LAW 515 Contracts I. (3) F
Exploration of common law legal method and the structure of Article 2 of the U.C.C. in the context of issues of contract formation.
LAW 516 Criminal Law. (3) F
The substantive law of crimes.
LAW 517 Torts I. (3) F
Legal protections of personality, property, and relational interests against physical, economic, and emotional harms.
LAW 518 Civil Procedure I. (3) F
Exploration of the structure of a lawsuit and techniques of alternative dispute resolution. Specific topics include commencement of suit, joinder of parties, discovery, pretrial motions, and subject matter jurisdiction.
LAW 519 Legal Method and Writing. (2) F
Examination of methods used to analyze legal problems. Review of precedent statutory construction and basic res judicata problems. Use of basic legal writing formats.
LAW 520 Contracts II. (2) S
Continuation of Contracts I focusing on contract interpretation.
LAW 522 Constitutional Law I. (3) S
Role of courts in the federal system, distribution of powers between state and federal governments, and the role of procedure in litigation of constitutional questions.
LAW 523 Property I. (2) F
Indicia of ownership, found property, estates in land, landlord tenant.
LAW 524 Legal Research and Writing. (2) S
Continuation of LAW 519.
LAW 525 Torts II. (2) S
Continuation of Torts I with emphasis on strict and products liability.
LAW 526 Property II. (3) S
Nonpossessory interests in property (easements, covenants, servitudes), nuisance, land use planning, and transfers of interests in property.
LAW 527 Civil Procedure II. (3) S
Continuation of LAW 518; subjects in LAW 518 are addressed in greater depth as well as personal jurisdiction, res judicata, collateral estoppel, and choice of law under the Erie doctrine.
LAW 600 Administrative Law. (3) A
Administrative process, emphasizing nature of powers exercised by administrative agencies of government, problems of procedure, and scope of judicial review.
LAW 601 Antitrust Law. (3) A
Legislation and its implementation to prevent monopoly and business practices in restraint of trade, including restrictive agreements involving price-fixing, trade association activities, and resale price maintenance.
LAW 602 Partnership Taxation. (23) N
Federal tax consequences of forming, operating, terminating, or transferring partnerships.
LAW 603 Conflict of Laws. (3) N
Problems arising when the operative facts of a case are connected with more than one state or nation. Choice of law, bases of jurisdiction, effect of foreign judgments, and underlying federal and constitutional issues.
LAW 604 Criminal Procedure. (3) F, S
The nature of the criminal procedural system with special focus on constitutional protections for the accused.
LAW 605 Evidence. (3) A
Principles and practice governing the competency of witnesses and presentation of evidence, including the rules of exclusion and roles of lawyer, judge, and jury under the adversary system.
LAW 606 Federal Income Taxation. (34) F, S
Federal income tax in relation to concepts of income, property arrangement, business activity, and current tax problems, with focus on the process of tax legislation and administration.
LAW 607 Advanced Civil Procedure. (3) F, S
An overview of the structure and life cycle of a lawsuit from pleadings to appeal, emphasizing the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
LAW 608 Business Associations I. (3) A
Partnerships, limited partnerships, and small business corporations. Includes a brief introduction to accounting. Detailed analysis of the problems of forming a close corporation, state law duties of care and loyalty, management, dividends and redemptions, issuance of stock, internal dispute resolution, dissolution, and the general law of derivative actions.
LAW 609 Business Associations II. (3) A
Interrelationship of federal and state law and a brief introduction to corporate finance (1933 Act). A broad overview of large company regulations including reporting rules, proxy regulation, insider trading, sale of control, tender offers and takeovers, and going private. Prerequisite: LAW 608.
LAW 610 Advanced Criminal Procedure. (23) A
Topics in criminal procedure, with emphasis on legal constraints on grand jury investigations, police practices, pretrial release, preliminary hearings, prosecutorial discretion, and plea bargaining.
LAW 611 Estate Planning I. (23) N
Tax laws relating to transfer of wealth both at death and during lifetime, including federal estate tax, gift tax, and income taxation of estates and trusts.
LAW 612 Family Law. (3) A
Legal and nonlegal problems that an individual may encounter because of a situation as a family member.
LAW 613 Federal Courts. (3) N
Federal judicial system; relationship of federal and state law; jurisdiction of federal courts and their relation to state courts.
LAW 614 Labor Relations. (3) N
Collective bargaining, including the right of employees to organize and to engage in concerted activities; resolution of questions concerning the representation of employees; duty of employers and unions to bargain; administration and enforcement of collective bargaining agreements.
LAW 615 Public International Law. (3) A
Role of law in international disputes. Drafting and interpretation of treaties and multilateral conventions are considered.
LAW 616 Jurisprudence. (3) A
Introduction to legal philosophy, with readings on the nature of law and legal reasoning, the relationship between law and morality and equality and social justice.
LAW 618 Trusts and Estates I. (3) A
Substantive concepts involved in transmitting wealth, including interstate succession, wills and will substitutes, the modern trust as a family protective device, creation of future interests in a planned estate, social restrictions of a nontax nature, and methods of devoting property to charitable purposes.
LAW 619 Commercial Law: Payment and Credit Systems. (3) F
The law of credit obligations and payment devices. Focuses on Articles 3, 4, and 4A of the Uniform Commercial Code.
LAW 620 Civil Rights Legislation. (23) N
Coverage of the rights and remedies provided by federal civil rights legislation, principally, the key provisions of the Reconstruction Era Civil Rights Acts, portions of the employment discrimination legislation, and voting rights legislation.
LAW 621 Commercial Law: Sales and Leases of Goods. (3) S
Advanced issues involving the formation and interpretation of sales and lease contracts. Focuses primarily on Articles 2 and 2A of the Uniform Commercial Code.
LAW 622 Commercial Law: Secured Transactions. (3) A
Secured transactions under Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code and other relevant sections. An overview of the creation, perfection, and priority effects of security interests. Financing of business enterprise and consumer credit.
LAW 623 Commercial Torts. (3) A
Involves an analysis of actionable wrongs against a business entity or against proprietary rights held by that entity, covering the entire spectrum of private remedies for competitive wrongs.
LAW 624 Community Property. (12) F, S
Property rights of husband and wife; the Arizona community property system; homestead.
LAW 625 Constitutional Law II. (3) F, S
Fundamental protection for person, property, political, and social rights.
LAW 627 Corporate Taxation. (23) A
Problems in taxability of the corporation, corporate distributions, and corporate reorganizations.
LAW 628 Creditor-Debtor Relations. (3) A
Creditors remedies in satisfaction of claims and debtors protection and relief under bankruptcy, other laws.
LAW 629 Employment Law. (3) A
Employment law topics including testing, privacy, OSHA, FLSA, benefits, workers compensation, rights to compensation, workplace emotional injuries, termination, and sexual harassment.
LAW 630 Employment Discrimination. (23) N
Focuses primarily on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
LAW 631 Environmental Law. (3) A
Litigation, administrative law, and legislation relating to problems of environmental quality. Topics covered may include air and water pollution, toxic substances, pesticides, and radiation.
LAW 632 Indian Law. (3) A
Inquiry into legal problems special to American Indians and tribes.
LAW 634 Judicial Remedies. (3) A
The nature and limits of injunctive, restitutionary, and compensatory remedies for the protection of personal, property, political, and civil rights.
LAW 635 Juvenile Justice System. (3) N
Special problems in the juvenile system.
LAW 636 Land Use Regulation. (23) A
Legal problems in the regulation and control of land development by state and local governments. Administration of zoning, subdivision, and other planning controls; issues of fairness and procedure in the utilization of such controls.
LAW 637 Lawyering Theory and Practice. (4) F, S
Issues of competency and professionalism in the practice of law.
LAW 638 Law and Ethics of Lawyering. (3) F, S
Emphasis on the Model Rules and Model Code that govern the professional responsibility of lawyers and their interpretation and application.
LAW 639 Natural Resource Law. (3) A
Examines the constitutional basis for federal land management and the different kinds of public lands management schemes (e.g., parks, forests, wildlife refuges), emphasizing acquisition of right to, and regulation of, the different uses of public lands and resources (e.g., mining, grazing, timber, wildlife habitat, recreation).
LAW 640 Securities Regulation. (2) A
Selected problems arising under the major statutes concerned with regulating the securities market.
LAW 641 State and Local Government. (23) N
Legal problems involved in the organization and administration of governmental units including the city, county, town, village, school district, and special district.
LAW 643 Water Law. (3) A
Acquisition of water rights; water use controls; interstate conflicts.
LAW 644 Intellectual Property. (3) A
The protection of intellectual property and encouragement of creativitytrade values, trade secrets, patents, copyrights, performing arts, and visual arts.
LAW 645 Patent Law. (3) A
In-depth examination of substantive patent law as it applies to the commercialization and enforcement of patent rights.
LAW 646 Copyright Law. (3) A
Legal rights in original forms of human expression.
LAW 702 Alternative Dispute Resolution. (23) A
A broad exposure to methods of settling disputes in our society such as mediation, arbitration/conciliation, and negotiation, including examination of the current litigation model.
LAW 703 Law, Science, and Technology. (23) A
The legal mechanisms used in dealing with various issues raised by contemporary science and technology. Current legal responses to science and technology are explored.
LAW 705 Media Law. (23) A
Examines First Amendment principles and statutory and regulatory requirements with respect to the conventional print and broadcast media, as well as recent technologies such as cable.
LAW 706 Immigration Law. (23) N
Exploration of political, economic, social, and legal issues concerning immigration. Specific topics covered include citizenship and naturalization, denaturalization, deportation, and refugee rights and asylum.
LAW 707 Elder Law. (23) A
Looks at legal and policy questions related to aging individuals and an older society. Seminar.
LAW 708 Gender, Sexuality, and the Law. (23) A
Examines assumptions made in the law about gender and sexuality and the impact of those assumptions on the application of the law. Seminar.
LAW 709 International Human Rights. (23) N
International rules and procedures governing the protection of human rights.
LAW 710 Real Estate Tax Planning. (23) A
Discussion of topics, including but not limited to real estate investments as tax shelters, alternative acquisition finance devices, refinancing techniques, and nontaxable exchanges.
LAW 711 Real Estate Transfer. (23) A
An examination of the legal aspects of the sale and purchase of real property encompassing three areas: the role of the lawyer and broker in the transaction, the sales contract, and issues relating to title protection.
LAW 712 Religion and the Constitution. (23) A
An in-depth study of the establishment and free exercise clauses of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
LAW 714 Law and Social Science. (23) N
Investigation of the use of social science research and methods in the legal system. Topics include psychology of eyewitness identification, social-psychological studies of decision making, statistical evidence of discrimination, econometric studies of the deterrent effects of capital punishment, and clinical predictions of violent behavior.
LAW 715 Professional Sports. (23) N
Unique legal problems relating to professional sports, including their relationship to antitrust laws, the nature of player contracts, and associated tax problems.
LAW 716 Timber and Range. (23) A
Explores legal aspects of environmental controversies surrounding timber cutting and livestock grazing on public lands. Seminar. Prerequisite: LAW 639.
LAW 717 Legislative Process. (23) N
Explore both the legal and the practical context within which the legislative process operates with a major component of the course being a legislative drafting project.
LAW 721 Education and the Law. (23) N
Current legal problems affecting institutions of higher education, faculty, students, and governing boards.
LAW 722 Mexican Law. (23) F
Comparative overview of Mexican law. Poses questions regarding the proper role and function of a legal system. Seminar.
LAW 733 Negotiation, Mediation, and Counseling. (3) A
Explores alternative models of negotiated dispute resolution, as well as the roles of lawyer and client in the negotiation process. Extensive use of simulation exercises.
LAW 734 Products Liability. (23) A
Traces the development of products liability law; analyzes the major issues currently confronting the courts in this area. Seminar.
LAW 735 Estate Planning II. (23) N
Preparation of actual estate plans and implementing legal documents for a variety of typical private clients. Both tax and nontax elements in preparation of the plans are considered. Prerequisite: LAW 611.
LAW 736 Planning for the Business Client. (23) N
Planning transactions involving business organizations with special emphasis on income tax and corporate considerations.
LAW 738 Trial Advocacy. (23) F, S
Students confront issues of trial advocacy through simulation of a variety of aspects of trial practice in a mock court setting. Prerequisite: LAW 605.
LAW 745 The Supreme Court. (23) A
Intensive examination of selected current decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court.
LAW 768 International Business Transactions. (23) N
Problems and policy considerations involved in international trade; tariffs, international monetary controls, and development loans.
LAW 770 Law Journal. (13) F, S
Academic credit for successful completion of work by a member of the staff of Arizona State Law Journal; maximum of 5 semester hours.
LAW 771 Jurimetrics Journal. (13) F, S
Academic credit for successful completion of editorial work by a member of the staff of the Jurimetrics Journal of Law, Science, and Technology. Studio.
LAW 772 Public Defender Clinic. (16) F, S, SS
Placement in the Public Defender Clinic and related classroom component. Prerequisite: LAW 605.
LAW 773 Law School Clinic. (16) F, S, SS
Placement in the Law School Clinic and related classroom component. Prerequisite: LAW 605.
LAW 774 Prosecutor Clinic. (16) F, S, SS
Placement in Prosecutor Clinic and related classroom component. Prerequisite: LAW 605.
LAW 775 Mediation Clinic. (4) F, S
Study of the mediation process and experience as mediators in cases pending before the justice courts and administrative agencies.
LAW 780 Moot Court. (13) F, S
Academic credit for successful completion of work as a member of the Moot Court Board of Directors; maximum of 3 semester hours.
LAW 781 Individual Study. (1) F, S, SS
With the approval of a faculty member, a student may research a legal subject of special interest and prepare a paper suitable for publication.
LAW 782 Individual Study. (2) F, S, SS
See LAW 781.
LAW 783 Individual Study. (3) F, S, SS
See LAW 781.
LAW 784 Moot Court Competition. (14) F, S
Successful participation and completion of a national moot court competition.
LAW 785 Externship. (112) F, S, SS
Supervised, practical lawyering in an external placement proposed by the student or established by a sponsoring agency and approved by the College of Law. In addition, an associated academic component is established by the student with a member of the faculty.