1949. General Studies: SB, G, H.
HIS 488 History of Fire. (3) F
A global survey of the natural and cultural history of fire. Lecture, discussion. General Studies: L, H.
HIS 493 Honors Thesis. (3) N General Studies: L.
HIS 495 Methods of Teaching History: Classroom Resources. (3) F
Methods in instruction, organization, and presentation of the subject matter of history and closely allied fields. Prerequisites: HIS 300; admission to PTPP.
HIS 496 Methods of Teaching History: Community Resources. (3) S
Identify community-based resources for teaching history, work with resources, and learn how to integrate them into the secondary classroom. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: HIS 300; admission to PTPP.
HIS 498 PS: History Pro-Seminar. (3) F, S
Required course for majors on topic selected by instructor; writing-intensive course related to the development of research skills and writing tools used by historians. Prerequisites: HIS 300; History major. General Studies: L.
HIS 502 Public History Methodology. (3) F
Introduction to historical research methodologies, techniques, and strategies used by public historians. Readings, short papers, and guest speakers. Required for students in the public history concentration.
HIS 512 Historians of Early Europe. (3) N
A study of the history of European historical writing from the Greeks to the 18th century.
HIS 513 Historians of Modern Europe. (3) N
A study of 19th- and 20th-century European historical writing.
HIS 514 Historians of the United States. (3) N
A study of the history of American historical writing from the early colonial days to the 20th century.
HIS 515 Studies in Historiography. (3) F, S
Methods and theories of writers of history. May be repeated for credit.
HIS 525 Historical Resource Management. (3) F
Identification, documentation, and interpretation of historic period buildings, sites, and districts. Emphasis on interdisciplinary efforts among historians, architects, and anthropologists.
HIS 526 Historians and Preservation. (3) S
Preparation of historians for public and private historic preservation programs. Prerequisite: HIS 525 or instructor approval.
HIS 527 Historical Administration. (3) F
Preparation of historians in administration of archives, historical sites, historical museums, historical societies, and historical offices in government agencies.
HIS 532 Community History. (3) N
Techniques and methods of community history emphasizing local resources. Required for community history option. Seminar.
HIS 551 Comparative Histories of War and Revolution. (3) A
A comparative field course of the themes of war and revolution.
HIS 552 Comparative History of Family and Community. (3) N
A comparative course with a focus on family, including minority and ethnic groups, in society.
HIS 553 Comparative History of State and Institutions. (3) N
A comparative course that explores the changing nature of central institutions and government.
HIS 554 Comparative Historical Population Studies: Ethnicity, Economy, and Migration. (3) N
A comparative course that explores the impact of social, cultural, or economic changes in the population.
HIS 555 Comparative Historical Topics. (3) N
This course analyzes a variety of specific social, political, cultural, and intellectual topics.
HIS 591 Seminar. (3) N
May be repeated for credit.
HIS 598 Special Topics. (3) N
Reading courses designed to increase students familiarity with a particular topic and the important writing concerning it. The following areas may be included:
(a) | Asian History |
(b) | English and British History |
(c) | European History |
(d) | Latin American History |
(e) | U.S. History |