SCM 301 Supply Chain Management. (3) N
Examines the purchasing, materials, and logistics management areas. Techniques for acquiring, storing, processing, and moving material inventory are presented. Prerequisite: professional program business student.
SCM 345 Logistics Management. (3) F, S
Managing logistics activities with emphasis on integrating transportation needs with inventory, warehousing facility location, customer service, packaging, and materials handling. Prerequisites: OPM 301; professional program business student.
SCM 355 Supply Management. (3) F, S
Management of the supply function, including organization, procedures, supplier selection, quality, inventory decisions, and price determination. Prerequisite: professional program business student.
SCM 405 Urban Transportation. (3) N
Economic, social, political, and business aspects of passenger transportation. Public policy and government aid to urban transportation development. Prerequisite: upper-division standing or instructor approval.
SCM 432 Materials Management. (3) F, S
Study of managing the productive flow of materials in organizations, including MRPII, JIT, quality, facility planning, and job design. Prerequisites: OPM 301; professional program business student.
SCM 440 Productivity and Quality Management. (3) F, S
Productivity concepts at the national, organizational, and individual levels. Quality management and its relationship to productivity in all organizations. Prerequisite: professional program business student.
SCM 455 Research and Negotiation. (3) F, S
Current philosophy, methods, and techniques used to conduct both strategic and operations supply chain management research and negotiation. Includes negotiation simulations. Prerequisites: SCM 355; professional program business student. General Studies: L.
SCM 460 Carrier Management. (3) N
Analysis of carrier economics, regulation, management, and rate-making practice; evaluation of public policy issues related to carrier transportation. Prerequisite: upper-division standing or instructor approval.
SCM 463 Global Supply Chain Management. (3) A
Supply chain activities in international business with special emphasis on management of transportation, global sourcing, customs issues, and facility location in a global environment. Prerequisite: SCM 345 or instructor approval.
SCM 479 Supply Chain Strategy. (3) F, S
Synthesis of purchasing, production, transportation, and distribution systems to provide an integrated perspective of supply chain management. Prerequisites: SCM 345, 432; professional program business student. Prerequisite with a grade of C or higher: SCM 355.
SCM 532 Supply Chain Design and Development Strategies. (3) F
A strategic orientation toward the design and development of the supply chain for purchasing, materials, and logistics systems.
SCM 541 Supply Chain Management and Control. (3) S
Management and control of purchasing and logistics management systems. Total Quality Management to assess and assure customer satisfaction. Global strategies.
SCM 545 Supply Chain Continuous Improvement Strategies. (3) S
Leading edge strategies such as reengineering high-performance teams and expert systems for continuous improvement of the supply chain. Seminar.
SCM 591 Seminar. (3) N
Topics such as the following are offered:
(a) | Global Supply Chain Management |
(b) | New Product Development |
(c) | Quality and Productivity Management |
(d) | Services Operations Management |
SCM 791 Doctoral Seminar. (3) A
Topics may be selected from the following:
(a) | Logistics, Transportation, and Physical Distribution Management |
(b) | Purchasing and Materials Management |