AFR Note 1. For Justice Studies students to take a nonrequired 300-level JUS course, they must have at least a “C” in each of the required JUS courses — JUS 105 (or 305), 301, 302, and 303 — and a minimum average GPA of 2.50 for these four classes. For non-Justice Studies students to take a 300-level JUS course, they must have a minimum of 56 earned semester hours (junior status) and a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00. Non-Justice Studies students may take JUS 301, 302, and 303 with school approval.
AFR 105 Introduction to Justice Studies. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Introductory overview to the study of justice from a social science perspective. Primary topics include justice theories and justice research. Credit is allowed for only AFR 105 or 305 (or JUS 305). Appropriate for freshmen and sophomores. Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as JUS 105. Credit is allowed for only AFR 105 or JUS 105.
AFR 191 First Year Seminar. (1 – 3)
selected semesters
AFR 194 Special Topics. (1 – 4)
selected semesters
AFR 210 Introduction to African American Studies. (3)
Examines the political, historical, and cultural origins of African American studies as an academic discipline. Lecture, discussion.
General Studies: C
AFR 263 Elements of Intercultural Communication. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Basic concepts, principles, and skills for improving communication between persons from different minority, racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as COM 263. Credit is allowed for only AFR 263 or COM 263. Prerequisite: 2.25 GPA.
General Studies: SB, C, G
AFR 294 Special Topics. (1 – 4)
selected semesters
AFR 298 Honors Directed Study. (1 – 6)
selected semesters
AFR 305 Principles of Justice Studies. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Introductory overview to the study of justice from a social science perspective. Primary topics include justice theories and justice research. Credit is allowed for only AFR 305 or 105 (or JUS 105). Appropriate for juniors and seniors. Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as JUS 305. Credit is allowed for only AFR 305 or JUS 305. See AFR Note 1.
AFR 317 Genes, Race, and Society. (3)
Examines history of biological and social constructions of “race” in western society. Lecture, discussion.
General Studies: SB, C, H
AFR 321 Wealth Distribution and Poverty. (3)
once a year
Examines wealth and income distribution in the United States and analyzes ideological and political forces producing an increasingly unequal society. Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as JUS 321. Credit is allowed for only AFR 321 or JUS 321. See AFR Note 1.
General Studies: SB, C
AFR 371 Language, Culture, and Communication. (3)
fall and spring
Cultural influences of language on communication, including social functions of language, bilingualism, biculturalism, and bidialectism. Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as COM 371. Credit is allowed for only AFR 371 or COM 371. Prerequisites: COM 263 (or AFR 263); minimum cumulative ASU GPA of 2.50.
General Studies: SB, C, G
AFR 375 Race, Gender, and Sport. (3)
fall and spring
Interdisciplinary examination of the social concepts of race and gender and their economic impact on sports in America. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: ENG 102 (or its equivalent) or instructor approval.
General Studies: SB, C
AFR 394 Special Topics. (1 – 4)
selected semesters
AFR 428 Critical Race Theory. (3)
Examines ways in which race has been historically utilized, constructed, and contested in American civil society. Lecture, discussion.
AFR 429 African American Studies Theory and Methods. (3)
Examines social and behavioral science theories and methodological procedures pertaining to African Americans. Prerequisite: senior standing.
AFR 460 Race, Gender, and Media. (3)
Reading seminar designed to give a probing examination of the interface between AHANA Americans and the mass media in the United States. Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as MCO 460. Credit is allowed for only AFR 460 or MCO 460.
General Studies: C
AFR 463 Intercultural Communication Theory and Research. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Surveys and analyzes major theories and research dealing with communication between people of different cultural backgrounds, primarily in international settings. Lecture, discussion, small group work. Cross-listed as COM 463. Credit is allowed for only AFR 463 or COM 463. Prerequisites: COM 263 (or AFR 263), 308; minimum cumulative ASU GPA of 2.50.
General Studies: SB, G
AFR 484 Internship. (1 – 12)
selected semesters
AFR 490 Field Studies in the Diaspora. (3)
Introduces methods and principles of research applied to Black communities within and outside Arizona. Involves working with field officer and faculty. Lecture, field study. Prerequisite: senior standing. Pre- or corequisite: AFR 429.
AFR 492 Honors Directed Study. (1 – 6)
selected semesters
AFR 493 Honors Thesis. (1 – 6)
selected semesters
General Studies: L
AFR 494 Special Topics. (1 – 4)
selected semesters
AFR 497 Honors Colloquium. (1 – 6)
selected semesters
AFR 498 Pro-Seminar. (3)
Topic is selected by instructor in consultation with the student. Designed to integrate and develop research skills. Required for majors. Prerequisite: senior standing. Pre- or corequisite: AFR 429.
AFR 499 Individualized Instruction. (1 – 3)
selected semesters
Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of additional courses offered but not specifically listed, see “Omnibus Courses.”