RDG 301 Literacy and Instruction in the Content Areas. (3) F, S, SS
Required course for all Secondary Education candidates. Introduces theory and instructional strategies for learning written and oral texts across academic disciplines.
RDG 334 Childrens Literature and Elementary School Curriculum. (3) F, S
Selecting and using childrens literature in various curriculum areas in elementary school classrooms with diverse student populations. Lecture, discussion, lab. Cross-listed as EED 334. Credit is allowed for only EED 334 or RDG 334. Prerequisite: professional program admission. Corequisite: DCI 396 or EED 496.
RDG 414 Teaching Reading/Decoding. (3) F, S
Teaching reading as part of an integrated classroom curriculum emphasized. Strategies and skills for teaching decoding (phonics), vocabulary, comprehension, study skills, and content area reading included. Corequisites: DCI 396; RDG 481.
RDG 481 Reading Practicum. (3) F, S, SS
Application of concepts from RDG 414 in classroom settings. Students demonstrate teaching strategies under supervision. Required for Elementary Education candidates. Corequisites: DCI 396; RDG 414.
RDG 494 Special Topics. (3) F, S
(a) | Reading/Decoding |
RDG 505 Developmental Reading. (3) F, S, SS
For classroom and special reading teachers. Specific professional skills in decoding, comprehension, and evaluation. Required for Special Reading Endorsement. Prerequisite: teaching certificate.
RDG 507 Content Area Literacy. (3) F, S, SS
Theory, teaching strategies, and practical application concerning learning from text across subject matter disciplines.
RDG 522 Literacy/Biliteracy Development. (3) F
Acquaints teachers with first and second language literacy research, practice, and assessment in elementary school settings (Spanish-English emphasis). Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as BLE 522. Credit is allowed for only BLE 522 or RDG 522. Prerequisite: BLE 511.
RDG 533 Literacy in Secondary BLE/ESL Settings. (3) S
Examines first and second language literacy research, practice, and assessment across content areas in secondary school settings. Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as BLE 533. Credit is allowed for only BLE 533 or RDG 533. Prerequisite: BLE 511.
RDG 544 Secondary Reading Programs. (3) S
Examines rationale for secondary reading programs (grades 712), teaching strategies, research, and program assessment. Prerequisite: RDG 507.
RDG 550 Practicum Experiences in Reading. (3) F, S, SS
Practicum experience utilizing assessment and instructional techniques for classroom settings. (See RDG 557 for State of Arizona reading endorsement.) Prerequisite: RDG 505 or equivalent.
RDG 556 Assessment Procedures in Reading. (3) F, S
Techniques for classroom and clinical reading assessment and instruction. Emphasis on continuous assessment. May be taken concurrently with RDG 557. Recommended for State of Arizona reading endorsement. Prerequisite: RDG 505.
RDG 557 Advanced Reading Practicum. (3) F, S
Advanced practicum experience utilizing specialized reading and other assessment and instruction techniques for classroom and clinic settings. Lab sections. Recommended for State of Arizona reading endorsement. May be taken concurrently with RDG 556. Prerequisites: RDG 505; instructor approval.
RDG 563 Childrens Literature. (3) F, S, SS
Selecting and using childrens literature and related nonprint media to support the elementary school curriculum. Cross-listed as LIS 563. Credit is allowed for only LIS 563 or RDG 563.
RDG 581 Literature-Based Reading Programs. (3) F, S, SS
For classroom and special reading teachers. The role of literature in the acquisition and development of literacy. Specific suggestions for helping students learn to read and/or expand their reading ability with literature. Introduction to literature studies. Prerequisite: teaching certificate.
RDG 582 Practicum: Literature Studies. (3) S
Practical application of literature study group principles in field sites or through on-campus simulations. Lecture, supervised practice. Prerequisite: RDG 581 or instructor approval.
RDG 596 Gender, Culture, and Literacies. (3) S
Influence of gender and culture on written, oral, and post-typographical texts. Seminar.
RDG 630 Research in Reading. (3) F
For advanced graduate students interested in applied research problems, literature of reading instruction, and major issues related to reading research. Prerequisite: instructor approval.