EEE 120 Digital Design Fundamentals. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Number systems, conversion methods, binary and complement arithmetic, Boolean algebra, circuit minimization, ROMs, PLAs, flipflops, synchronous sequential circuits. Lecture, lab. Cross-listed as CSE 120. Credit is allowed for only CSE 120 or EEE 120. Prerequisite: computer literacy.
EEE 225 Assembly Language Programming and Microprocessors (Motorola). (4)
fall, spring, summer
Assembly language programming, including input/output programming and exception/interrupt handling. Register-level computer organization, I/O interfaces, assemblers, and linkers. Motorola-based assignments. Lecture, lab. Cross-listed as CSE 225. Credit is allowed for only CSE 225 or EEE 225. Prerequisites: CSE 100 (or 110 or 200), 120 (or EEE 120).
EEE 226 Assembly Language Programming and Microprocessors (Intel). (4)
fall and spring
CPU/memory/peripheral device interfaces and programming. System buses, interrupts, serial and parallel I/O, DMA, coprocessors. Intel-based assignments. Lecture, lab. Cross-listed as CSE 226. Credit is allowed for only CSE 226 or EEE 226. Prerequisites: CSE 100 (or 110 or 200), 120 (or EEE 120).
EEE 302 Electrical Networks II. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Analyzes linear and nonlinear networks. Analytical and numerical methods. Prerequisite: ECE 201. Pre- or corequisite: MAT 362.
EEE 303 Signals and Systems. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Introduces continuous and discrete time signal and system analysis, linear systems, Fourier, and z-transforms. Prerequisite: EEE 302. Pre- or corequisite: MAT 342.
EEE 340 Electromagnetic Engineering I. (4)
fall, spring, summer
Static and time varying vector fields; boundary value problems; dielectric and magnetic materials; Maxwell’s equations; boundary conditions. Prerequisites: MAT 362; PHY 131, 132.
EEE 350 Random Signal Analysis. (3)
fall and spring
Probabilistic and statistical analysis as applied to electrical signals and systems. Pre- or corequisite: EEE 303.
EEE 360 Energy Conversion and Transport. (4)
fall and spring
Three-phase circuits. Energy supply systems. Magnetic circuit analysis, synchronous generators, transformers, induction and DC machines. Transmission line modeling and design. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: EEE 302.
EEE 405 Filter Design. (3)
Principles of active and passive analog filter design, frequency domain approximations, sensitivity and synthesis of filters. Prerequisite: EEE 303.
EEE 407 Digital Signal Processing. (4)
fall and spring
Time and frequency domain analysis, difference equations, z-transform, FIR and IIR digital filter design, discrete Fourier transform, FFT, and random sequences. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: EEE 303; MAT 342.
EEE 425 Digital Systems and Circuits. (4)
fall and spring
Digital logic gate analysis and design. Propagation delay times, fan out, power dissipation, noise margins. Design of MOS and bipolar logic families, including NMOS, CMOS, standard and advanced TTL, ECL, and BiCMOS. Inverter, combinational and sequential logic circuit design, MOS memories, VLSI circuits. Computer simulations using PSPICE. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: ECE 334.
EEE 433 Analog Integrated Circuits. (4)
Analysis, design, and applications of modern analog circuits using integrated bipolar and field effect transistor technologies. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: ECE 334.
EEE 434 Quantum Mechanics for Engineers. (3)
Angular momentum, wave packets, Schroedinger wave equation, probability, problems in one dimension, principles of wave mechanics, scattering, tunneling, central forces, angular momentum, hydrogen atom, perturbation theory, variational techniques. Prerequisites: ECE 352; EEE 340.
EEE 435 Microelectronics. (3)
Introduces basic CMOS processing and fabrication tools. Covers the fundamentals of thermal oxidation, CVD, implantation, diffusion, and process integration. Internet lecture, internet or on-campus lab. Fee. Pre- or corequisite: EEE 436.
EEE 436 Fundamentals of Solid-State Devices. (3)
fall and spring
Semiconductor fundamentals, pn junctions, metal-semiconductor contacts, metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors and field-effect transistors, bipolar junction transistors. Prerequisite: ECE 352.
EEE 437 Optoelectronics. (3)
selected semesters
Basic operating principles of various types of optoelectronic devices which play important roles in commercial and communication electronics; light-emitting diodes, injection lasers, and photodetectors. Prerequisite: EEE 436.
EEE 439 Semiconductor Facilities and Cleanroom Practices. (3)
Microcontamination, controlled environments, cleanroom layout and systems, modeling, codes and legislation, ultrapure water, production materials, personnel and operations, hazard management, advanced concepts. Prerequisite: EEE 435 or instructor approval.
EEE 440 Electromagnetic Engineering II. (4)
Second half of an introductory course in electromagnetic theory and its application in electrical engineering. Analytical and numerical solution of boundary value problems. Advanced transmission lines; waveguides; antennas; radiation and scattering. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: EEE 340 (or its equivalent).
EEE 443 Antennas for Wireless Communications. (3)
Fundamental parameters; radiation integrals; wireless systems; wire, loop, and microstrip antennas; antenna arrays; smart antennas; ground effects; multipath. Prerequisite: EEE 340.
EEE 445 Microwaves. (4)
Waveguides; circuit theory for waveguiding systems; microwave devices, systems, and energy sources; striplines and microstrips; impedance matching transformers; measurements. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: EEE 340.
EEE 448 Fiber Optics. (4)
Principles of fiber-optic communications. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: EEE 303, 340.
EEE 455 Communication Systems. (4)
fall and spring
Signal analysis techniques applied to the operation of electrical communication systems. Introduction to and overview of modern digital and analog communications. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: EEE 350.
EEE 459 Communication Networks. (3)
Fundamentals of communication networks. Study of Seven-Layer OSI model. Focus on functionality and performance of protocols used in communication networks. Prerequisite: EEE 350.
EEE 460 Nuclear Concepts for the 21st Century. (3)
Radiation interactions, damage, dose, and instrumentation. Cosmic rays, satellite effects; soft errors; transmutation doping. Fission reactors, nuclear power. TMI, Chernobyl. Radioactive waste. Prerequisite: PHY 241 or 361.
EEE 463 Electrical Power Plant. (3)
Nuclear, fossil, and solar energy sources. Analysis and design of steam supply systems, electrical generating systems, and auxiliary systems. Power plant efficiency and operation. Prerequisites: ECE 201, 340 (or PHY 241).
EEE 470 Electric Power Devices. (3)
Analyzes devices used for short circuit protection, including circuit breakers, relays, and current and voltage transducers. Protection against switching and lightning over voltages. Insulation coordination. Prerequisite: EEE 360.
EEE 471 Power System Analysis. (3)
Review of transmission line parameter calculation. Zero sequence impedance, symmetrical components for fault analysis, short circuit calculation, review of power flow analysis, power system stability, and power system control concepts. Prerequisite: EEE 360.
EEE 473 Electrical Machinery. (3)
Operating principles, constructional details, and design aspects of conventional DC and AC machines, transformers and machines used in computer disc drives, printers, wrist watches, and automobiles. Prerequisite: EEE 360.
EEE 480 Feedback Systems. (4)
fall and spring
Analysis and design of linear feedback systems. Frequency response and root locus techniques, series compensation, and state variable feedback. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: EEE 303.
EEE 482 Introduction to State Space Methods. (3)
Discrete and continuous systems in state space form controllability, stability, and pole placement. Observability and observers. Pre- or corequisite: EEE 480.
EEE 488 Senior Design Laboratory I. (2)
fall and spring
Capstone senior project. Design process: research, concept, feasibility, simulation, specifications, benchmarking, and proposal generation. Technical communications and team skills enrichment. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: ECE 300, 334; EEE 303, 340; senior status. Pre- or corequisite: ECE 352; EEE 360.
General Studies: L (if credit also earned in EEE 489)
EEE 489 Senior Design Laboratory II. (2)
fall and spring
Capstone senior project. Implement, evaluate, and document EEE 488 design. Social, economic, and safety considerations. Technical communications and team skills enrichment. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: EEE 488 in the immediately preceding semester.
General Studies: L (if credit also earned in EEE 488)
EEE 506 Digital Spectral Analysis. (3)
Principles and applications of digital spectral analysis, least squares, random sequences, parametric, and nonparametric methods for spectral estimation. Prerequisites: EEE 407, 554.
EEE 507 Multidimensional Signal Processing. (3)
Processing and representation of multidimensional signals. Design of systems for processing multidimensional data. Introduction to image and array processing issues. Prerequisite: EEE 407 or instructor approval.
EEE 508 Digital Image Processing and Compression. (3)
Fundamentals of digital image perception, representation, processing, and compression. Emphasizes image coding techniques. Signals include still pictures and motion video. Prerequisites: EEE 350 and 407 (or their equivalents).
EEE 511 Artificial Neural Computation Systems. (3)
selected semesters
Networks for computation, learning function representations from data, learning algorithms and analysis, function approximation and information representation by networks, applications in control systems and signal analysis. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
EEE 523 Advanced Analog Integrated Circuits. (3)
Analysis and design of analog integrated circuits: analog circuit blocks, reference circuits, operational-amplifier circuits, feedback, and nonlinear circuits. Prerequisite: EEE 433 (or its equivalent).
EEE 524 Communication Transceiver Circuits Design. (3)
selected semesters
Communication transceivers and radio frequency system design; fundamentals of transceivers circuits; RF, IF, mixers, filters, frequency synthesizers, receivers, CAD tools, and lab work on IC design stations. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: EEE 433 and 455 (or their equivalents). Pre- or corequisite: EEE 523.
EEE 525 VLSI Design. (3)
fall and spring
Analysis and design of Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) csircuits. Physics of small devices, fabrication, regular structures, and system timing. Open only to graduate students.
EEE 526 VLSI Architectures. (3)
Special-purpose architectures for signal processing. Design of array processor systems at the system level and processor level. High-level synthesis. Prerequisites: both CSE 330 and EEE 407 or only instructor approval.
EEE 527 Analog to Digital Converters. (3)
Detailed introduction to the design of Nyquist rate, CMOS analog to digital converters. Prerequisite: EEE 523.
EEE 530 Advanced Silicon Processing. (3)
Thin films, CVD, oxidation, diffusion, ion-implantation for VLSI, metallization, silicides, advanced lithography, dry etching, rapid thermal processing. Pre- or corequisite: EEE 435.
EEE 531 Semiconductor Device Theory I. (3)
Transport and recombination theory, pn and Schottky barrier diodes, bipolar and junction field-effect transistors, and MOS capacitors and transistors. Prerequisite: EEE 436 (or its equivalent).
EEE 532 Semiconductor Device Theory II. (3)
Advanced MOSFETs, charge-coupled devices, solar cells, photodetectors, light-emitting diodes, microwave devices, and modulation-doped structures. Prerequisite: EEE 531.
EEE 533 Semiconductor Process/Device Simulation. (3)
Process simulation concepts, oxidation, ion implantation, diffusion, device simulation concepts, pn junctions, MOS devices, bipolar transistors. Prerequisite: EEE 436 (or its equivalent).
EEE 534 Semiconductor Transport. (3)
Carrier transport in semiconductors. Hall effect, high electric field, Boltzmann equation, correlation functions, and carrier-carrier interactions. Prerequisites: EEE 434, 436 (or 531).
EEE 536 Semiconductor Characterization. (3)
Measurement techniques for semiconductor materials and devices. Electrical, optical, physical, and chemical characterization methods. Prerequisite: EEE 436 (or its equivalent).
EEE 537 Semiconductor Optoelectronics I. (3)
Electronic states in semiconductors, quantum theory of radiation, absorption processes, radiative processes, nonradiative processes, photoluminescence, and photonic devices. Prerequisites: EEE 434, 436 (or 531).
EEE 538 Semiconductor Optoelectronics II. (3)
selected semesters
Material and device physics of semiconductor lasers, light-emitting diodes, and photodetectors. Emerging material and device technology in III-V semiconductors. Prerequisite: EEE 537.
EEE 539 Introduction to Solid-State Electronics. (3)
Crystal lattices, reciprocal lattices, quantum statistics, lattice dynamics, equilibrium, and nonequilibrium processes in semiconductors. Prerequisite: EEE 434.
EEE 541 Electromagnetic Fields and Guided Waves. (3)
selected semesters
Polarization and magnetization; dielectric, conducting, anisotropic, and semiconducting media; duality, uniqueness, and image theory; plane wave functions, waveguides, resonators, and surface guided waves. Prerequisite: EEE 440 (or its equivalent).
EEE 543 Antenna Analysis and Design. (3)
Impedances, broadband antennas, frequency independent antennas, miniaturization, aperture antennas, horns, reflectors, lens antennas, and continuous sources design techniques. Prerequisite: EEE 443 (or its equivalent).
EEE 544 High-Resolution Radar. (3)
selected semesters
Fundamentals; wideband coherent design, waveforms, and processing; stepped frequency; synthetic aperture radar (SAR); inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR); imaging. Prerequisites: EEE 303 and 340 (or their equivalents).
EEE 545 Microwave Circuit Design. (3)
Analysis and design of microwave attenuators, in-phase and quadrature-phase power dividers, magic tee’s, directional couplers, phase shifters, DC blocks, and equalizers. Prerequisite: EEE 445 or instructor approval.
EEE 546 Advanced Fiber Optics. (3)
selected semesters
Theory of propagation in fibers, couplers and connectors, distribution networks, modulation, noise and detection, system design, and fiber sensors. Prerequisite: EEE 448 or instructor approval.
EEE 547 Microwave Solid-State Circuit Design I. (3)
Applies semiconductor characteristics to practical design of microwave mixers, detectors, limiters, switches, attenuators, multipliers, phase shifters, and amplifiers. Prerequisite: EEE 545 or instructor approval.
EEE 548 Coherent Optics. (3)
selected semesters
Diffraction, lenses, optical processing, holography, electro-optics, and lasers. Prerequisite: EEE 440 (or its equivalent).
EEE 549 Lasers. (3)
selected semesters
Theory and design of gas, solid, and semiconductor lasers. Prerequisite: EEE 448 or instructor approval.
EEE 550 Transform Theory and Applications. (3)
selected semesters
Introduces abstract integration, function spaces, and complex analysis in the context of integral transform theory. Applications to signal analysis, communication theory, and system theory. Prerequisite: EEE 303.
EEE 551 Information Theory. (3)
selected semesters
Entropy and mutual information, source and channel coding theorems, applications for communication and signal processing. Prerequisite: EEE 554.
EEE 552 Digital Communications. (3)
Complex signal theory, digital modulation, optimal coherent and incoherent receivers, channel codes, coded modulation, Viterbi algorithm. Prerequisite: EEE 554.
EEE 553 Coding and Cryptography. (3)
selected semesters
Introduces algebra, block and convolutional codes, decoding algorithms, turbo codes, coded modulation, private and public key cryptography. Prerequisite: EEE 554.
EEE 554 Random Signal Theory. (3)
Applies statistical techniques to the representation and analysis of electrical signals and to communications systems analysis. Prerequisite: EEE 350 or instructor approval.
EEE 555 Modeling and Performance Analysis. (3)
selected semesters
Modeling and performance analysis of stochastic systems and processes such as network traffic queueing systems and communication channels. Prerequisite: EEE 554.
EEE 556 Detection and Estimation Theory. (3)
selected semesters
Combines the classical techniques of statistical inference and the random process characterization of communication, radar, and other modern data processing systems. Prerequisites: EEE 455, 554.
EEE 558 Wireless Communications. (3)
Cellular systems, path loss, multipath fading channels, modulation and signaling for wireless, diversity, equalization coding, spread spectrum, TDMA/FDMA/CDMA. Prerequisite: EEE 552.
EEE 571 Power System Transients. (3)
Simple switching transients. Transient analysis by deduction. Damping of transients. Capacitor and reactor switching. Transient recovery voltage. Travelling waves on transmission lines. Lightning. Protection of equipment against transient overvoltages. Introduction to computer analysis of transients. Prerequisite: EEE 471.
EEE 572 Advanced Power Electronics. (3)
Analysis of device operation, including thyristors, gate-turn-off thyristors, and transistors. Design of rectifier and inverter circuits. Applications such as variable speed drives, HVDC, motor control, and uninterruptable power supplies. Prerequisite: EEE 470.
EEE 573 Electric Power Quality. (3)
Sinusoidal waveshape maintenance; study of momentary events, power system harmonics, instrumentation, filters, power conditioners, and other power quality enhancement methods. Prerequisite: EEE 360 (or its equivalent).
EEE 574 Computer Solution of Power Systems. (3)
selected semesters
Algorithms for digital computation for power flow, fault, and stability analysis. Sparse matrix and vector programming methods, numerical integration techniques, stochastic methods, solution of the least squares problem. Prerequisite: EEE 471.
EEE 577 Power Engineering Operations and Planning. (3)
Economic dispatch, unit commitment, dynamic programming, power system planning and operation, control, generation modeling, AGC, and power production. Prerequisite: EEE 471 or graduate standing.
EEE 579 Power Transmission and Distribution. (3)
High-voltage transmission line electric design; conductors, corona, RI and TV noise, insulators, clearances. DC characteristic, feeders voltage drop, and capacitors. Prerequisite: EEE 470.
EEE 581 Filtering of Stochastic Processes. (3)
selected semesters
Modeling, estimation, and filtering of stochastic processes, with emphasis on the Kalman filter and its applications in signal processing and control. Prerequisites: EEE 482, 550, 554.
EEE 582 Linear System Theory. (3)
selected semesters
Controllability, observability, and realization theory for multivariable continuous time systems. Stabilization and asymptotic state estimation. Disturbance decoupling, noninteracting control. Prerequisite: EEE 482.
EEE 584 Internship. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Work performed in an industrial setting that provides practical experience and adds value to the classroom and research learning processes.
EEE 585 Digital Control Systems. (3)
selected semesters
Analysis and design of digital and sampled data control systems, including sampling theory, z-transforms, the state transition method, stability, design, and synthesis. Prerequisites: EEE 482, 550.
EEE 586 Nonlinear Control Systems. (3)
selected semesters
Stability theory, including phase-plane, describing function, Liapunov’s method, and frequency domain criteria for continuous and discrete, nonlinear, and time-varying systems. Prerequisite: EEE 482.
EEE 587 Optimal Control. (3)
selected semesters
Optimal control of systems. Calculus of variations, dynamic programming, linear quadratic regulator, numerical methods, and Pontryagin’s principle. Cross-listed as MAE 507. Credit is allowed for only EEE 587 or MAE 507. Prerequisite: EEE 482 or MAE 506.
EEE 588 Design of Multivariable Control Systems. (3)
selected semesters
Practical tools for designing robust MIMO controllers. State feedback and estimation, model-based compensators, MIMO design methodologies, CAD, real-world applications. Prerequisite: EEE 480 (or its equivalent).
EEE 606 Adaptive Signal Processing. (3)
Principles/applications of adaptive signal processing, adaptive linear combiner, Wiener least-squares solution, gradient search, performance surfaces, LMS/RLS algorithms, block time/frequency domain LMS. Prerequisites: EEE 506, 554.
EEE 607 Speech Coding for Multimedia Communications. (3)
Speech and audio coding algorithms for applications in wireless communications and multimedia computing. Prerequisite: EEE 407. Pre- or corequisite: EEE 506.
EEE 631 Heterojunctions and Superlattices. (3)
Principles of heterojunctions and quantum well structures, band lineups, optical, and electrical properties. Introduction to heterojunction devices. Prerequisites: EEE 436, 531.
EEE 632 Heterojunction Devices. (3)
selected semesters
Applies heterostructures, quantum wells, and superlattice to modulation-doped FETs, heterostructure bipolar transistors, lasers, detectors, and modulators. Prerequisites: EEE 434, 631 (or 537).
EEE 641 Advanced Electromagnetic Field Theory. (3)
selected semesters
Cylindrical wave functions, waveguides, and resonators; spherical wave functions and resonators; scattering from planar, cylindrical, and spherical surfaces; Green’s functions. Prerequisite: EEE 541 (or its equivalent).
EEE 643 Advanced Topics in Electromagnetic Radiation. (3)
High-frequency asymptotic techniques, geometrical and physical theories of diffraction (GTD and PTD), moment method (MM), radar cross section (RCS) prediction, Fourier transforms in radiation, and synthesis methods. Prerequisite: EEE 543.
EEE 647 Microwave Solid-State Circuit Design II. (3)
Practical design of microwave free-running and voltage-controlled oscillators using Gunn and Impatt diodes and transistors; analysis of noise characteristics of the oscillator. Prerequisites: EEE 545, 547.
EEE 684 Internship. (1-2)
fall, spring, summer
Work performed in an industrial setting that provides practical experience and adds value to the classroom and research learning processes.
EEE 686 Adaptive Control. (3)
selected semesters
Main topics covered: adaptive identification, convergence, parametric models, performance and robustness properties of adaptive controllers, persistence of excitation, and stability. Prerequisites: both EEE 582 and 586 or only instructor approval.
EEE 731 Advanced MOS Devices. (3)
Threshold voltage, subthreshold current, scaling, small geometry effects, hot electrons, and alternative structures. Prerequisite: EEE 531.
EEE 770 Advanced Topics in Power Systems. (3)
selected semesters
Power system problems of current interest, approached at an advanced technical level, for mature students. Prerequisites: EEE 577 and 579 (or their equivalents); instructor approval.
EEE 784 Internship. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Work performed in an industrial setting that provides practical experience and adds value to the classroom and research learning processes.
Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of additional courses offered but not specifically listed, see “Omnibus Courses.”