IEE 300 Economic Analysis for Engineers. (3) F, S
Economic evaluation of alternatives for engineering decisions, emphasizing the time value of money. Prerequisites: ECE 100; MAT 270.
IEE 305 Information Systems Engineering. (3) F
Emphasis on systems analysis, design and implementation of information systems using fourth generation languages and alternative data base structures. Prerequisite: CSE 100. General Studies: CS.
IEE 360 Manufacturing Processes. (3) F, S
Production technique and equipment. Casting and molding, forming, machining, joining and assembly, computer-integrated manufacturing, rapid prototyping, and electronics manufacturing. Cross-listed as MAE 351. Credit is allowed for only IEE 360 or MAE 351. Prerequisite: ECE 350.
IEE 361 Manufacturing Processes Lab. (1) F, S
Series of labs designed to illustrate concepts presented in IEE 360 on production technique and equipment. Corequisite: IEE 360 (or MAE 351).
IEE 368 Facilities Analysis and Design. (3) F
Planning analysis and design of methods of the tangible physical assets of the firm. Emphasis on facilities location, materials handling, automation, computer integration, and utilization of financial resources. Applications in diverse fields. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: IEE 300.
IEE 369 Work Analysis and Design. (3) S
Planning analysis and design of methods of accomplishing work. Emphasis on human factors, work planning, methods analysis and design, and work measurement. Applications in diverse fields. Lecture, lab.
IEE 374 Quality Control. (3) F
Control charting and other statistical process control techniques. Organization and managerial aspects of quality assurance, plus acceptance sampling plans. Prerequisite: ECE 380. General Studies: CS.
IEE 394 Special Topics. (4) F, S
IEE 431 Engineering Administration. (3) F
Introducing quantitative and qualitative approaches to management functions, engineering administration, organizational analysis, decision making, and communication. Prerequisite: senior standing.
IEE 437 Human Factors Engineering. (3) F
Study of the human psychological and physiological factors that underlie the design of equipment and the interaction between people and machines.
IEE 461 Production Control. (3) F
Techniques for the planning, control, and evaluation of production systems. Project management, forecasting, inventory control, scheduling, enterprise requirements planning. Prerequisites: ASE 485; CSE 100; IEE 476.
IEE 463 Computer-Aided Manufacturing and Control. (3) S
Computer control in manufacturing, CIM, NC, logic controllers, group technology, process planning and robotics. Prerequisite: C programming capability. General Studies: CS.
IEE 475 Simulating Stochastic Systems. (3) F, S
Analysis of stochastic systems using basic queuing networks and discrete event simulation. Basic network modeling, shared resources, routing, assembly logic. Not open to students with credit in IEE 575. Prerequisites: ASE 485; CSE 100; IEE 476. General Studies: CS.
IEE 476 Operations Research Techniques/Applications. (4) F, S
Industrial systems applications with operations research techniques. Resource allocation, product mix, production, shipping, task assignment, market share, machine repair, customer service. Not open to students with credit in IEE 546. Prerequisites: ASE 485; CSE 100. General Studies: CS.
IEE 490 Project in Design and Development. (3) F, S
Individual or team capstone project in creative design and synthesis. Prerequisite: senior standing.
(a) | Industrial Engineering Applications Seminar |
IEE 505 Applications Engineering. (3) F
Develop working knowledge of application systems development tools needed for computer integrated enterprise. Includes techniques for application generation in fourth and fifth generation software environments. Topics include client server network systems, decision support systems, and transaction systems in distributed environment.
IEE 511 Analysis of Decision Processes. (3) S
Methods of making decisions in complex environments and statistical decision theory; effects of risk, uncertainty, and strategy on engineering and managerial decisions. Prerequisite: ECE 380.
IEE 520 Ergonomics Design. (3) S
Human physiological and psychological factors in the design of work environments and in the employment of people in man-machine systems. Open-shop lab assignments in addition to class work. Prerequisite: IEE 437 or 547.
IEE 530 Enterprise Modeling. (3) S
Focus on social, economic, and technical models of the enterprise with emphasis on the management of technological resources. Included are organization, econometric, financial, and large-scale mathematical models.
IEE 531 Topics in Engineering Administration. (3) S 2002
Consideration given to philosophical, psychological, political, and social implications of administrative decisions. Prerequisite: IEE 532 or instructor approval.
IEE 532 Management of Technology. (3) F
Topics include designing a technical strategy; technological forecasting; interfacing marketing engineering and manufacturing; designing and managing innovation systems; creativity; application of basic management principles to technology management. Prerequisite: IEE 431 or 541 or instructor approval.
IEE 533 Scheduling and Network Analysis Models. (3) S
Application of scheduling and sequencing algorithms, deterministic and stochastic network analysis, and flow algorithms. Prerequisites: ECE 380; IEE 476 (or 546).
IEE 541 Engineering Administration. (3) F
Introducing quantitative and qualitative approaches to management functions, engineering administration, organizational analysis, decision making, and communication. IEE 431 students ineligible.
IEE 543 Computer-Aided Manufacturing and Control. (3) S
Computer control in manufacturing, CIM, NC, logic controllers, group technology, process planning and robotics. IEE 463 students ineligible. Prerequisite: C programming capability.
IEE 545 Simulating Stochastic Systems. (3) F, S
Analysis of stochastic systems using basic queuing networks and discrete event simulation. Basic network modeling, shared resources, routing, assembly logic. Not open to students with credit in IEE 475. Prerequisites: ASE 485; CSE 100 (or equivalent); IEE 476 (or 546).
IEE 546 Operations Research Techniques/Applications. (4) F, S
Students model and analyze industrial systems applications with operations research techniques. Resource allocation, product mix, production, shipping, task assignment, market share, machine repair, customer service. Not open to students with credit in IEE 476. Prerequisites: ASE 485; CSE 100.
IEE 547 Human Factors Engineering. (3) F
Study of people at work; designing for human performance effectiveness and productivity. Considerations of human physiological and psychological factors. Open only to students without previous credit for IEE 437.
IEE 552 Strategic Technological Planning. (3) S
Study of concept of strategy, strategy formulation process, and strategic planning methodologies with emphasis on engineering design and manufacturing strategy, complemented with case studies. An analytical executive planning decision support system is presented and used throughout course. Pre- or corequisite: IEE 545 or 566 or 567 or 574 or 575.
IEE 560 Object-Oriented Information Systems. (3) S
Application of object-oriented technology concepts to manufacturing and enterprise systems. Topics include Java, object management systems, and application design. Prerequisites: CSE 100; IEE 305 or 505; or equivalents.
IEE 561 Production Systems. (3) F, S
Understanding how factories operate, how performance is measured, and how operational changes impact performance metrics. Operational philosophies, increasing production efficiency through quantitative methods. Prerequisites: ASE 485 (or equivalent); IEE 475, 476.
IEE 562 Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) Tools. (3) F
Current topics in automation, distributed control, control code generation, control logic validation, CAM integration, CAD/CAM data structures, planning for control systems. Topics vary by semester. Prerequisite: IEE 463 or 543 or equivalent.
IEE 563 Systems Analysis for Distributed Systems. (3) S
Analysis and design of distributed groupware applications for manufacturing and enterprise systems. Prerequisite: ECE 380.
IEE 564 Planning for Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. (3) F
Theory and use of IDEF methodology in planning for flexible manufacturing, robotics, and real-time control. Simulation concepts applied to computer-integrated manufacturing planning. Prerequisite: IEE 463 or 543.
IEE 565 Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Research. (3) S
Determination and evaluation of research areas in computer-integrated manufacturing, including real-time software, manufacturing information systems, flexible and integrated manufacturing systems, robotics, and computer graphics. Prerequisite: IEE 564.
IEE 566 Simulation in Manufacturing. (3) S
Use of simulation in computer-integrated manufacturing with an emphasis on modeling material handling systems. Programming, declarative, and intelligence-based simulation environments. Prerequisite: IEE 545.
IEE 567 Simulation System Analysis. (3) F
Simulation modeling of processes involving discrete and continuous system components. Topics include random number generators, output analysis, variance reduction, and statistical issues related to simulation. Prerequisite: IEE 545.
IEE 569 Advanced Statistical Methods. (3) F 2000
Application of statistical inference procedures, based on ranks, to engineering problems. Efficient alternatives to classical statistical inference constrained by normality assumptions. Prerequisite: ASE 485 or 500.
IEE 570 Advanced Quality Control. (3) S
Economic-based acceptance sampling, multiattribute acceptance sampling, narrow limit gauging in inspector error and attributes acceptance sampling, principles of quality management, and selected topics from current literature. Prerequisite: ASE 485 or 500 or equivalent.
IEE 571 Quality Management. (3) F
Total quality concepts, quality strategies, quality and competitive position, quality costs, vendor relations, the quality manual, and quality in the services. Prerequisite: IEE 431 or 541.
IEE 572 Design of Engineering Experiments. (3) F, S
Analysis of variance and experimental design. Topics include general design methodology, incomplete blocks, confounding, fractional replication, and response surface methodology. Prerequisite: ASE 485 or 500.
IEE 573 Reliability Engineering. (3) S
Nature of reliability, time to failure densities, series/parallel/standby systems, complex system reliability, Bayesian reliability, and sequential reliability tests. Prerequisite: ECE 380.
IEE 574 Applied Deterministic Operations Research Models. (3) F, S
Advanced techniques in operations research are developed for the solution of complex industrial systems problems. Goal programming, integer programming, heuristic methods, dynamic and nonlinear programming. Prerequisites: IEE 476 (or 546); MAT 242.
IEE 575 Applied Stochastic Operations Research Models. (3) S
Students formulate and solve industrial systems problems with stochastic components using analytical techniques. Convolution, continuous-time Markov chains, queues with batching, priorities, balking, open/closed queuing networks. Prerequisites: ASE 485; IEE 476 (or 546).
IEE 577 Decision and Expert Systems Methodologies. (3) F
Application of artificial intelligence methodologies in decision support systems. Topics include neural networks, fuzzy logic systems, and expert systems. Prerequisite: CSE 100 or equivalent.
IEE 578 Regression Analysis. (3) F
A course in regression model building oriented toward engineers/physical scientists. Topics include linear regression, diagnostics biased and robust fitting, nonlinear regression. Prerequisite: ASE 485 or 500.
IEE 579 Time Series Analysis and Forecasting. (3) F 2001
Forecasting time series by the Box-Jenkins and exponential smoothing techniques; existing digital computer programs are utilized to augment the theory. Prerequisites: ASE 485 (or 500); IEE 461.
IEE 582 Response Surfaces and Process Optimization. (3) S
An introduction to response surface method and its applications. Topics include steepest ascent, canonical analysis, designs, and optimality criteria. Prerequisite: IEE 572.
(a) | Effects of Economics/New Products Market |
(b) | Manufacturing Strategy |
(c) | New Product Strategy |
(d) | Strategic Product Development |
IEE 672 Advanced Topics in Experimental Design. (3) S 2002
Engineering applications of factorial and fractional factorial designs with randomization restrictions, analysis techniques in parameter comparison, missing data, unbalanced designs. Prerequisite: IEE 572 or instructor approval.
IEE 677 Regression and Linear Models. (3) S 2001
General linear models, applications, theory, including least squares, maximum likelihood estimation, properties of estimators, likelihood ratio tests and computational procedures. Prerequisite: IEE 578 or instructor approval.
IEE 679 Time Series Analysis and Control. (3) F 2000
Identification, estimation, diagnostic checking techniques for ARIMA models, transfer functions, multiple time series models for feedback and feedforward control schemes. Prerequisite: IEE 579 or instructor approval.
IEE 681 Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability. (3) F 2000
Organizing hardware and software, integrity and fault-tolerant design, maintenance design and strategy, Markov models, fault-free analysis, and military standards. Prerequisite: ECE 380.