PGS 101 Introduction to Psychology. (3) F, S, SS
Major areas of theory and research in psychology. Participation in department-sponsored research or an educationally equivalent alternative activity is required. General Studies: SB.
PGS 194 Special Topics. (14) N
PGS 222 Human Sexual Behavior. (3) F, S
Patterns of sexual behavior, including variations and deviations; theories of sexual attraction, sex differences, and sexual dysfunction and treatment. Prerequisite: PGS 101. General Studies: SB.
PGS 270 Psychology of Adjustment. (3) F, S, SS
Principles of mental health, adjustment, conflict, stress, and coping processes derived from clinical and experimental research. Intended for nonmajors; cannot be used for major credit. Prerequisite: PGS 101. General Studies: SB.
PGS 304 Effective Thinking. (3) A
Understanding and improving your intellectual and behavioral skills; information analysis, inference, logic, problem solving, and decision making. Prerequisite: MAT 119 or PSY 230 or equivalent. General Studies: L.
PGS 306 Environmental Psychology. (3) F, S, SS
Concepts and research strategies in the study of behavior in interaction with physical environment. Prerequisite: PGS 101. General Studies: SB.
PGS 315 Personality Theory and Research. (3) F, S, SS
Definition and description of personality in terms of theoretical and methodological approaches. Prerequisites: PGS 101; PSY 290. General Studies: SB.
PGS 341 Developmental Psychology. (3) F, S
Behavior development analyzed in terms of psychological principles. Current research in human development. Prerequisites: PGS 101; PSY 290. General Studies: SB.
PGS 344 Directed Child Study. (34) F, S, SS
Theories and methods of intervention with preschool children and supervised practicum in the Child Study Laboratory. 1 hour lecture, 68 hours practicum. Prerequisites: CDE 232 (or PGS 341); instructor approval. General Studies: L.
PGS 350 Social Psychology. (3) F, S, SS
Human social behavior, including such concepts as aggression, attraction, attribution, conformity, groups, helping, person perception, and persuasion. Prerequisite: PGS 101. General Studies: SB.
PGS 351 Honors Social Psychology. (3) N
A critical analysis of human social behavior for honors students; topics include stereotyping, social influence, attraction, aggression, helping, groups, and attitudes. Open only to students without previous credit for PGS 350. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisites: PGS 101; honors standing; instructor approval. General Studies: L/SB.
PGS 365 Community Psychology. (3) F, S
Mental health and psychological well-being in the community, emphasizing current issues and related research. Prerequisite: PGS 315 or 350. General Studies: SB.
PGS 394 Special Topics. (14) N
PGS 399 Supervised Research. (13) F, S, SS
Experience within the context of current faculty research projects. Student is assigned responsibility depending on qualifications. Y grade only. May be repeated for a total of 6 hours. Prerequisites: approval of faculty member before registration; B average in major. Pre- or corequisite: PSY 230 or equivalent.
PGS 414 History of Psychology. (3) F, S
Historical development of psychology from its philosophical beginnings to the present. Prerequisites: PGS 101; PSY 230, 290. General Studies: L/SB.
PGS 427 Psychology of Aging. (3) N
Analysis of loss, maintenance, and gain associated with cognitive and affective aging. Individual differences in coping with normative life transitions. Prerequisites: PGS 101, 341. General Studies: L/SB.
PGS 430 Industrial Psychology. (3) F, S, SS
Organizations and management systems; motivation and work performance; human factors in systems design and evaluation; personnel selection and testing. Prerequisite: MGT 301 or PGS 101.
PGS 441 Cognitive Development. (3) F, S
Experimental and theoretical literature in child development and behavior. Prerequisite: PGS 341 or instructor approval. General Studies: L/SB.
PGS 443 Abnormal Child Psychology. (3) F, S
The major disorders of childhood and adolescence (e.g., autism, hyperactivity, phobias, and delinquency) are covered, including cause, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Prerequisites: PGS 101 and 1 course from among PGS 315 and 341 and 350 or instructor approval. General Studies: L/SB.
PGS 444 Adolescent Psychology and Psychopathology. (3) N
An advanced level survey of normal adolescent psychological development and psychological disorders of this age period. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisites: PGS 101, 341; PSY 290. General Studies: L.
PGS 445 Child Language and Drawing. (3) F
Language acquisition and developmental changes in drawing, considered in the context of cognitive developmental stages. Childrens representation and communication of knowledge through language and drawing. Prerequisite: PGS 341. General Studies: SB.
PGS 446 Social Development. (3) N
Theory, research, and issues regarding social development are discussed. Example topics: formation of attachments, prosocial development, and gender-role development. Lecture, seminar. Prerequisite: PGS 341. General Studies: L.
PGS 450 Social Perception and Cognition. (3) N
A critical analysis of human social perception and social cognition. Topics include attribution, inference, memory, attention, impression formation, stereotype change. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisites: PGS 101, 350. General Studies: L.
PGS 451 Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination. (3) N
A critical investigation of the processes underlying, and the factors contributing to, stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisites: PGS 101, 350. General Studies: L.
PGS 452 Applied Social Psychology. (3) F
The study of applications of social psychological theory and concepts in natural settings; research design and data analysis. Lecture, lab-type activities. Prerequisites: PGS 101, 350; PSY 230. General Studies: L.
PGS 453 Organizational Behavior. (3) N
A survey of psychological theory and research as applied to the behavior of individuals in organizational settings. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisites: PGS 101, 350.
PGS 458 Group Dynamics. (3) F
Theories and methods of group leadership, group effectiveness, communication within groups, and relations between groups and individual members. Prerequisite: PGS 350.
PGS 461 Interpersonal Influence. (3) N
Principles and procedures that affect the process of social influence, consideration of attitudinal, compliance inducing, and perceptual influences. Prerequisite: PGS 350. General Studies: SB.
PGS 462 Health Psychology. (3) F, S
Contributions of psychology to health promotion and illness prevention, adaptation to acute and chronic illness, and to the health care system.
Prerequisites: PSY 230, 290.
PGS 463 Advanced Psychology of Adjustment. (3) F
Critical analysis and effective expression of psychological theory and research of the topic of adjustment. Lecture, discussion, writing. Prerequisites: PSY 230, 290; completion of 1st-year English requirements; L course. General Studies: L.
PGS 464 Minority Issues in Psychology. (3) S
Psychological issues relating to the diversity of human cultural experiences and among ethnic minorities in the U.S. Prerequisite: PSY 290.
PGS 465 Psychology of Stress and Coping. (3) F
Readings in theory and research in the area of stress and coping. Lecture, discussion, class presentations. Prerequisites: PGS 315 (or 350); PSY 290. General Studies: L.
PGS 466 Abnormal Psychology. (3) F, S, SS
Historical and current definitions, theory, and research concerning abnormal behavior. Major categories of psychopathology, including related treatment approaches. Prerequisites: PGS 101; PSY 290. General Studies: SB.
PGS 467 Psychology of Magical Beliefs. (3) N
The psychological nature and bases of magical beliefs and their impact on health behaviors, eating practices, and interpersonal relations. Lecture, seminar. Prerequisites: PGS 315 and 466 and PSY 434 or instructor approval. General Studies: L.
PGS 468 Psychology and Law. (3) F, S
Theories, research, and practice in psychology as related to law, including criminal, civil, domestic relations, and professional issues. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: PSY 290.
PGS 471 Psychological Testing. (3) S
Methods and theory of psychological testing; various types of psychological tests; consideration of ethical, social, and legal aspects of testing. Prerequisite: PSY 290.
PGS 472 Clinical Psychology. (3) F, S
Clinical psychology as a science and profession. Historical development, methods of interviewing, assessment, and therapeutic intervention. Prerequisite: PGS 466.
PGS 494 Special Topics. (14) N