MIS 101 Introduction to the Military. (3) F
Overview of mission, organization, and structure of the Army and its role in national defense; discussion of current military issues. 3 hours lecture/conference, 2 hours lab.
MIS 102 Land Navigation, First Aid, and Survival. (3) S
Introduction to military maps and land navigation; first aid, and lifesaving techniques; basic outdoor survival skills. 3 hours lecture/conference, 2 hours lab.
MIS 201 American Military History. (3) F
A study of the role of the military in American life during war and peace from colonial times to the present day. 3 hours lecture/conference, 2 hours lab.
MIS 202 Introduction to Leadership Dynamics. (3) S
Introduction to interpersonal dynamics involved in military team operations; theory and application of military leadership principles. 3 hours lecture/conference, 2 hours lab.
MIS 205 ROTC Basic Camp. (4) SS
Six-week training program emphasizing practical hands-on skills and leadership development. Taken in lieu of MIS 101, 102, 201, 202. Conducted at Fort Knox, Kentucky.
MIS 301 Advanced Military Science I. (3) F
Theory and dynamics of the individual soldier and military units in offensive combat operations. 2 hours lecture-conferences, 1.5 hours of Leadership Practical Application, 1 2-day field exercise, 3 1-day field exercises. Prerequisites: MIS 101 and 102 and 201 and 202 or equivalents. Corequisite: EPE 105 Physical Education Activity (Army Master Fitness).
MIS 302 Advanced Military Science II. (3) S
Theory and dynamics of military units in defensive combat operations. 2 hours lecture-conferences, 1.5 hours Leadership Practical Application, 1 3-day field exercise, 2 1-day field exercises. Prerequisites: MIS 101 and 102 and 201 and 202 or equivalents. Corequisite: EPE 105 Physical Education Activity (Army Master Fitness).
MIS 303 ROTC Advanced Camp. (4) SS
Six-week training program emphasizing leadership development and advanced military skills, including tactics, land navigation, and physical training. Conducted at Fort Lewis, Washington. Prerequisites: MIS 301, 302.
MIS 401 Advanced Military Science III. (3) F
The military legal system; preparation and conduct of military training; leadership development; ethics and professionalism of the military officer. 3 hours lecture-conferences, 2 hours Leadership Practical Application, 1 2-day field exercise, 3 1-day field exercises. Prerequisites: MIS 301, 302. Corequisite: EPE 105 Physical Education Activity (Army Master Fitness).
MIS 402 Advanced Military Science IV. (3) S
Military correspondence; career planning and personal affairs in service; conduct of training; leadership development; ethics and professionalism of the military officer. 3 hours lecture, 2 hours Leadership Practical Application, 1 3-day field exercise, 2 1-day field exercises. Prerequisites: MIS 301, 302. Corequisite: EPE 105 Physical Education Activity (Army Master Fitness).
MIS 410 American Defense Policy I. (3) F
Evolution, organization, and execution of U.S. national security policy. General Studies: SB.
MIS 412 American Defense Policy II. (3) S
Contemporary problems and analytical issues in the formation and implementation of U.S. national security. Prerequisite: MIS 410. General Studies: SB.
MIS 414 Comparative Defense Policy Analysis. (3) F
Historical problems and analytical issues in the evolution, organization, application, and control of effective military establishments in various political systems. General Studies: SB.
MIS 416 Soviet/C.I.S. Foreign and Defense Policies. (3) S
Analysis of foreign and security policies of the Soviet Union/C.I.S. and of the successor states to the Warsaw Pact. General Studies: SB.
MIS 499 Individualized Instruction: National Defense Analysis. (13) N