CIS 200 Computer Applications and Information Technology. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Introduction to business information systems and the use of business application software with emphasis on database and spreadsheet packages. Prerequisite: MAT 117 or higher.
General Studies: CS
CIS 220 Programming Concepts for Accountancy Majors. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Introduces business computer programming. Uses programming languages such as Visual BASIC to teach proper programming style and practice. Fee. Prerequisite: prebusiness student.
CIS 235 Business Information Systems Development. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Developing information systems and electronic commerce applications using object-oriented languages (e.g., Java). Introduces business technology and systems analysis. Fee. Prerequisites: CSE 181; MAT 119 (or 210).
CIS 300 Computers in Business. (3)
selected semesters
Introduces information systems in business. Use of computers for business problem solving. Prerequisites: CIS 200; professional program business student.
CIS 335 Visual Paradigms for Information Systems Development. (3)
selected semesters
Uses visual programming languages such as Visual BASIC to implement data structures, file structures, and interfaces in business information systems. Fee. Prerequisites: both CSE 181 and professional program business student majoring in Computer Information Systems or both CIS 220 and professional program business student majoring in Accountancy.
CIS 394 Special Topics. (1 – 4)
selected semesters
See current Schedule of Classes for offerings of courses at ASU East.
CIS 410 Object-Oriented Modeling and Programming. (3)
fall and spring
Object-oriented modeling of business information systems. Abstract data types and object-oriented programming using a language such as Java. Prerequisite: professional program business student majoring in Computer Information Systems. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: CIS 235.
CIS 420 Business Database Concepts. (3)
fall and spring
Database theory, design, and application, including the entity-relationship model; the relational, hierarchical, and network database models; and query languages. Prerequisite: professional program business student majoring in Computer Information Systems or Accountancy. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: ACC 330.
CIS 425 Electronic Commerce Strategy. (3)
fall and spring
Key business strategies and technology elements of contemporary electronic commerce. Covers Web design and interactions between Web pages and databases. Prerequisite: professional program business student majoring in Computer Information Systems or Accountancy. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: CIS 420.
CIS 430 Networks and Distributed Systems. (3)
fall and spring
Advanced topics such as communications protocols, distributed systems, and client-server systems; applications based on platforms such as networked UNIX. Prerequisites with a grade of “C” or higher: ACC 330; CIS 410; professional program business student majoring in Computer Information Systems. Pre- or corequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: CIS 420.
CIS 440 Systems Design and Electronic Commerce. (3)
fall and spring
Systems design for organizational and electronic commerce systems; use of project management and systems analysis and design tools. Prerequisites with a grade of “C” or higher: CIS 420, 430; professional program business student majoring in Computer Information Systems.
General Studies: L
CIS 494 Special Topics. (1 – 4)
selected semesters
CIS 502 Management Information and Decision Support Systems. (3)
once a year
Fundamentals of computer-based management information and decision support systems. Prerequisite: M.B.A. degree program student.
CIS 505 Object-Oriented Modeling and Programming. (3)
once a year
Object-oriented modeling of business information systems, abstract data types and object-oriented programming using a visual language. Prerequisite: M.S. in Information Management degree program student or M.A.I.S. degree program student.
CIS 506 Business Database Systems. (3)
once a year
Hierarchical, network, relational, and other recent data models for database systems. Processing issues such as concurrency control, query optimization, and distributed processing. Prerequisite: M.S. in Information Management degree program student or M.A.I.S. degree program student.
CIS 512 Intelligent Decision Systems and Knowledge Management. (3)
once a year
Definition, description, construction, and evaluation of computer-based decision systems. Prerequisite: M.S. in Information Management degree program student or M.A.I.S. degree program student.
CIS 515 Management Information Systems. (3)
selected semesters
Systems theory concepts applied to the collection, retention, and dissemination of information for management decision making. Prerequisite: M.S. in Information Management degree program student or M.A.I.S. degree program student.
CIS 520 Systems Design and Evaluation. (3)
selected semesters
Methodologies of systems analysis and design. Issues include project management, interface, organizational requirements, constraints, documentation, implementation, control, and performance evaluation. Prerequisite: M.S. in Information Management degree program student or M.A.I.S. degree program student.
CIS 530 Information Systems Development. (3)
once a year
Object-oriented and interprocess communication and control concepts for information systems; applications based on languages such as C++ and platforms such as networked UNIX. Prerequisite: M.S. in Information Management degree program student or M.A.I.S. degree program student.
CIS 535 Distributed Information Systems. (3)
once a year
Distributed systems and their impact on information systems in business. Prerequisite: M.S. in Information Management degree program student or M.A.I.S. degree program student.
CIS 591 Seminar on Selected CIS Topics. (1 – 12)
once a year
Topics may include the following:
• | Computer Security |
• | Computing Architectures |
• | Data Warehouse and Data Mining |
• | Electronic Commerce |
• | Enterprise Modeling |
CIS 593 Applied Project. (1 – 12)
once a year
Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of additional courses offered but not specifically listed, see “Omnibus Courses.”