MCB 500 Research Methods in Molecular and Cellular Biology. (2) F, S
Rotation laboratory experiences in which students participate in research under the direction of an MCB faculty member. May be repeated for credit.
MCB 501 Seminar: Molecular and Cellular Biology Colloquium. (1) F, S
Presentation of current research by noted researchers in the field. May be repeated for credit.
MCB 555 Advanced Molecular and Cellular Biology I. (3) F
Study of structural and functional organization of biomolecules and cells, based on current literature. May be repeated once for credit. 3 hours lecture, discussion. Pre- or corequisites: BCH 461; BIO 543 (or equivalent).
MCB 556 Advanced Molecular and Cellular Biology II. (3) S
Continuation of MCB 555. May be repeated once for credit. 3 hours lecture, discussion. Pre- or corequisites: CHM 462; BIO 543 (or equivalent).
MCB 591 Seminar: Current Literature in Molecular and Cellular Biology. (1) F, S
Presentation and discussion of current research in the areas of molecular and cellular biology. May be repeated for credit.
MCB 598 Special Topics. (14) N
MCB 555 and 556 may be taken as one-semester-hour sections listed by the instructor.
MCB 700 Research Methods in Molecular and Cellular Biology. (2) F, S
Rotation laboratory experiences in which students participate in research under the direction of an MCB faculty member. May be repeated for credit.
MCB 701 Seminar: Molecular and Cellular Biology Colloquium. (1) F, S
Presentation of current research by noted researchers in the field. May be repeated for credit.
MCB 791 Seminar: Current Literature in Molecular and Cellular Biology. (1) F, S
Presentation and discussion of current research in the areas of molecular and cellular biology. May be repeated for credit.