EXW Note 1. A $5.00 towel and locker fee is required each semester by students using towel and locker facilities for physical activity courses.
EXW Note 2. Physical activity instruction courses (EXW 105, 205, 305) may not be taken for audit. Excessive absences and/or tardiness are considered disruptive behavior.
EXW 100 Introduction to Health and Wellness. (3)
fall and spring
Current concepts in health, exercise, and wellness. Emphasis placed on personal health, theories, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Cross-listed as EPE 100/HES 100. Credit is allowed for only EPE 100 or EXW 100 or HES 100.
General Studies: SB
EXW 105 Physical Activity Instruction: Beginning. (1)
fall, spring, summer
Beginning instruction in a variety of physical activities such as aerobics, aquatics, racquet sports, physical conditioning, and golf. “Y” grade only. May be repeated for credit. 3 hours per week. Activity. Fee. See EXW Notes 1, 2.
EXW 205 Physical Activity Instruction: Intermediate. (1)
fall and spring
Intermediate-level instruction in a variety of physical activities. Continuation of EXW 105. “Y” grade only. May be repeated for credit. 3 hours per week. Activity. Fee. See EXW Notes 1, 2.
EXW 212 Instructional Competency Laboratory. (2)
fall, spring, summer
Methods of instructing and leading fitness activities including aerobic, resistance, and flexibility activities. May be repeated for credit. Lab. See EXW Note 1. Prerequisite: Exercise and Wellness major.
EXW 215 Physical Activity and Healthy Lifestyles. (1)
fall and spring
Applies principles of physical activity to personal fitness testing and program planning for people of all ages. Telecampus course. Not open to Exercise and Wellness majors or to students who have credit for EXW 325.
EXW 280 Global Issues in Exercise and Wellness. (3)
Historical overview of health promotion and wellness models as they relate to minority, gender, social, cultural, economic, international, and environmental issues.
General Studies: G
EXW 300 Foundations of Exercise and Wellness. (3)
fall and spring
Analyzes research in various disciplines which contribute to health promotion and wellness.
General Studies: L/SB
EXW 301 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness. (1)
fall and spring
Guidelines for achieving health benefits of physical activity and other healthy lifestyles. Telecampus course. Not open to Exercise and Wellness majors or to students who have credit for EXW 325.
EXW 305 Physical Activity Instruction: Advanced. (1)
fall and spring
Advanced-level instruction in a variety of physical activities. Continuation of EXW 105. May be repeated for credit. “Y” grade only. 3 hours per week. Activity. Fee. See EXW Notes 1, 2.
EXW 310 Computer Skills and Technology for Exercise and Wellness. (3)
Use of computers to statistically analyze data and design presentations of findings. Design of health promotion educational applications and presentations. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: MAT 117.
General Studies: CS
EXW 311 Special Populations in Exercise and Wellness. (3)
Introduces the challenged population and surveys the agencies that work with special populations.
EXW 315 Physiological Foundations of Movement. (3)
Studies human movement with emphasis on physiological function of the body in response to physical activity and fitness training. Lecture, lab. Fee. Prerequisites: BIO 201, 202.
EXW 320 Program Development and Leadership. (3)
Principles of planning, organizing, promoting, and leading fitness and wellness programs. Prerequisites: COM 225; Exercise and Wellness major.
EXW 325 Fitness for Life. (3)
fall and spring
Physical fitness and benefits of exercise with emphasis on self-evaluation and personalized program planning for a lifetime. Not open to Exercise and Wellness majors or to students who have credit for EXW 215 or 301.
EXW 330 Kinesiological Foundations of Movement. (3)
Studies and considers human movement with emphasis on kinesiology principles and their application to movement and fitness. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: BIO 201, 202.
EXW 342 Health Behavior Change. (3)
Examines major theories of health behavioral change. Develops intervention strategies and techniques employed to facilitate health behavioral change. Prerequisite: PGS 101.
EXW 380 Body Image and Wellness. (3)
Explores body image in American culture from physical, psychological, historical, and societal perspectives. Prerequisites: NTR 241; PGS 101.
EXW 400 Stress Management for Wellness. (3)
Examines the stress response and management from a behavioral perspective as it pertains to individuals or groups. Prerequisite: PGS 101.
General Studies: L
EXW 420 Exercise Testing. (3)
Theoretical basis and practical application of pre-exercise screening, exercise testing, estimates of energy expenditure, and interpretation of results. Lecture, lab. Fee. Prerequisites: EXW 315; current CPR certification.
EXW 425 Exercise Prescription. (3)
Theoretical basis for and application of general principles of exercise prescription to various ages, fitness levels, and health states. Prerequisites: EXW 320, 330. Pre- or corequisite: EXW 420.
EXW 442 Physical Activity in Health and Disease. (3)
Examines the role of physical activity and fitness in the development of morbidity and mortality throughout the human life span. Prerequisite: EXW 315.
General Studies: L
EXW 450 Cultural and Social Issues in Exercise and Wellness. (3)
Examines contemporary cultural and social issues in physical activity. Focus on theories of social behavior, racial, ethnic, and cultural differences. Prerequisite: PGS 101.
General Studies: SB, C
EXW 460 Resistance Training Application and Theory. (3)
Fosters critical thinking as it applies to resistance training theory. Pre- or corequisite: EXW 315.
EXW 484 Exercise and Wellness Internship. (6)
fall, spring, summer
Supervised practicum experience in approved exercise and wellness/health promotion agencies. Field work. Prerequisites: EXW 315, 320, 420. Pre- or corequisite: EXW 425.
EXW 500 Research Methods. (3)
Introduces the basic aspects of research, including problem selection, literature review, instrumentation, data handling, methodology, and writing the report.
EXW 501 Research Statistics. (3)
Statistical procedures; sampling techniques, hypothesis testing, and experimental designs as they relate to research publications.
EXW 505 Applied Exercise and Wellness Laboratory Techniques. (3)
Investigative techniques used in the applied exercise testing/prescription laboratory. Emphasizes cardiorespiratory assessment, energy balance, body composition, and electrocardiography. Lecture, lab. Fee.
EXW 534 Sports and Fitness Conditioning. (3)
Bases of sports and fitness conditioning, including aerobic and anaerobic power, strength, flexibility, and analysis of conditioning components for sports and fitness.
EXW 536 Physiological Aspects of Physical Activity and Chronic Disease. (3)
Role of physiological mechanisms associated with acute and long-term physical activity and its influence on chronic disease and wellness.
EXW 542 Health Promotion. (3)
Theory and research concerning fitness and wellness programs in nutrition, physical activity, smoking cessation, and stress management.
EXW 544 Fitness/Wellness Management. (3)
Development of the fitness/wellness industry. Planning, organizing, promoting, and managing fitness/wellness programs.
EXW 575 Teaching Lifetime Fitness. (3)
Organizing and implementing physical fitness programs in the schools with emphasis on individual problem solving.
EXW 591 Seminar. (1 – 12)
selected semesters
EXW 599 Thesis. (1 – 12)
selected semesters
EXW 642 Exercise Epidemiology. (3)
Physical activity, exercise, and physical fitness and the development of chronic disease.
Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of additional courses offered but not specifically listed, see “Omnibus Courses.”