JUS 100 The Justice System. (3) F, S, SS
Overview of the justice system. Roles of law enforcement personnel, the courts, and correctional agencies. Philosophical and theoretical views in historical perspective. General Studies: SB.
JUS 105 Introduction to Justice Studies. (3) F, S, SS
Introductory overview to the study of justice from a social science perspective. Primary topics include justice theories and justice research. Not open to students with credit in JUS 305. This course is appropriate for freshmen and sophomores. Lecture, discussion.
JUS 200 Topics in Concepts and Issues of Justice. (3) A
Use of critical thinking skills to analyze and comprehend controversial social issues (e.g., abortion, affirmative action, capital punishment, the flat tax, and immigration). May be repeated for credit with different titles. Lecture, discussion. General Studies: SB.
JUS 294 Special Topics. (13) F, S, SS
Topics chosen from various fields of justice studies.
JUS 301 Research in Justice Studies. (3) F, S, SS
Focus is on developing and evaluating research designs, data collection, and the relationship between validity and reliability. Methods for conducting research are also stressed. Prerequisite: Justice Studies student.
JUS 302 Basic Statistical Analysis in Justice Studies. (3) F, S, SS
Introduction to the fundamentals and application of descriptive and inferential statistics, with emphasis in the justice area. Prerequisite: intermediate algebra or higher. General Studies: CS.
JUS 303 Justice Theory. (3) F, S, SS
An examination of classic and contemporary philosophies and theories of justice, including legal, social, and criminal justice. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies.
JUS 305 Principles of Justice Studies. (3) F, S, SS
Introductory overview to the study of justice from a social science perspective. Primary topics include justice theories and justice research. Not open to students with credit in JUS 105. This course is appropriate for juniors and seniors. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies.
JUS 306 Police and Society. (3) A
Focuses on community policing; critical inquiry of administrative decision making; perspectives on police-citizen violence; street practices; urban policing. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies.
JUS 308 Courts and Society. (3) A
History and development of courts. Relationship between dispute resolution mechanisms and cultural/social structure/processes in which they are embedded. Lecture, discussion, cooperative learning, case analysis. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies.
JUS 310 Corrections and Justice. (3) A
Examines the United States prison condition; types of offenders; issues including drugs, gangs, drunk driving, racial discrimination, and intermediate punishments. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies.
JUS 311 Crime, Prevention, and Control. (3) A
Prevention and control of crime is examined by a review of contemporary theories, justice agency procedures, and social policies. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies.
JUS 320 Community and Social Justice. (3) A
Definitions of community will be discussed and analyzed; impact of environment on behavior; promises of community organization for local empowerment. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies. General Studies: SB, C.
JUS 321 Wealth Distribution and Poverty. (3) A
Examination of wealth and income distribution in the United States and analysis of ideological and political forces producing an increasing unequal society. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies. General Studies: SB, C.
JUS 329 Domestic Violence. (3) A
Legal, historical, theoretical, and treatment aspects of domestic violence, including child abuse, woman battering, incest, and marital rape. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies.
JUS 335 Organized Crime. (3) A
The nature of organized crime and its illegal activities, theories of containment, and efforts by justice agencies to counter its dominance in society. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies.
JUS 345 White Collar Crime. (3) A
Basic white collar concepts and categories; causes and effects; mechanisms and contexts of operation; social and criminological responses. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies.
JUS 350 Immigration and Justice. (3) F, S, SS
Examination of immigration policy, history of immigration, refugee issues, labor force participation, gender, family, children, social networks, and transnationalism. Lecture, discussion. General Studies: C.
JUS 360 Law and Social Control. (3) A
Resolution of social issues through the application of law as an agent of social control. Nature, sanctions, and limits of law. Categories of law and schools of jurisprudence. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies. General Studies: SB.
JUS 365 Substantive Criminal Law. (3) A
Crimes against persons, property, and society; legislative analysis; primary appellate judicial opinions; substantive criminal law issues; trial court determinations. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies.
JUS 368 Procedural Criminal Law. (3) A
Due process with respect to individual liberty; privacy and government power; emphasis on broad ideas of political and social theory. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies.
JUS 375 Crime and the Mass Media. (3) A
Survey of the impact of mass media and popular culture on crime, police actions, and social policy. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies. General Studies: SB.
JUS 385 Justice and Everyday Life. (3) A
Justice and injustice in everyday life and how small things can become legal issues. The role of language and interaction in social order. Lecture, group work. Prerequisites: JUS 105 (or 305), 301, 302, 303. General Studies: SB.
JUS 394 Special Topics. (13) A
Topics chosen from various fields of justice studies. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies.
JUS 404 Imperatives of Proof. (3) A
Issues of evidence, rules of proof, establishing fact and identity in the justice system. Lecture, case analysis, cooperative learning, discussion. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies. General Studies: L.
JUS 410 Punishment: Logic and Approach. (3) A
Analyzes forms of punishment, how and why they have changed. Areas include philosophy, history, and social structure of punishment. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies.
JUS 415 Gender and International Development. (3) A
Examines the ways in which international development is gendered as well as womens rights as human rights in both national and international arenas. Lecture, seminar. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies. General Studies: L, G.
JUS 420 Women, Work, and Justice. (3) A
Examination of gender inequality in the workplace, including the nature of womens work, theoretical issues, and models for promoting gender justice at work. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies.
JUS 422 Women, Law, and Social Control. (3) A
An examination of social, economic, and legal factors that are relevant to mechanisms of social control of women, including formal legal control and informal control through violence. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies.
JUS 425 Race, Gender, and Crime. (3) A
Critically examines major theories, research findings, policies, and controversies concerning race, ethnicity, gender, and crime. Lecture, discussion, cooperative learning. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies.
JUS 440 Administration and Justice. (3) A
Diversity issues; procedural justice and service delivery; relationships between state and economic forces, including processes of regulation; state administrative apparatuses. Lecture, case analysis, cooperative learning, discussion. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies. General Studies: L.
JUS 450 Alternatives to Incarceration. (3) A
Investigation of various alternatives to incarceration; advantages/disadvantages; major issues including net widening, cost effectiveness, risk assessment, community crime prevention. Lecture, research. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies. General Studies: L.
JUS 460 Feminism and Justice. (3) A
Explores feminist thought and critiques traditional political theories. Examines issues of racism, sexuality, and the law. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies.
JUS 463 Discretionary Justice. (3) A
Use/abuse, key issues/manifestations of discretion in legal system and other societal institutions. Theoretical/empirical linkages between discretion and discrimination, based on race, ethnicity, and gender. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies. General Studies: SB.
JUS 465 Death Penalty in the United States. (3) F, S, SS
Focuses on capital punishment in the United States; explores negotiation of law, politics, morality, public policy, and culture. Lecture, discussion, case study. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies. General Studies: L.
JUS 469 Political Deviance and the Law. (3) A
An examination of the controversies created by political and deviant behavior, including a critical view of law as an agent of social control. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies. General Studies: L/SB, C.
JUS 470 Alternative Dispute Resolution. (3) A
Critical examination of the tenets of alternative dispute resolution movement; exposure to the programs of ADR, including community and court-based. Lecture, cooperative learning, field research. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies. General Studies: L/SB, C.
JUS 474 Legislation of Morality. (3) A
Addresses historical and contemporary issues related to social justice movements, law, and morality in a pluralistic society. Issues include AIDS, burial rights, homosexuality, poverty, prostitution, and racial discrimination. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies. General Studies: L/SB, C.
JUS 477 Youth and Justice. (3) A
A critical examination of youth-related justice issues, including economic justice, violence against youth, delinquency, and the juvenile justice system. Lecture, group work, film. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies. General Studies: L/SB.
JUS 479 Law and Disputing. (3) F, S
Critical analysis of the controversies created by disputes, law, and other forms of social control. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies. General Studies: SB.
JUS 484 Internship. (36) F, S, SS
Assignments in a justice-related placement designed to further the students integration of theory and practice. Internships are arranged through consultation of students with placements. Students must consult with the school for appropriate application and registration procedures. May be taken for a total of 12 semester hours, of which a maximum of 6 are applied to the major. Prerequisites: major status; Justice Studies student.
JUS 494 Special Topics. (13) A
Topics chosen from various fields of justice studies. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: refer to Eligibility under School of Justice Studies.
JUS 498 Pro-Seminar. (13) F, S, SS
Small group study and research for advanced students. May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of 9 hours, no more than 3 applied to the major. Prerequisites: major status; minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00; instructor approval.
JUS 499 Individualized Instruction. (13) F, S, SS
Original study or investigation in the advanced students field of interest under the supervision of a faculty member. May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of 6 hours, all applicable to the major. Readings, conferences, tutorials. Prerequisites: major status; minimum GPA in JUS courses of 3.00; senior standing; instructor approval.
JUS 500 Justice Research Methods. (3) A
Theories and methods of research with emphasis on development of designs most relevant to justice data and problems.
JUS 501 Justice Theory. (3) A
Theories and philosophies of social, economic, political and criminal justice. Applications of theories to contemporary justice issues. Lecture, discussion.
JUS 503 Crime and Social Causation. (3) A
Theories of deviance and crime as they relate to social policies and specific response of the justice complex.
JUS 509 Statistical Problems in Justice Research. (3) A
Methodological problems of research design and statistical methods specific to justice studies.
JUS 510 Understanding the Offender. (3) A
Survey of learning, personality, and biological theories of causation and their relevance to understanding criminal and delinquent behavior.
JUS 514 Justice Policy. (3) A
Assessment of the politics of justice policy as well as an understanding of the basic tools available to social scientists for analyzing the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of justice policy.
JUS 515 Comparative Justice. (3) A
Focuses on justice, legality, and human rights cross-culturally, examining both theoretical and methodological issues. Seminar.
JUS 520 Qualitative Theory and Data Collection. (3) A
The basic theoretical rationale and perspectives for justice related qualitative research, e.g., symbolic interactionism. Techniques for data collection, e.g., ethnography and depth interviewing.
JUS 521 Qualitative Data Analysis and Evaluation. (3) A
Analysis of qualitative data, e.g., field notes, depth interview transcripts, document analysis, coding, and retrieval with a microcomputer; qualitative evaluation.
JUS 542 American Indian Justice. (3) A
Designed to provide a broad overview of American Indian and Alaskan Native issues of justice and injustice in contemporary society.
JUS 547 Program Evaluation. (3) A
Nature/role of program evaluation; types, program monitoring, impact and process assessment, evaluability assessment, methods, utilization, and politics of evaluation. Lecture, lab. Pre- or corequisite: JUS 500 recommended.
JUS 550 Alternatives to Incarceration. (3) A
Investigation of various alternatives to incarceration; advantages/disadvantages; major issues including net widening, cost effectiveness, risk assessment, community crime prevention. Lecture, research.
JUS 560 Women, Law, and Social Control. (3) A
Gender issues in the exercise of formal and informal mechanisms of social control, including economic, social, legal factors, both violent and nonviolent.
JUS 570 Juvenile Delinquency. (3) A
Study of delinquency, including causation theories. Alternative definitions of delinquency, official statistics, and the critique and analysis of the interaction between social institutions and youth.
JUS 571 Juvenile Justice System. (3) A
Graduate-level introduction to juvenile justice system, including historical development, philosophical orientation, organizational structure, and contemporary controversies.
JUS 579 Political Deviance. (3) A
The seminar examines the politics of deviance by integrating the study of conflict with aspects of social organization, especially state formation.
JUS 584 Internship. (3 or 6) F, S, SS
Assignments in a justice agency designed to further the students integration of theory and practice. Placements are arranged through consultation with students and agencies.
JUS 588 Justice and the Mass Media. (3) A
An analysis of the nature and impact of mass media messages about justice concerns for social order. Lecture, discussion.
JUS 591 Seminar. (13) A
Topics chosen from various fields of justice studies. May be repeated for credit.
JUS 593 Applied Project. (112) N
JUS 610 Law and the Social Sciences. (3) A
Analysis of the theoretical grounds underlying diverse studies of law and society; creation and administration of law; and jurisprudence and politics.
JUS 620 Justice Research and Methods. (3) A
Concept development, research design, data collection strategies, legal research, and building computer databases relevant to the study of justice.
JUS 630 Data Analysis for Justice Research. (3) A
Bivariate and multivariate techniques of data analysis and hypothesis testing for justice-related research and use of information and statistical programs.
JUS 640 Theoretical Perspectives on Justice. (3) A
Analysis of philosophical perspectives of justice; linkages between social science theory and justice constructs; application of justice to social issues.
JUS 650 Advanced Qualitative Data Analysis. (3) S
Advanced qualitative data collection and analysis techniques, including ethnography, in-depth interviews, field notes, coding, transcribing, content analysis, textual analysis. Seminar.
JUS 669 Political Trials and Indigenous Justice. (3) A
Focuses upon research on political trials, deviance, and conceptions of indigenous and contemporary justice. Lecture, discussion.
JUS 691 Seminar. (13) F, S, SS
Topics chosen from various fields of justice studies. May be repeated for credit.