AFS 202 Ethnic Relations in the United States. (3)
fall and spring
Processes of intercultural relations; systems approach to history of U.S. interethnic relations; psychocultural analysis of contemporary U.S. ethnic relations. Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as ASB 202. Credit is allowed for only AFS 202 or ASB 202.
General Studies: C, H
AFS 210 Introduction to Ethnic Studies in the U.S. (3)
fall and spring
Covers diversity of experiences and relations among racial and ethnic groups in the United States. Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as APA 210/CCS 210. Credit is allowed for only AFS 210 or APA 210 or CCS 210.
General Studies: C
AFS 310 African/African American Psychology. (3)
fall and spring
Historical and contemporary overview of the development of African/Black psychology and African American frame of reference. Lecture, discussion.
AFS 363 African American History to 1865. (3)
once a year
The African American in American history, thought, and culture from slavery to 1865. Cross-listed as HST 333. Credit is allowed for only AFS 363 or HST 333.
General Studies: SB, C, H
AFS 364 African American History Since 1865. (3)
once a year
The African American in American history, thought, and culture from 1865 to the present. Cross-listed as HST 334. Credit is allowed for only AFS 364 or HST 334.
General Studies: SB, C, H
AFS 366 African Civilization Before 1850. (3)
fall and spring
African culture history and precolonial civilization. Meets non-Western requirement. Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as ASB 366. Credit is allowed for only AFS 366 or ASB 366.
General Studies: SB, G, H
AFS 370 Family, Ethnic, and Cultural Diversity. (3)
fall and spring
Integrative approach to understanding historical and current issues related to the structure and internal dynamics of diverse American families. Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as FAS 370. Credit is allowed for only AFS 370 or FAS 370. Prerequisite: PGS 101 or SOC 101.
General Studies: SB, C
AFS 466 Peoples and Cultures of Africa. (3)
fall and spring
Survey of African peoples and their cultures, external contact, and changes. Meets non-Western requirement. Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as ASB 466. Credit is allowed for only AFS 466 or ASB 466.
General Studies: SB, G, H
Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of additional courses offered but not specifically listed, see “Omnibus Courses.”