HSA 220 Health Care Organizations. (3) F, S
Overview of United States health care delivery systems; financing, health policy, basic principles of budgeting, cost-benefit analysis, and resource management. Cross-listed as HCR 220. Credit is allowed for only HCR 220 or HSA 220. Prerequisites: ENG 101, 102. General Studies: L.
HSA 473 Comparative Health Systems. (3) N
Comparison of health care financing and delivery in industrialized countries; covers insurance, hospital management and physician payment. Lecture, discussion.
(a) | Health Care Finance |
(b) | Health Economics |
(c) | Health Service Administration and Policy |
(d) | Policy Issues in Health Care |
HSA 502 Health Care Organization. (3) A
Concepts, structures, functions, and values which characterize contemporary health care systems in the United States.
HSA 505 Community Health Care Perspectives. (3) A
Epidemiological, sociological and political perspectives, and techniques for analyzing health problems and responding to health care needs in communities. Prerequisite: HSA 502.
HSA 512 Health Care Economics. (3) A
Economics of production and distribution of health care services, with special emphasis on the impact of regulation, competition, and economic incentives. Prerequisite: HSA 502.
HSA 520 Health Care Organizational Structure and Policy. (3) A
Functional relationships among managerial elements of health care institutions with major focus on hospital governance and policy dynamics.
HSA 522 Health Care Management Systems. (3) A
Systems concepts, quantitative methods, and information systems applied to management problems in health institutions and community health planning. Prerequisites: HSA 505; QBA 502.
HSA 532 Financial Management of Health Services. (3) A
Acquisition, allocation, and management of financial resources within the health care enterprise. Budgeting, cost analysis, financial planning, and internal controls. Prerequisites: ACC 503; FIN 502; HSA 502.
HSA 542 Health Care Jurisprudence. (3) A
Legal aspects of health care delivery for hospital and health services administration. Legal responsibilities of the hospital administrator and staff. Prerequisites: HSA 505, 520.
HSA 560 Health Services Administration and Policy. (3) F
Introduction to organizational theory and management of complex organization within the historical and contemporary contexts of the U.S. public health.
HSA 561 Biostatistics. (3) F
Aspects of descriptive statistics and statistical inference most relevant to health issues, including data, rates, and confidence intervals.
HSA 562 Health Care Organization and Systems. (3) F
Functional relationships among managerial elements of health care institutions with major focus on hospital governance and policy dynamics.
HSA 563 Health Care Economics. (3) S
Introduction to concepts and methods used to direct and understand production and distribution of health care services.
HSA 564 Health Care Finance. (3) S
Overview of the acquisition, allocation, and management of financial resources by health care providers. Focuses on economic, financial, and accounting principles.
HSA 565 Policy Issues in Health Care. (3) F
Current policy issues in health through concepts of access, cost, and quality; issues relating to disease trends and policy formulation.
HSA 571 Managed Care. (3) N
Trends in managed care/integrated systems, complexities of balancing objectives (e.g., financial and quality). A two-semester-long marketplace simulation. Prerequisite: HSA 502.
HSA 573 Comparative Health Systems. (3) A
Comparison of health care financing and delivery in industrialized countries; covers insurance, hospital management and physician payment. Lecture, discussion.
HSA 575 Chronic Care Administration. (3) A
Management of long-term care services and facilities, including behavioral health and rehabilitation programs.
HSA 589 Integrative Seminar. (3) A
Capstone assessment of current policies, problems, and controversies across the broad spectrum of health services administration. Prerequisites: HSA 505, 520, 522, 532.
HSA 591 Seminar. (3) A
Seminar topics such as the following may be offered:
(a) | Behavioral Health |
(b) | Cost Containment and Quality Assurance |
(c) | Health Care Economic Outcomes |
(d) | Health Care Policy |
(e) | Managing Physicians |
(f) | Topics in Health Services Research |
HSA 593 Applied Project. (3) F, S, SS
Optional on-site experience in advanced development of managerial skills in health services administration and policy. Minimum of 10 weeks. Prerequisites: 18 hours of credit toward program of study; director approval.
HSA 598 Special Topics. (3) A
Special topics such as the following may be offered:
(a) | Epidemiology |