DSC 100 Introduction to Environmental Design. (3)
fall and spring
Survey of environmental design: includes historic examples and the theoretical, social, technical, and environmental forces that shape them. Cross-listed as APH 100/PUP 100. Credit is allowed for only APH 100 or DSC 100 or PUP 100.
General Studies: HU, G, H
DSC 101 Design Awareness. (3)
Survey of cultural, global, and historical context for the design professions.
General Studies: HU, G
DSC 120 Design Drawing. (3)
Drawing as language to explore and communicate ideas. Development of drawing aptitude as language and process for design thinking. 1 hour lecture, 5 hours studio.
DSC 121 Design Principles I. (3)
Design as a language and process for creative thinking and realization. 1 hour lecture, 5 hours studio. Prerequisite: major in the College of Architecture and Environmental Design.
DSC 122 Design Principles II. (3)
Continued exploration of design as a language and process for creative thinking and realization. 1 hour lecture, 5 hours studio. Prerequisite: DSC 121.
DSC 236 Introduction to Computer Modeling. (3)
fall and spring
Computers in design, including software concepts, specific packages, and problem solving, illustration, typography, modeling, and animation. Lab. Prerequisite: Design major.
General Studies: CS
DSC 344 Human Factors in Design. (3)
Man-machine environment systems; human characteristics and behavior applied to design of products, systems, and their operating environment.
DSC 483 Preinternship Seminar. (1)
Preparation of internship materials that produce and enhance a successful internship experience. Seminar. Prerequisite: 3rd-year major in the School of Design.
DSC 484 Internship. (1 – 3)
Full-time summer internship under supervision of practitioners in the Phoenix area or other locales. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
DSC 494 Special Topics. (1 – 4)
fall and spring
Topics may include the following:
• | Finding Purpose: Survival in Design. (3) |
DSC 500 Research Methods. (1 – 12)
selected semesters
Selection of research problems, analysis of literature, individual investigations, preparing reports, proposal and grant writing. Fee.
DSC 520 Contemporary Design Issues. (3)
Projected applications in design production, planning, and decision-making processes. Lecture, seminar. Prerequisites: INT 310 and 311 (or their equivalents).
DSC 524 Illumination and Acoustics. (3)
selected semesters
Research and laboratory investigation of advanced illumination and acoustics issues of facility design. Emphasizes human factors and performance aspects. Prerequisites: INT 457 and 458 (or their equivalents).
DSC 525 Design Methodologies. (3)
Practical exercises and studies in problem-solving strategies; problem definition and supporting theory for the designer. Lecture, seminar, lab. Fee. Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing.
DSC 527 Modern Design Theory. (3)
Aesthetic, political, economic, and social theories that have shaped modern design; theory as the basis for design philosophies. Lecture, seminar. Prerequisite: DSC 525 (or its equivalent).
DSC 529 Design Criticism. (3)
Critical methods applied to design as material culture and human expression; evaluation of achievement versus intention. Lecture, seminar. Prerequisite: DSC 527 (or its equivalent).
DSC 544 Human Factors Systems and Documentation. (3)
Advanced topics associated with theory and methods of human factors in design. Individual projects stressing problem organization, evaluation, and documentation. Lecture, seminar, lab. Prerequisite: DSC 344 (or its equivalent).
DSC 552 Computer Simulation in Design. (3)
selected semesters
Use of computer graphics as a medium to develop and present images of the environment for analysis and perception. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing.
DSC 553 Computer Imaging and Visual Perception. (3)
selected semesters
Issues and applications of computer simulation as a tool for describing and testing human interface with the environment. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing.
DSC 558 Daylighting. (3)
selected semesters
Daylighting as a design determinant; concepts, techniques, methodology, experiments, and case studies. Lecture, studio. Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing.
DSC 580 Practicum: Methods of Teaching Design. (3)
Background and development of design education theories. Concepts of studio teaching methods. Comprehensive student project development and evaluation methods. Prerequisite: graduate standing.
DSC 592 Research. (1 – 12)
selected semesters
DSC 593 Applied Project. (1 – 12)
selected semesters
DSC 598 Special Topics. (1 – 4)
selected semesters
Topics may include the following:
• | Facilities Planning I |
• | Facilities Planning II
Fee. |
DSC 599 Thesis. (1 – 12)
selected semesters
Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of additional courses offered but not specifically listed, see “Omnibus Courses.”