To satisfy the foreign language requirement, students must take POR 314 or a higher-numbered POR course.
POR 101 Elementary Portuguese. (5) F
Basic grammar with intensive drills in class and laboratory directed toward conversational fluency. 5 hours lecture, 1 hour lab. Prerequisite: 1 year of Spanish or French or Italian or instructor approval.
POR 201 Intermediate Portuguese. (5) S
Continuation of POR 101. Intensive drill of fundamentals in class and laboratory directed toward conversational fluency. 5 hours lecture, 1 hour lab. Prerequisite: POR 101 or instructor approval. General Studies: G.
POR 313 Portuguese Composition and Conversation. (3) F
Designed to develop skill in written Portuguese and corrected oral expression. Must be taken in sequence. Prerequisite: POR 201 or instructor approval. General Studies: G.
POR 314 Portuguese Composition and Conversation. (3) S
Continuation of POR 313. Prerequisite: POR 313 or instructor approval. General Studies: G.
POR 321 Luso-Brazilian Literature. (3) N
Representative masterpieces of Portuguese and Brazilian literature from the beginning to the present. Prerequisite: POR 313 or instructor approval. General Studies: HU.
POR 472 Luso-Brazilian Civilization. (3) N
Lectures, readings, and discussion of important aspects of Luso-Brazilian civilization. Topics from music, art, folklore, literature, history, and politics. Prerequisite: POR 313 or instructor approval. General Studies: HU, G.