MAE 317 Dynamic Systems and Control. (3) F, S
Modeling and representations of dynamic physical systems, including transfer functions, block diagrams, and state equations. Transient response. Principles of feedback control and linear system analysis, including root locus and frequency response. Prerequisite: ECE 312. Pre- or corequisite: ECE 386. Corequisite for Mechanical Engineering majors only: MAE 318.
MAE 318 Dynamic Systems and Control Lab. (1) F, S
Series of labs designed to illustrate concepts presented in MAE 317. Lab. Corequisite for Mechanical Engineering majors only: MAE 317.
MAE 341 Mechanism Analysis and Design. (3) A
Positions, velocities, and accelerations of machine parts; cams, gears, flexible connectors, and rolling contact; introduction to synthesis. Prerequisite: ECE 312.
MAE 351 Manufacturing Processes. (3) F, S
Production technique and equipment. Casting and molding, forming, machining, joining and assembly, computer-integrated manufacturing, rapid prototyping, and electronics manufacturing. Cross-listed as IEE 360. Credit is allowed for only IEE 360 or MAE 351. Prerequisite: ECE 350.
MAE 361 Aerodynamics I. (3) A
Fluid statics, conservation principles, stream function, velocity potential, vorticity, inviscid flow, Kutta-Joukowski, thin-airfoil theory, and panel methods. Prerequisites: ECE 312, 340.
MAE 371 Fluid Mechanics. (3) F, S
Introductory concepts of fluid motions; fluid statics; control volume forms of basic principles; viscous internal flows. Prerequisites: ECE 312, 340.
MAE 372 Fluid Mechanics. (3) A
Application of basic principles of fluid mechanics to problems in viscous and compressible flow. Prerequisites: ECE 384, 386; MAE 361 (or 371).
MAE 382 Thermodynamics. (3) A
Applied thermodynamics; gas mixtures, psychrometrics, property relationships, power and refrigeration cycles, and reactive systems. Prerequisite: ECE 340.
MAE 388 Heat Transfer. (3) F, S
Steady and unsteady heat conduction, including numerical solutions; thermal boundary layer concepts and applications to free and forced convection. Thermal radiation concepts. Prerequisite: MAE 361 or 371.
MAE 402 Introduction to Continuum Mechanics. (3) A
Application of the principles of continuum mechanics to such fields as flow-in porous media, biomechanics, electromagnetic continua, and magneto-fluid mechanics. Prerequisites: ECE 313; MAE 361 (or 371); MAT 242 (or 342).
MAE 404 Finite Elements in Engineering. (3) A
Introduction to ideas and methodology of finite element analysis. Applications to solid mechanics, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and vibrations. Prerequisites: ECE 313; MAT 242 (or 342).
MAE 406 CAD/CAM Applications in MAE. (4) A
Solution of engineering problems with the aid of state-of-the-art software tools in solid modeling, engineering analysis, and manufacturing; selection of modeling parameters; reliability tests on software. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisites: MAE 441; instructor approval.
MAE 413 Aircraft Performance, Stability, and Control. (3) S
Aircraft performance, cruise, climbing and turning flights, energy maneuverability, 6 DOF equations for aircraft, aerodynamic stability derivatives, flight stability/control. Prerequisites: MAE 317, 361.
MAE 415 Vibration Analysis. (4) F, S
Free and forced response of single and multiple degree of freedom systems, continuous systems; applications in mechanical and aerospace systems numerical methods. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: ECE 312; MAE 422 (or 425); MAT 242 (or 342).
MAE 417 Control System Design. (3) A
Tools and methods of control system design and compensation, including simulation, response optimization, frequency domain techniques, state variable feedback, and sensitivity analysis. Introduction to nonlinear and discrete time systems. Prerequisite: MAE 317.
MAE 422 Mechanics of Materials. (4) F, S
Failure theories, energy methods, finite element methods, plates, torsion of noncircular members, unsymmetrical bending, shear center, and beam column. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: ECE 313; MAT 242 (or 342). Pre- or corequisite: ECE 386.
MAE 425 Aerospace Structures. (4) A
Stability, energy methods, finite element methods, torsion, unsymmetrical bending and torsion of multicelled structures, design of aerospace structures. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: ECE 313; MAT 242 (or 342).
MAE 426 Design of Aerospace Structures. (3) A
Flight vehicle loads, design of semimonocoque structures, local buckling and crippling, fatigue, aerospace materials, composites, joints, and finite element applications. Prerequisites: MAE 361, 425.
MAE 433 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration. (3) A
Air conditioning processes; environmental control; heating and cooling loads; psychrometry; refrigeration cycles. Prerequisite: MAE 388 or MET 432 or instructor approval.
MAE 434 Internal Combustion Engines. (3) A
Performance characteristics, combustion, carburetion and fuel-injection, and the cooling and control of internal combustion engines. Computer modeling. Lab. Prerequisite: MAE 388.
MAE 435 Turbomachinery. (3) A
Design and performance of turbomachines, including steam, gas and hydraulic turbines, centrifugal pumps, compressors, fans, and blowers. Pre- or corequisite: MAE 361 or 371.
MAE 436 Combustion. (3) A
Thermochemical and reaction rate processes; combustion of gaseous and condensed-phase fuels. Applications to propulsion and heating systems. Pollutant formation. Prerequisite: MAE 388.
MAE 441 Principles of Design. (3) F, S
Conceptual and embodiment design of mechanical elements; form synthesis; material selection, failure modes, manufacturability tolerances, common mechanisms, and machine elements. Lecture, lab (project). Prerequisites: ECE 300, 350. Pre- or corequisite: MAE 422 or 425.
MAE 442 Mechanical Systems Design. (3) A
Application of design principles and techniques to the synthesis, modeling, and optimization of mechanical, electromechanical, and hydraulic systems. Prerequisites: MAE 422 (or 425), 441.
MAE 443 Engineering Design. (3) F, S
Group projects to design engineering components and systems. Problem definition ideation, modeling, and analysis; decision making and documentation activities emphasized. 6 hours lab. Prerequisite: MAE 441.
MAE 444 Fundamentals of Aerospace Design. (3) S
Design theory and design tools applied to aerospace engineering. Engineering drawings, solid modeling, RFPs, Federal Aviation Regulations and military specifications, aircraft sizing, rapid prototyping. Lab, projects. Prerequisites: ECE 300; MAE 361, 425. Pre- or corequisite: MAE 413.
MAE 446 Thermal Systems Design. (3) A
Application of engineering principles and techniques to the modeling and analysis of thermal systems and components. Optimization techniques are presented and their use demonstrated. Prerequisite: ECE 300; MAE 388.
MAE 447 Robotics and Its Influence on Design. (3) A
Robot applications, configurations, singular positions, and work space; modes of control; vision; programming exercises; design of parts for assembly. Prerequisite: MAE 317.
MAE 455 Polymers and Composites. (3) F
Relationship between chemistry, structure, and properties of engineering polymers. Design, properties, and behavior of fiber composite systems. Cross-listed as MSE 470. Credit is allowed for only MAE 455 or MSE 470. Prerequisite: ECE 350.
MAE 460 Gas Dynamics. (3) A
Compressible flow at subsonic and supersonic speeds; duct flow; normal and oblique shocks, perturbation theory, and wind tunnel design. Prerequisites: ECE 386; MAE 361 (or 371).
MAE 461 Aerodynamics II. (3) A
Transonic/hypersonic flows, wing theory, Navier-Stokes, laminar/turbulent shear flows, pressure drop in tubes, separation, drag, viscous/inviscid interaction, and wing design. Prerequisite: MAE 460.
MAE 462 Space Vehicle Dynamics and Control. (3) F
Attitude dynamics and control, launch vehicles, orbital mechanics, orbital transfer/rendezvous, space mission design, space structures, spacecraft control systems design. Prerequisite: MAE 317.
MAE 463 Propulsion. (3) A
Fundamentals of gas-turbine engines and design of components. Principles and design of rocket propulsion and alternative devices. Lecture, design projects. Prerequisite: ECE 386. Pre- or corequisite: MAE 361 (or 371).
MAE 464 Aerospace Laboratory. (3) F, S
Aerodynamic flow parameters; flow over airfoils and bodies of revolution; flow visualization; computer-aided data acquisition and processing; boundary layer theory. 1 hour lecture, 4 hours lab. Prerequisites: ECE 386; MAE 361, 460.
MAE 465 Rocket Propulsion. (3) A
Rocket flight performance; nozzle design; combustion of liquid and solid propellants; component design; advanced propulsion systems; interplanetary missions; testing. Prerequisite: MAE 361 or 371.
MAE 466 Rotary Wing Aerodynamics and Performance. (3) A
Introduction to helicopter and propeller analysis techniques. Momentum, blade-element, and vortex methods. Hover and forward flight. Ground effect, autorotation, and compressibility effects. Prerequisites: ECE 386 and MAE 361 or instructor approval.
MAE 467 Aircraft Performance. (3) A
Integration of aerodynamic and propulsive forces into aircraft performance design. Estimation of drag parameters for design. Engine, airfoil selection. Conceptual design methodology. Lecture, design projects. Prerequisite: MAE 361 or 371. Pre- or corequisite: MAE 441.
MAE 468 Aerospace Systems Design. (3) F, S
Group projects related to aerospace vehicle design, working from mission definition and continuing through preliminary design. Prerequisites: MAE 361, 413, 463. General Studies: L.
MAE 469 Projects in Astronautics or Aeronautics. (3) F, S
Various multidisciplinary team projects available each semester. Projects include design of high-speed rotocraft autonomous vehicles, liquid-fueled rockets, microaerial vehicles, satellites. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MAE 471 Computational Fluid Dynamics. (3) A
Numerical solutions for selected problems in fluid mechanics. Prerequisites: ECE 384; MAE 361 (or 371).
MAE 490 Projects in Design and Development. (3) F, S
Capstone projects in fundamental or applied aspects of engineering. Prerequisites: MAE 441, 491. General Studies: L.
MAE 491 Experimental Mechanical Engineering. (3) F, S
Experimental and analytical studies of phenomena and performance of fluid flow, heat transfer, thermodynamics, refrigeration, and mechanical power systems. 6 hours lab. Prerequisites: EEE 350; MAE 388.
MAE 498 Pro-Seminar. (13) N
Special topics for advanced students. Application of the engineering disciplines to design and analysis of modern technical devices and systems. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MAE 504 Laser Diagnostics. (3) S
Fundamentals of optics and the interaction of light with matter. Laser sources, laser spectroscopy, velocimetry, particle sizing, and surface characterization.
MAE 505 Perturbation Methods. (3) N
Nonlinear oscillations, strained coordinates, renormalization, multiple scales, boundary layers, matched asymptotic expansions, turning point problems, and WKBJ method. Cross-listed as MAT 505. Credit is allowed for only MAE 505 or MAT 505.
MAE 506 Advanced System Modeling, Dynamics, and Control. (3) S
Lumped-parameter modeling of physical systems with examples. State variable representations and dynamic response. Introduction to modern control. Prerequisite: ASE 582 or MAT 442.
MAE 507 Optimal Control. (3) F
Optimal control of systems. Calculus of variations, dynamic programming, linear quadratic regulator, numerical methods, and Pontryagins principle. Cross-listed as EEE 587. Credit is allowed for only EEE 587 or MAE 507. Prerequisite: EEE 482 or MAE 506.
MAE 509 Robust Multivariable Control. (3) S
Characterization of uncertainty in feedback systems, robustness analysis, synthesis techniques, multivariable Nyquist criteria, computer-aided analysis and design. Prerequisites: MAE 417, 506.
MAE 510 Dynamics and Vibrations. (3) F
Lagranges and Hamiltons equations, rigid body dynamics, gyroscopic motion, and small oscillation theory.
MAE 511 Acoustics. (3) F
Principles underlying the generation, transmission, and reception of acoustic waves. Applications to noise control, architectural acoustics, random vibrations, and acoustic fatigue.
MAE 512 Random Vibrations. (3) S
Review of probability theory, random processes, stationarity, power spectrum, white noise process, random response of single and multiple DOF systems, and Markov processes simulation. Prerequisite: MAE 510 or instructor approval.
MAE 515 Structural Dynamics. (3) S
Free vibration and forced response of discrete and continuous systems, exact and approximate methods of solution, finite element modeling, and computational techniques. Prerequisite: MAE 510 or instructor approval.
MAE 518 Dynamics of Rotor-Bearing Systems. (3) S
Natural whirl frequency, critical speed, and response analysis of rigid and flexible rotor systems. Bearing influence and representation. Stability analysis. Methods of balancing.
MAE 520 Solid Mechanics. (3) F
Introduction to tensors: kinematics, kinetics, and constitutive assumptions leading to elastic, plastic, and viscoelastic behavior. Applications.
MAE 521 Structural Optimization. (3) N
Linear and nonlinear programming. Problem formulation. Constrained and unconstrained optimization. Sensitivity analysis. Approximate techniques. FEM-based optimal design of mechanical and aerospace structures. Cross-listed as CEE 533. Credit is allowed for only CEE 533 or MAE 521. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MAE 523 Theory of Plates and Shells. (3) F
Linear and nonlinear theories of plates. Membrane and bending theories of shells. Shells of revolution. Prerequisite: MAE 520.
MAE 524 Theory of Elasticity. (3) S
Formulation and solution of 2- and 3-dimensional boundary value problems. Prerequisite: MAE 520.
MAE 527 Finite Element Methods in Engineering Science. (3) F
Discretization, interpolation, elemental matrices, assembly, and computer implementation. Application to solid and fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and time dependent problems. Prerequisite: ASE 582.
MAE 536 Combustion. (3) N
Thermodynamics; chemical kinetics of combustion. Explosion and ignition theories. Reactive gas dynamics. Structure, propagation, and stability of flames. Experimental methods. Prerequisite: MAE 436 or instructor approval.
MAE 540 Advances in Engineering Design Theory. (3) F
Survey of research in engineering design process, artifact and design, knowledge, formal and informal logic, heuristic and numerical searches, theory of structure and complexity. Prerequisite: graduate standing.
MAE 541 CAD Tools for Engineers. (3) F
Elements of computer techniques required to develop CAD software. Data structures, including lists, trees, and graphs. Computer graphics, including 2- and 3-dimensional algorithms and user interface techniques.
MAE 542 Geometric Modeling in CAD/CAM. (3) S
Geometric and solid modeling, curve and surface design, CAD database architectures, and integration of solid modeling into engineering processes. Prerequisite: MAE 541 or instructor approval.
MAE 544 Mechanical Design and Failure Prevention. (3) F
Modes of mechanical failure; application of principles of elasticity and plasticity in multiaxial state of stress to design synthesis; failure theories; fatigue; creep; impact. Prerequisite: MAE 443.
MAE 546 CAD/CAM Applications in MAE. (4) F
Solution of engineering problems with the aid of state-of-the-art software tools in solid modeling, engineering analysis; and manufacturing; selection of modeling parameters; reliability tests on software. Open only to students without previous credit for MAE 406. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MAE 547 Mechanical Design and Control of Robots. (3) N
Homogeneous transformations, 3-dimensional kinematics, geometry of motion, forward and inverse kinematics, workspace and motion trajectories, dynamics, control, and static forces.
MAE 548 Mechanism Synthesis and Analysis. (3) S
Algebraic and graphical methods for exact and approximate synthesis of cam, gear, and linkage mechanisms; design optimization; methods of planar motion analysis; characteristics of plane motion; spatial kinematics.
MAE 557 Mechanics of Composite Materials. (3) S
Analysis of composite materials and applications. Micromechanical and macromechanical behavior. Classical lamination theory developed with investigation of bending-extension coupling.
MAE 560 Propulsion Systems. (3) N
Design of air-breathing gas turbine engines for aircraft propulsion; mission analysis; cycle analysis; engine sizing; component design.
MAE 561 Computational Fluid Dynamics. (3) S
Finite-difference and finite-volume techniques for solving the subsonic, transonic, and supersonic flow equations. The method of characteristics. Numerical grid-generation techniques. Prerequisite: MAE 571 or instructor approval.
MAE 563 Unsteady Aerodynamics. (3) S
Unsteady incompressible and compressible flow. Wings and bodies in oscillatory and transient motions. Kernel function approach and panel methods. Aeroelastic applications. Prerequisite: MAE 460 or 461.
MAE 564 Advanced Aerodynamics. (3) F
Perturbation method. Linearized subsonic and supersonic flows. Thin wing/slender body theories. Lifting surface theory. Panel method computation. Prerequisite: MAE 460 or 461.
MAE 566 Rotary-Wing Aerodynamics. (3) F
Introduction to helicopter and propeller analysis techniques. Momentum, blade-element, and vortex methods. Hover and forward flight. Ground effect, autorotation, and compressiblilty effects. Prerequisite: MAE 361.
MAE 571 Fluid Mechanics. (3) F
Basic kinematic, dynamic, and thermodynamic equations of the fluid continuum and their application to basic fluid models.
MAE 572 Inviscid Fluid Flow. (3) S
Mechanics of fluids for flows in which the effects of viscosity may be ignored. Potential flow theory, waves, and inviscid compressible flows. Prerequisite: MAE 571.
MAE 573 Viscous Fluid Flow. (3) F
Mechanics of fluids for flows in which the effects of viscosity are significant. Exact and approximate solutions of the Navier-Stokes system, laminar flow at low and high Reynolds number. Prerequisite: MAE 571.
MAE 575 Turbulent Shear Flows. (3) F
Homogeneous, isotropic, and wall turbulence. Experimental results. Introduction to turbulent-flow calculations. Prerequisite: MAE 571.
MAE 577 Turbulent Flow Modeling. (3) S
Reynolds equations and their closure. Modeling of simple and complex turbulent flows, calculations of internal and external flows, and application to engineering problems. Prerequisite: MAE 571.
MAE 581 Thermodynamics. (3) F
Basic concepts and laws of classical equilibrium thermodynamics; applications to engineering systems. Introduction to statistical thermodynamics.
MAE 582 Statistical Thermodynamics. (3) A
Kinetic and quantum theory. Statistical mechanics; ensemble theory. Structure and thermodynamics of noninteracting and interacting particles. Boltzmann integro-differential equation. Prerequisite: graduate standing.
MAE 585 Conduction Heat Transfer. (3) F
Basic equations and concepts of conduction heat transfer. Mathematical formulation and solution (analytical and numerical) of steady and unsteady, one- and multidimensional heat conduction and phase change problems. Prerequisites: ECE 386; MAE 388.
MAE 586 Convection Heat Transfer. (3) S
Basic concepts and governing equations. Analysis of laminar and turbulent heat transfer for internal and external flows. Natural and mixed convection. Prerequisite: MAE 388.
MAE 587 Radiation Heat Transfer. (3) F
Advanced concepts and solution methodologies for radiation heat transfer, including exchange of thermal radiation between surfaces, radiation in absorbing, emitting, and scattering media and radiation combined with conduction and convection. Prerequisite: MAE 388.
MAE 588 Two-Phase Flows and Boiling Heat Transfer. (3) S
Pool and flow boiling heat transfer, condensation heat transfer, various models of vapor-liquid mixture flows, gas-solid mixture flows, and experimental measurement techniques.
MAE 589 Heat Transfer. (3) F
Basic concepts; physical and mathematical models for heat transfer. Applications to conductive, convective, radiative, and combined mode heat transfer. Prerequisite: MAE 388.
MAE 594 Graduate Research Conference. (1) F, S
Topics in contemporary research. Required every semester of all departmental graduate students registered for 9 or more semester hours. Not for degree credit.
MAE 598 Special Topics. (13) F, S
Special topics courses, including the following, which are regularly offered, are open to qualified students:
(a) | Advanced Spacecraft Control |
(b) | Aeroelasticity |
(c) | Aerospace Vehicle Guidance and Control |
(d) | Boundary Layer Stability |
(e) | Hydrodynamic Stability |
(f) | Plasticity |
(g) | Polymers and Composites |