ARCHIVE: Fall 2002
Business Education (BUE)

BUE 480 Teaching Business Subjects. (3)
Organization and presentation of appropriate content for business subjects in the secondary school.

BUE 481 Technology in Business and Vocational Education. (3)
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Emerging curricula and instructional technology in business and vocational education. Lecture, hands-on computer instruction.

BUE 501 Principles of Business Education. (3)
History, philosophy, principles, and objectives of business and distributive education.

BUE 502 Organization and Management of Cooperative Programs. (3)
Work-study programs for business occupations in high schools and community colleges.

BUE 503 Competency-Based Business and Vocational Education. (3)
Development and administration of competency-based individualized programs in business and vocational education.

BUE 505 Current Literature in Business and Vocational Education. (3)
Critical analyses, generalizations, and trends in business and vocational education.

BUE 506 Information Processing for Business and Vocational Teachers. (3)
Development of curriculum and strategies for teaching information processing; hardware/software evaluation and equipment acquisition techniques in business and vocational education.

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Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of additional courses offered but not specifically listed, see “Omnibus Courses.”

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