ARCHIVE: Fall 2002
Environmental Design and Planning (EPD)

EPD 598 Special Topics. (1 – 4)
selected semesters
Topics may include the following:

Arts and Crafts Movement in Design
Computational Models in Environmental Design
Ecological Assessment and Evaluation
Elderly Housing Issues in the U.S. Southwest
Ethics in Environmental Design and Planning
Human Comfort
Integral Urbanism
Issues in Environment and Behavior Studies
Issues in Industrial Design
Issues in Sustainable Design
New Evaluation Methods for the Built Environment
Philosophy of Environmental Design Research

EPD 700 Interdisciplinary Research Methods. (3)
Introduces the philosophy and methodology of interdisciplinary research in environmental design and planning. Seminar. Fee.

EPD 710 Current Research in Design. (3)
Review and critical evaluation of contemporary literature and method in architecture, building science, interior design, industrial design, and landscape architecture. Seminar. Fee.

EPD 712 Current Research in Planning. (3)
Review and critical evaluation of contemporary literature and method in environmental planning, landscape ecology, urban design, and urban and regional planning. Seminar. Fee.

EPD 714 Current Research in History, Theory, and Criticism. (3)
Review and critical evaluation of contemporary literature and method in the theory and history of architecture, design, and planning. Seminar. Fee.

EPD 792 Research. (1 – 12)
selected semesters

EPD 799 Dissertation. (1 – 12)
selected semesters

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Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of additional courses offered but not specifically listed, see “Omnibus Courses.”

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