MCO 110 Introduction to Mass Communication. (3) F, SS
Organization, function, and responsibilities of the media and adjunct services. Primary emphasis on newspapers, radio, television, and magazines. Not open to students with credit for MCO 120. Prerequisite: ENG 101 or 105 or 107. General Studies: SB.
MCO 120 Media and Society. (3) F, S
Role of newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and motion pictures in American society. Not open to students with credit for MCO 110. Designed for nonmajors. General Studies: SB.
MCO 402 Mass Communication Law. (3) F, S, SS
Legal aspects of the rights, privileges, and obligations of the press, radio, and television. Prerequisites: 70 hours; JRN/TCO; professional program status. General Studies: L.
MCO 418 History of Mass Communication. (3) F, S
American journalism from its English and colonial origins to the present day. Development and influence of newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and news gathering agencies. General Studies: SB, H.
MCO 421 News Problems. (3) S
Trends and problems of the news media, emphasizing editorial decisions in the processing of news. Prerequisite: 9 hours of mass communication/journalism/telecommunication courses or instructor approval.
MCO 430 International Mass Communication. (3) F, S
Comparative study of communication and media systems. Information gathering and dissemination under different political and cultural systems. General Studies: G.
MCO 450 Visual Communication. (3) F, S, SS
Theory and tradition of communication through the visual media with emphasis on the continuity of traditions common to modern visual media. General Studies: HU.
MCO 456 Political Communication. (3) F, S
Theory and research related to political campaign communication. The persuasive process of political campaigning, the role of the media, the candidate, and image creation. General Studies: SB.
MCO 460 Race, Gender, and Media. (3) S
Readings seminar designed to give students a probing examination of the interface between AHANA Americans and the mass media in the United States. General Studies: C.
MCO 463 Introduction to Media Statistics. (3) F, S
An introduction to statistical analysis as applied to the mass media. Prerequisite: professional status in Broadcasting or Journalism.
MCO 470 Issues Management and Media Strategy. (3) F
Strategic aspects of media planning and management in public relations, public affairs, crisis communication lobbying, media ethics, and government relations. Seminar. Prerequisite: JRN 401 or instructor approval.
MCO 501 Newswriting and Reporting. (3) F
Designed for graduate students in the MMC program who have undergraduate degrees in nonjournalism areas. Objective is to teach fundamentals of writing and reporting. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: acceptance into M.M.C. graduate program.
MCO 503 Press Freedom Theory. (3) S
Examination of philosophical and legal aspects of press freedom. Emphasis on First Amendment theory evolution from 1791 to present.
MCO 510 Research Methodology in Mass Communication. (3) F, S
Identification of research problems in mass communication. Overview of questionnaire construction. Attention to survey, historical, content analysis, experimental, and legal research methods.
MCO 520 Mass Communication Theories and Process. (3) F
Analysis of various theoretic models of mass communication with emphasis on the applications of these theories to various professional communication needs.
MCO 522 Mass Media and Society. (3) S
Mass media as social institutions, particularly interaction with government and public. Emphasis on criticism and normative statements.
MCO 530 Media Ethics. (3) F
Ethical conventions and practices of print and electronic media as they relate to the government and private sectors of the society.
MCO 531 Broadcast Journalism. (3) S
News and information practices of networks, stations, and industry. Practice in writing, reporting, and editing with emphasis on video. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: MCO 501.
MCO 540 Historical/Legal Methods. (3) S
Introduction to legal and historical methods necessary to conduct qualitative mass communication research. Prerequisite: MMC graduate student.
MCO 560 Arizona Media Law. (3) F
Case study approach of first amendment issues, media access, libel, confidentiality, and invasion of privacy as applied to media organizations in Arizona. Lecture, seminar.