AMT Note 1. Flight instruction costs are not included in university tuition and fees.
AMT 100 Flight Safety I. (1)
fall, spring, summer
Supervised private pilot flight training and flight safety briefings. Requires continuous enrollment until completion of the FAA Private Pilot Certificate. Lecture, lab. Fee. See AMT Note 1. Pre- or corequisites: both AMT 182 and 220 (or their equivalents).
AMT 101 Introduction to Aeronautical Management Technology. (1)
fall and spring
Facilitates entry into Aeronautical Management Technology programs. Emphasizes General Catalog and concentration requirements, registration, careers, and ASU East facilities.
AMT 182 Private Pilot Ground School. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Ground school preparation for Private Pilot Certificate. Aerodynamics, navigation, performance, and regulations. Lecture, lab. Corequisite: AMT 220.
AMT 194 Special Topics. (1 – 4)
selected semesters
AMT 200 Flight Safety II. (2)
fall, spring, summer
Supervised commercial instrument flight training and safety briefings. Requires continuous enrollment until completion of FAA Commercial Pilot Certificate with Instrument Rating. Lecture, lab. Fee. See AMT Note 1. Prerequisites: AMT 100; Private Pilot Certificate. Pre- or corequisite: AMT 214 or 322.
AMT 201 Air Traffic Control. (3)
Ground and air operations; weather services communications and routing; flight plans, IFR operations, departures and arrivals; and airport conditions and emergencies. Prerequisite: AMT 182.
AMT 214 Commercial/Instrument Ground School I. (3)
fall and spring
Ground school leading to FAA Instrument Pilot Rating/Commercial Pilot Certificate (part 1 of 2). 10 hours ground trainer included. Lecture, lab. Fee. Pre- or corequisites: AMT 182, 220.
AMT 220 Aviation Meteorology. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Evaluation, analysis, and interpretation of atmospheric phenomena. Low- and high-altitude weather from the pilot’s viewpoint. Corequisite: AMT 182.
AMT 280 Aerospace Structures, Materials, and Systems. (4)
Basic aerodynamics, incompressible/compressible airflow, wind tunnel testing, wing theory; analysis of aircraft structures; properties and applications of materials, and aircraft systems. Lecture, lab. Fee. Prerequisites: PHY 111, 113.
AMT 287 Aircraft Powerplants. (4)
Theory and performance analysis of gas turbine and reciprocating aircraft engines. Engine accessories, systems, and environmental control. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: PHY 111, 113.
AMT 300 Flight Safety III. (2)
fall, spring, summer
Supervised instructor flight training and safety briefings. Requires continuous enrollment until completion of FAA Flight Instructor Certificate with Instrument Instructor Rating. Lecture, lab. Fee. See AMT Note 1. Prerequisite: AMT 200. Pre- or corequisite: AMT 385.
AMT 308 Air Transportation. (3)
Studies the historical and international development of air transportation and its social, political, and economic impact upon global interrelationships. Prerequisite: junior standing.
General Studies: G
AMT 322 Commercial/Instrument Ground School II. (3)
fall and spring
Ground school leading to FAA Instrument Pilot Rating/Commercial Pilot Certificate (part 2 of 2). 10 hours ground trainer included. Lecture, lab. Fee. Prerequisite: AMT 100 or instructor approval. Pre- or corequisite: AMT 214.
AMT 350 Aircraft Design, Performance, and Avionics. (3)
Fundamentals of aircraft design, turboprop and turbojet performance, principles of electricity, AC/DC circuits, and operation of transport category aircraft avionics systems. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: AMT 280, 287.
AMT 360 Introduction to Helicopter Technology. (3)
selected semesters
Introduces the working functions of modern rotary wing aircraft, rotary wing flight theory, aerodynamics, controls, flight, and power requirements. Prerequisites: PHY 111, 113.
AMT 370 Air Freight Operations. (3)
selected semesters
Air freight operations in National Aviation System; ramp operations, loading, weight and balance, and administration of airside and groundside operations. Prerequisite: junior standing.
AMT 382 Air Navigation. (3)
Theory and application of modern advanced navigation and flight instrument systems. Introduces crew resource management in multiplace cockpits. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: AMT 322. Pre- or corequisite: AMT 200 or instructor approval.
AMT 385 Flight Instructor Ground School. (3)
fall and spring
Ground school in preparation for the FAA Flight Instructor Certificate. Lecture, lab. Pre- or corequisite: AMT 200.
AMT 387 Multiengine Pilot Ground School. (1)
fall and spring
Ground school preparation for the FAA Multiengine Rating. Lecture, lab. Fee. See AMT Note 1. Prerequisite: AMT 200 or instructor approval.
AMT 391 Multiengine Instructor Ground School. (2)
selected semesters
Ground school preparation for the FAA Multiengine Flight Instructor Rating. Lecture, lab. See AMT Note 1. Prerequisites: AMT 300, 387, 400.
AMT 392 Flight Instructor Instrument Ground School. (3)
fall and spring
Ground school preparation for the FAA Instrument Flight Instructor Rating. Lecture, lab. See AMT Note 1. Prerequisites: AMT 200, 385.
AMT 395 Multiengine Land, Airplane Flight Instructor Rating. (1)
selected semesters
Normal and emergency flight operations. Instruction techniques and procedures for light multiengine land, airplane. Requires CFIAME Rating for course completion. Lecture, lab. See AMT Note 1. Prerequisite: AMT 391.
AMT 396 Aviation Professional. (1)
fall and spring
Career focus for management and flight students, including internships, résumé writing, interviews, and employment search in aviation industry. Prerequisite: junior standing.
AMT 400 Flight Safety IV. (1)
fall, spring, summer
Multiengine and crew training and safety briefings. Requires continuous enrollment until completion of rating and multicrew training. Lecture, lab. Fee. See AMT Note 1. Prerequisite: AMT 300. Pre- or corequisite: AMT 387.
AMT 408 National Aviation Policy. (3)
Examines aviation and airspace policies and policy process, including agencies involved in formulation, implementation, and evaluation of aviation policy. Prerequisite: junior standing.
AMT 409 Nondestructive Testing and Quality Assurance. (1)
selected semesters
Purpose of inspection and quality assurance. Theory and application of nondestructive inspection methods. Application of pertinent standards, specifications, and codes. Lecture, lab. Cross-listed as AET 409. Credit is allowed for only AET 409 or AMT 409. See AMT Note 1. Prerequisite: AMT 280 or MET 230.
AMT 410 Aviation Safety and Human Factors. (3)
Aviation accident prevention, human factors, life support, fire prevention, accident investigation, and crash survivability. Development and analysis of aviation safety programs. Prerequisites: junior standing; completion of 1 semester of General Studies L requirement.
AMT 412 Air Transportation Research. (1)
Surveys practical research methodology in use in the air transportation industry. Topics include planning and design considerations.
AMT 419 Aviation Logistical Management. (3)
Surveys FAA requirements for personnel and facilities. Topics include parts supply, quality control, product liability, pricing, profitability, and administration. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: junior standing.
AMT 442 Aviation Law/Regulations. (3)
Aviation within context of U.S. Common Law system. Public law, administrative rule making, sovereignty, enforcement, and case law analysis. Prerequisite: junior standing.
AMT 444 Airport Management and Planning. (3)
Orientation to administration and management of modern public airports, including overview of planning, funding, and development of airport facilities. Prerequisite: junior standing.
AMT 482 Airline Instrument Procedures. (3)
Advanced instrument flight using airline instrument procedures and airline crew and cockpit resource management. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: a combination of AMT 200 and 322 and 382 or only instructor approval.
AMT 484 Aeronautical Internship. (1 – 12)
fall, spring, summer
Work experience assignment with aerospace industry commensurate with student’s program. Special project guidance by industry with university supervision. Prerequisites: advisor approval; junior standing.
AMT 489 Airline Administration. (3)
Administrative organizations, economics of airline administration, operational structure, and relationship with federal government agencies. Prerequisite: junior standing.
AMT 491 Aviation Management Capstone. (3)
Integration and overview of management tools, current business problems and topics related to aviation industry. Group project with industry and government and business partners. Prerequisite: senior standing.
AMT 494 Special Topics. (1 – 4)
selected semesters
AMT 496 Airline Aircraft Systems Capstone. (3)
Commercial airline aircraft systems and flight procedures. Includes theoretical education for large, commercial passenger aircraft. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: senior standing.
AMT 498 Pro-Seminar. (1 – 7)
selected semesters
AMT 499 Individualized Instruction. (1 – 3)
selected semesters
AMT 521 Air Transportation Regulation. (3)
selected semesters
Reviews evolutionary history of government regulations. Explores alternatives for economic, safety, social, and administrative regulatory reform in air transportation. Prerequisite: AMT 444 or 489 (or its equivalent).
AMT 523 Aviation Systems Management. (3)
selected semesters
Systems theory applied to intermodal transportation networks. Survey of air and ground transportation infrastructure, institutional frameworks, and intermediaries promoting connections between modes. Prerequisite: AMT 444 or 489 (or its equivalent).
AMT 525 Airport Planning and Design. (3)
selected semesters
Completion of various phases of airport master planning process. Provides guidance for logical and timely development of airports. Project work groups assigned. Prerequisite: AMT 444 or 489 (or its equivalent).
AMT 527 Airline Management Strategies. (3)
selected semesters
Since deregulation, airlines have undergone profound changes through mergers, consolidation, and acquisition. In-depth look at airline management strategies for the 21st century. Prerequisite: AMT 444 or 489 (or its equivalent).
AMT 528 International Aviation. (3)
selected semesters
Major issues of international aviation, historical review of institutional framework. Bilateral route agreements, freedom versus sovereignty, current legal and political arrangements. Prerequisite: AMT 444 or 489 (or its equivalent).
AMT 529 Fixed-Base Operations Management. (3)
selected semesters
Examines FBO role in the national aviation system. Organization of flight line operations, aircraft maintenance, and administration for multiple aircraft types. Prerequisite: AMT 444 or 489 (or its equivalent).
AMT 541 Aviation Physiology. (3)
selected semesters
Surveys human physiology and human performance principles related to modern aircraft and aircraft systems operating in multiple environments. Prerequisite: AMT 410 (or its equivalent).
AMT 543 Ergonomics in High-Technology Environments. (3)
selected semesters
Examines ergonomic design principles regarding man-machine interface requirements of high-technology workstations. Emphasizes computer workstation design issues. Prerequisite: AMT 410 (or its equivalent).
AMT 545 Human Factors in Aviation. (3)
selected semesters
Overview of human role in aviation. Issues, problems of unsafe acts and attitudes in human behavior. Human engineering capabilities and limitations. Prerequisite: AMT 410 (or its equivalent).
AMT 546 Crew Resource Management/Line-Oriented Flight Training. (3)
Evaluates in-depth, multicrew coordination issues for commercial aviation pilots. Stresses importance of critical thinking, decision making, integrated resource utilization. Prerequisite: AMT 410 (or its equivalent).
AMT 547 Modern Human Factors Design Issues. (3)
selected semesters
Research and discussion of current human factors issues. State-of-the-art analyses of information regarding rapidly evolving designs and applications. Prerequisite: AMT 410 (or its equivalent).
AMT 549 Human Factors Research. (3)
selected semesters
Aviation human factors research principles applied and tested in operational settings. Group projects assigned in conjunction with industry partners. Prerequisite: AMT 410 (or its equivalent).
AMT 580 Practicum. (1 – 12)
selected semesters
AMT 584 Internship. (1 – 12)
selected semesters
AMT 590 Reading and Conference. (1 – 12)
selected semesters
AMT 591 Seminar. (1 – 12)
selected semesters
Topics may include the following:
• | Transportation Systems Pro-Seminar |
AMT 592 Research. (1 – 12)
selected semesters
AMT 593 Applied Project. (1 – 12)
selected semesters
AMT 595 Continuing Registration. (1)
selected semesters
AMT 598 Special Topics. (1 – 4)
selected semesters
Topics may include the following:
• | Airport Systems |
AMT 599 Thesis. (1 – 12)
selected semesters
Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of additional courses offered but not specifically listed, see “Omnibus Courses.”