REC 120 Leisure and the Quality of Life. (3) F, S, SS
Conceptual foundations for understanding the role of leisure in the quality of life. Social, historical, psychological, cultural, economic, and political foundations of play, recreation, and leisure. General Studies: SB.
REC 150 Outdoor Pursuits. (3) SS
Theories and practical applications related to outdoor recreation pursuits. Interdisciplinary approach to wilderness issues and philosophies, culminating in an outdoor experience. Field trip required.
REC 160 Leisure and Society. (3) A
Analysis of the human relationship to leisure. Historical survey of philosophical, psychological, and socioeconomic bases for development of systems that provide leisure programs. Non-Recreation majors only. General Studies: SB.
REC 210 Leisure Delivery Systems. (3) F, S
Introduction to development, management, and organization of the public, not-for-profit, and private sectors of the leisure services profession. The course is organized into five modular units which study the delivery of services in the recreation and tourism professions. Lecture, team taught. Prerequisite: Recreation professional status.
REC 220 Introduction to Nonprofit Youth and Human Service Agencies. (3) F, S
Introduction to the not-for-profit youth and human service sector and its role in United States society, the economy, and service delivery systems.
REC 300 Fund Raising. (3) A
Methods, techniques, and directed experience in fund raising for voluntary youth and human services agencies. Budget control and accountability.
REC 305 Introduction to Travel and Tourism. (3) F, S
An examination of the components of the travel and tourism industry at the state, national, and global levels. General Studies: G.
REC 310 Volunteerism. (3) A
Administration of volunteer service programs. Study and analysis of the volunteer personnel process.
REC 315 Community Recreation Systems. (3) S
Explores and assesses community recreation delivery systems in the United States. Prerequisite: REC 210.
REC 320 Youth and Human Service Workshop. (1) F, S
Forum for exchange between students and professional agency personnel. Variable topics, guest speakers. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
REC 325 Tourism Accommodations. (3) A
Local, national, and international overview of the lodging and food service industries. Prerequisites: REC 305; Recreation major or minor.
REC 330 Programming of Recreation Services. (3) F, S
Foundations for effective program planning in varied leisure delivery systems. Prerequisite: Recreation professional status. General Studies: L.
REC 340 Outdoor Survival. (3) A
Interdisciplinary approach to outdoor survival, including attitudes, psychological stress, physiological stress, preparation, hypothermia, navigation, flora, and wildlife. Field trips required.
REC 345 Meeting and Convention Planning. (3) A
Basic aspects and skills in planning meetings and conventions. Industry and market overview of certified meeting planners. Prerequisite: REC 305.
REC 350 Promoting and Marketing Recreation Services. (3) F, S
Basic principles of promoting recreation services and strategies focusing on promoting and marketing concepts as they apply to recreation/tourism settings. Prerequisite: Recreation professional status.
REC 364 Foundations of Therapeutic Recreation. (3) F, S
Introduction to special recreation and therapeutic recreation services for persons with disabilities. Offers both a community and clinical perspective on specialized services. Prerequisite: Recreation professional status or instructor approval.
REC 370 Outdoor Recreation Systems. (3) F
Introduction to outdoor recreation resource delivery systems; history of wilderness and outdoor recreation resources; the role of outdoor recreation in society; outdoor recreation agencies; related environmental issues. Prerequisite: junior standing or instructor approval.
REC 372 Tourism Planning. (3) F, S
Application of economic and regional development concepts and theories to destination product development. Prerequisites: REC 305; Recreation major or minor.
REC 380 Wilderness and Parks in America. (3) F, S
An examination of the American Conservation Movement and the relationships between the environment and recreation behavior. General Studies: SB, H.
REC 390 Adaptive Aquatics. (3) N
Focuses on delivery of aquatic programs for the mentally and physically challenged. Lecture, lab.
REC 400 Processes and Techniques in Therapeutic Recreation. (3) A
In-depth analysis of theoretical and philosophical approaches to therapeutic recreation practice with emphasis on various facilitation techniques used in therapy. Prerequisite: REC 364 or instructor approval.
REC 401 Program Design and Evaluation in Therapeutic Recreation. (3) F, S
In-depth analysis of assessment, treatment planning, program implementation, documentation, and evaluation strategies employed in therapeutic recreation practice. Prerequisites: REC 364 and 400 or instructor approval.
REC 415 Tourism Transportation Systems. (3) A
Examination of the role of various modes of transportation in domestic and international tourism development. Prerequisites: REC 305; Recreation major or minor.
REC 420 American Humanics Institute. (12) F, S
Mini-intensive national management institute for preparation of youth development and nonprofit management staff. May be repeated for credit. Lecture, out-of-state conference. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
REC 430 Managing Not-for-Profit Agencies. (3) S
Analysis of administrative structure, decision making, and program delivery with not-for-profit youth and human service agencies. Prerequisites: REC 220; senior standing.
REC 440 Recreation Areas and Facilities Development and Management. (3) A
Survey of development and management of public, private, and commercial recreation areas and facilities with a focus on meeting program needs.
REC 458 International Tourism. (3) F, S
A global examination of international tourism and its significance as a vehicle for social and economic development. General Studies: G.
REC 460 Clinical Issues in Therapeutic Recreation. (3) A
An exploration of contemporary problems/issues confronting the therapeutic recreation field; includes philosophical, historical, practice, management, research, and educational issues. Lecture, off-campus lab. Prerequisites: REC 364 and 400 or instructor approval.
REC 462 Management of Recreation Services. (3) F, S
Basic principles of administration and their application in successful administrative situations. Analysis of administrative function, structure, and policies. Prerequisites: REC 330; Recreation professional status.
REC 463 Senior Internship. (6 or 12) F, S, SS
Supervised guided experience in selected agencies. Prerequisites: REC 462; Recreation major; senior standing.
REC 470 Environment Interpretation and Education. (3) F
Introduction to park interpretation and environmental education which includes theories, principles, and techniques.
REC 480 Natural Resource Tourism. (3) S
Examines the interaction of tourism with culture, natural environment, as well as the impacts of tourism on the environment.
REC 482 Assessment and Evaluation of Recreation Services. (3) F, S
Introduction to applied leisure research with an emphasis on program evaluation, research design, data collection techniques, and data analysis. Prerequisites: REC 330, 350; Recreation professional status.
REC 494 Special Topics. (13) F, S
Special topics selected by department faculty.
REC 500 Research Methods I. (3) A
Introduction to recreation research methods, with emphasis on methodological questions, research issues, and techniques relevant to contemporary social research. Prerequisite: 500-level or higher approved statistics course.
REC 501 Program Evaluation and Information Management. (3) N
Development of skills in several professional areas, including: evaluation, needs assessment, information and data collection, data management/analysis, computer applications, and report writing.
REC 530 Recreation and Tourism Service Management. (3) S 2002
Examination and application of organizational behavior, leadership, human resources, and development; planning and risk management to profession.
REC 552 Foundation of the Recreation and Tourism Professions. (3) A
Examination of the philosophical and conceptual foundations of play, leisure, recreation and tourism; history of the profession; professional and research issues.
REC 555 Social and Psychological Aspects of Recreation and Tourism Behavior. (3) A
Theoretical review and empirical analysis of social, cultural, and psychological foundations of leisure behavior with practical implications.
REC 558 Integrative Seminar. (3) A
Advanced exploration and assessment of current trends within the leisure studies profession. This course has variable topics, including, but not limited to: cross-cultural analysis of leisure, urban recreation, planning and resources, sociocultural dimensions of tourism development, wilderness management. Prerequisite: REC 552.
REC 569 Current Issues in Tourism. (3) A
General survey of tourism literature with an emphasis on relevant theories, concepts, and current research.
REC 570 Social Aspects of Outdoor Recreation Management. (3) A
An analysis of the social aspects of natural resource recreation management and planning. Prerequisite: REC 370 or equivalent.