SWU 271 Introduction to Social Work. (3) F, S
Descriptive and analytical historical perspective of the profession of social work, social problems, and the social welfare system. Designed for freshmen and sophomores considering this major. Prerequisites: PGS 101; SOC 101. General Studies: SB, H.
SWU 291 Social Service Delivery Systems. (3) F, S
Knowledge and skills necessary to utilize community resources to be a competent case manager. Includes 40 hours of observational experience in local agencies. Pre- or corequisite: SWU 271.
SWU 295 Foundations of Social Work Practice. (3) F, S
Provides theoretical foundation and skill base necessary for social work interventions with individuals, small groups, and larger systems. Pre- or corequisites: SWU 271, 291.
SWU 301 Human Behavior in the Social Environment I. (3) F, S
Impact of the social environment on the behavior of individuals, family systems, communities, and organizations. Prerequisites: PGS 101; SOC 101. Pre- or corequisites: SWU 271, 291, 295. General Studies: L/SB.
SWU 302 Human Biology for Social Workers. (3) F, S
Overview of human anatomy and physiology, and the reciprocal relationship between physical and social environments. Lecture, discussion. Pre- or corequisites: SWU 271, 291.
SWU 310 Social Work Practice I. (3) F, S
Introduction to social work methods, emphasizing the following skills: cross-cultural interviewing, assessment, referrals, and process and psychological recording. Prerequisite: SWU 295. Pre- or corequisite: SWU 301.
SWU 320 Research Methods in Social Work. (3) F, S
Application of scientific principles to field practice, impact assessment, intervention procedures, and problem formulation in social work. Lecture, cooperative learning. Pre- or corequisite: SWU 310.
SWU 321 Statistics for Social Workers. (3) F, S
Teaches social work students how to use and interpret descriptive and inferential statistics in social work practice. Lecture, small group work. Prerequisites: MAT 114, 117. Pre- or corequisite: SWU 320. General Studies: CS.
SWU 340 Human Behavior in the Social Environment II. (3) F, S
Theories of human development across the life span. Emphasis is placed on individuals, families, and small groups. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: SWU 301. Pre- or corequisites: SWU 302, 310. General Studies: SB.
SWU 374 Diversity and Oppression in a Social Work Context. (3) F, S
Issues of social inequality related to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and disability. Emphasis on populations of the Southwest. Prerequisite: SWU 310. General Studies: C.
SWU 410 Social Work Practice II. (3) F, S
Knowledge and skills in social work practice with individuals and families. Prerequisites: PHI 101 (or 306); SWU 310; Social Work major. Corequisites: SWU 412, 413.
SWU 411 Social Work Practice III. (3) F, S
Knowledge and skills in social work practice with groups, communities, and organizations. Prerequisites: SWU 410, 412, 413; Social Work major. Corequisites: SWU 414, 415.
SWU 412 Field Instruction I. (5) F, S
Sixteen hours a week of supervised practice in an approved placement. Prerequisite: Social Work major. Corequisites: SWU 410, 413.
SWU 413 Field Instruction Seminar I. (1) F, S
Field-focused seminar, including practice evaluation. 1.5 hours a week. Prerequisite: Social Work major. Corequisites: SWU 410, 412.
SWU 414 Field Instruction II. (3) F, S
Sixteen hours a week of supervised practice in an approved placement. Prerequisites: SWU 413; Social Work major. Corequisites: SWU 411, 415.
SWU 415 Integrative Field Seminar. (3) F, S
Field-focused seminar to help students integrate practice and theory. Prerequisite: Social Work major. Corequisites: SWU 411, 414.
SWU 432 Social Policy and Services. (3) F, S
Contemporary social, political, and economic issues. Special emphasis on poverty and inequality in the Southwest. Analysis and development of social welfare policies and programs. Prerequisites: ECN 111; POS 110 (or 310); Social Work major. Pre- or corequisites: SWU 410, 412, 413.
SWU 442 Introduction to Practice with Children and Families in Child Welfare. (3) F, S
Focuses on the characteristics, strengths, and service needs of families and children in the Child Welfare System. Lecture, cooperative learning. Prerequisites: SWU 410, 412, 413; Social Work major.
SWU 444 Issues in School Social Work. (3) F, S
Demonstrates how community, family, and school are interdependent using an ecological metaphor, and introduces school social work. Lecture, cooperative learning. Prerequisites: SWU 410, 412, 413; Social Work major.