FAS 301 Introduction to Parenting. (3)
fall and spring
Integrated approach to understanding parenting and parent-child interactions. Television course. Prerequisites: PGS 101; SOC 101 (or its equivalent).
FAS 330 Personal Growth in Human Relationships. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Personal development and behavior as related to competency in interpersonal relationships within the family. Processes of family interaction. Prerequisites: PGS 101; SOC 101 (or its equivalent).
General Studies: SB
FAS 331 Marriage and Family Relationships. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Issues, challenges, and opportunities relating to present-day marriage and family living. Factors influencing interrelations within the family. Prerequisite: a course in psychology or sociology.
General Studies: SB
FAS 332 Human Sexuality. (3)
fall and spring
Relationship of sexuality to family life and to major societal issues. Emphasizes developing healthy, positive, and responsive ways of integrating sexual and other aspects of human living. Prerequisite: PGS 101.
General Studies: SB
FAS 361 Introduction to Family/Child Research Methods. (3)
fall and spring
Examines basic methods applied to family/child research, critiques current research literature, and applies methods in current topics. Prerequisites: CDE 232; FAS 331.
General Studies: L
FAS 370 Family, Ethnic, and Cultural Diversity. (3)
fall and spring
Integrative approach to understanding historical and current issues related to the structure and internal dynamics of diverse American families. Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as AFS 370. Credit is allowed for only AFS 370 or FAS 370. Prerequisite: PGS 101 or SOC 101.
General Studies: SB, C
FAS 390 Supervised Research Experience. (1 – 3)
fall, spring, summer
Practical, firsthand experience within current faculty research projects in family studies or child development. “Y” grade only; may be repeated for total of 6 hours. Prerequisites: FAS 361; 3.00 GPA in major; approval of supervising faculty member before registration.
FAS 431 Parent-Adolescent Relationships. (3)
Dynamics of the relationships between parents and adolescents. Developmental characteristics of adolescence and the corresponding adult stage. Prerequisites: CDE 232; FAS 331.
General Studies: SB
FAS 432 Family Development. (3)
selected semesters
Normative changes in families over time from formation until dissolution. Emphasizes the marital subsystem in middle and later years. Prerequisites: both CDE 232 and FAS 331 or only instructor approval.
FAS 435 Advanced Marriage and Family Relationships. (3)
fall and spring
Recent research, issues, and trends relating to marriage and family interaction. Influence of family composition, physical environment, family patterns, and values on family dynamics. Prerequisites: FAS 331, 361.
General Studies: L/SB
FAS 440 Fundamentals of Marriage and Family Therapy. (3)
fall and spring
Introduces the fundamental orientations of marriage and family therapy.
FAS 484 Internship. (1 – 3)
fall and spring
FAS 498 Pro-Seminar. (1 – 7)
fall and spring
FAS 499 Individualized Instruction. (3)
fall, spring, summer
FAS 500 Research Methods. (4)
Purposes of research. Experimental design, methods of data collection, and thesis proposal development. Includes practical application research laboratory. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab.
FAS 530 Introduction to Marriage and Family Therapy. (3)
Introduces major marriage and family therapy orientations. Reviews history, theory, application, and outcome research for each orientation. Prerequisite: admission to graduate program in FRHD with a concentration in family studies or instructor approval.
FAS 531 Family Theory Development. (3)
Historical and current approaches to theory development, evaluation, and application in family studies. Prerequisite: FAS 435 or instructor approval.
FAS 536 Dysfunctional Marriage and Family Relationships. (3)
Critical review of current theory and empirical evidence connecting marital and family interaction patterns with aberrant behavior. Prerequisite: PGS 466 or PSY 573 (or its equivalent) or instructor approval.
FAS 537 Interpersonal Relationships. (3)
Critical examination of current theoretical and research developments in the area of interpersonal relationships. Emphasizes applications for research and intervention. Prerequisite: FAS 435 (or its equivalent) or instructor approval.
FAS 538 Advanced Techniques in Marriage and Family Therapy. (3)
In-depth review of assumptions and advanced techniques associated with contemporary marriage and family therapy approaches. Prerequisite: a graduate-level course in marriage and family therapy or instructor approval.
FAS 539 Research Issues in Family Interaction. (3)
Critical review of current and past research in the area of family dynamics. Emphasizes interactional processes within the family. Prerequisite: FAS 435 (or its equivalent) or instructor approval.
FAS 540 Assessment in Marriage and Family Therapy. (3)
Assessment and outcome evaluation of couples and families involved in marital and family therapy. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: FAS 500 (or its equivalent); PSY 530; instructor approval.
FAS 580 Marriage and Family Therapy Practicum. (1 – 12)
fall and spring
Supervised clinical experience in marriage and family therapy; includes development of assessment and outcome evaluation skills. Lecture, lab. Topics may include the following:
• | First semester. (3) |
• | Second semester. (3) |
• | Third semester. (3) |
Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of additional courses offered but not specifically listed, see “Omnibus Courses.”