FRE 101 Elementary French. (4)
fall, spring, summer
Intensive aural/oral drill in class and laboratory; basic grammar supplemented by simple prose readings. Not open to students with credit for FRE 111. 4 hours lecture, 1 hour lab. Fee.
FRE 102 Elementary French. (4)
fall, spring, summer
See FRE 101. Fee. Prerequisite: FRE 101 (or its equivalent).
FRE 107 French for International Professions I. (8)
Accelerated alternative to FRE 101 and 102 or FRE 111. Functional approach. Emphasizes communicative competence for international professions. Fee.
FRE 111 Fundamentals of French. (4)
fall and spring
Primarily for students with two years of high school French who need review to enter second year study. Not open to students with credit for FRE 101 or 102 or 107. 4 hours lecture, 1 hour lab. Fee.
FRE 201 Intermediate French I. (4)
fall, spring, summer
Grammar review, with emphasis on development of skills of speaking, reading, writing, and listening comprehension. 4 hours lecture; 1 hour lab. Fee. Prerequisite: FRE 102 or 111 (or its equivalent).
General Studies: G
FRE 202 Intermediate French II. (4)
fall, spring, summer
Continuation of grammar review with emphasis on development of skills in speaking, reading, writing, and listening comprehension. 4 hours lecture, 1 hour lab. Fee. Prerequisite: FRE 201 (or its equivalent).
General Studies: G
FRE 205 Readings in French Literature. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Designed to teach reading with facility and comprehension. Vocabulary building and textual analysis of literary genres are major elements. Prerequisite: FRE 202 (or its equivalent).
General Studies: G
FRE 207 French for International Professions II. (8)
Continuation of FRE 107, alternative to FRE 201, 202 sequence. Expansion of communicative proficiency in specific areas of international professions. Fee. Prerequisite: FRE 107 or instructor approval.
General Studies: G
FRE 311 French Conversation. (3)
fall and spring
Further practice in speaking French, emphasizing current usage and promoting facility in the expression of ideas. Prerequisite: 8 hours of 200-level French (or its equivalent).
General Studies: G
FRE 312 French Composition. (3)
fall and spring
Further practice in writing French, emphasizing current usage and promoting facility in the expression of ideas. Prerequisite: 8 hours of 200-level French (or its equivalent).
General Studies: G
FRE 315 French Phonetics. (3)
Practice and theory of French pronunciation. Emphasizes standard French, although an overview of regional varieties is offered. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: FRE 311 (or its equivalent).
FRE 319 Business French. (3)
Introduces the structure, vocabulary, and practices of the French business world. Prerequisite: FRE 312 or instructor approval.
General Studies: G
FRE 321 French Literature. (3)
fall and spring
Representative masterpieces and significant movements of French literature of the Middle Ages through the 18th century. Prerequisite: FRE 205 (or its equivalent).
General Studies: L/HU, H
FRE 322 French Literature. (3)
fall and spring
Literature of the 19th and 20th centuries. Prerequisite: FRE 205 (or its equivalent).
General Studies: L/HU
FRE 411 Advanced Spoken French. (3)
fall and spring
Improvement of spoken French. Prerequisites: FRE 311 and 6 hours of 300-level French (or their equivalents).
General Studies: G
FRE 412 Advanced Written French. (3)
fall and spring
Improvement of composition skills. Prerequisites: FRE 312 and 6 hours of 300-level French (or their equivalents).
General Studies: G
FRE 415 French Civilization I. (3)
Political, intellectual, social, economic, and artistic development of France from its origins to the end of the 17th century. Prerequisite: 6 hours of upper-division French.
General Studies: HU
FRE 416 French Civilization II. (3)
Political, intellectual, social, economic, and artistic development of France from the 18th century to present. Prerequisite: 6 hours of upper-division French.
General Studies: HU, G
FRE 421 Structure of French. (3)
Phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and varieties of French. Prerequisites: both FRE 311 and 312 or only instructor approval.
FRE 422 Applied French Linguistics. (3)
Applies linguistic theory and second language acquisition theory to teaching of French. Prerequisite: ASB 480 or ENG 213 or FLA 400.
FRE 423 French Syntax. (3)
Analyzes French syntactic structure by contemporary theoretical models. Prerequisite: ASB 480 or ENG 213 or FLA 400.
FRE 424 French Phonology. (3)
selected semesters
Introduces phonological theory and its application to French. Prerequisites: both FRE 311 and 312 or only instructor approval.
FRE 441 French Literature of the 17th Century. (3)
From 1600 to 1660. Prerequisites: both FRE 321 and 6 hours of 300-level French or only instructor approval.
General Studies: HU
FRE 442 French Literature of the 17th Century. (3)
From 1660 to 1700. Prerequisites: both FRE 321 and 6 hours of 300-level French or only instructor approval.
General Studies: HU, H
FRE 445 French Literature of the 18th Century. (3)
selected semesters
Contributions of the philosophers and the development of the novel and drama. Prerequisites: both FRE 321 and 6 hours of 300-level French or only instructor approval.
General Studies: L/HU
FRE 451 French Poetry of the 19th Century. (3)
From Romanticism to Parnassian poetry to Symbolism. Prerequisites: both FRE 322 and 6 hours of 300-level French or only instructor approval.
FRE 452 French Novel of the 19th Century. (3)
From Constant, Hugo, Balzac, Stendhal, and Sand to Flaubert and Zola, with emphasis on major literary movements. Prerequisites: both FRE 322 and 6 hours of 300-level French or only instructor approval.
General Studies: HU
FRE 453 Theater of the 19th Century. (3)
From Romantic drama to the Symbolist Theater. Representative plays of Hugo, Musset, Vigny, Dumas, Becque, Rostand, Feydeau, and Mirbeau. Prerequisites: both FRE 322 and 6 hours of 300-level French or only instructor approval.
General Studies: L/HU
FRE 461 Modern Narrative. (3)
Representative authors from Gide to the new Nouveau Roman. Prerequisites: both FRE 322 and 6 hours of 300-level French or only instructor approval.
General Studies: HU
FRE 462 Modern Poetry. (3)
Representative authors from Mallarme to Bonnefoy. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisites: both FRE 322 and 6 hours of 300-level French or only instructor approval.
General Studies: HU
FRE 471 The Literature of Francophone Africa and the Caribbean. (3)
Selected prose, poetry, and drama of black authors from Africa and the Caribbean. Prerequisites: both FRE 322 and 6 hours of 300-level French or only instructor approval.
General Studies: L/HU
FRE 472 Franco-Canadian Civilization. (3)
Study of the civilization of Quebec in particular through its history, language, literature, music, and customs. Prerequisite: 9 hours of 300-level French or instructor approval.
FRE 480 Translation Theory and Practice. (3)
Theoretical and practical approaches to the fundamentals of meaning-based translation. Lecture, seminar. Prerequisite: FRE 412 or instructor approval.
FRE 482 Business Translation. (3)
Practical approach to meaning-based translation through exposure to a variety of business texts. Prerequisite: FRE 312 or instructor approval.
FRE 485 Literary Translation. (3)
Theory and practice of literary translation with emphasis on application through individual translation project. Prerequisite: FRE 480.
FRE 494 Special Topics. (1 – 4)
selected semesters
FRE 499 Individualized Instruction. (1 – 3)
selected semesters
FRE 500 Bibliography and Research Methods. (3)
Required of all graduate students.
FRE 510 Explication de Textes. (3)
selected semesters
Detailed analysis of literary texts.
FRE 515 Intellectual Currents in France, from the Middle Ages to the 18th Century. (3)
selected semesters
Significant social, aesthetic, philosophic, and scientific ideas as presented by major writers of fiction and nonfiction.
FRE 516 Intellectual Currents in France, from the 19th Century to the 20th Century. (3)
selected semesters
See FRE 515.
FRE 521 History of the French Language. (3)
Principal phonological, morphological, and semantic developments of French from Latin to present, with emphasis on Old and Middle French. Prerequisite: some familiarity with Latin recommended.
FRE 531 Medieval French Literature. (3)
Readings in the epics, early drama, Roman courtois, and other representative literary genres of the Middle Ages.
FRE 535 French Literature of the 16th Century. (3)
Readings in French Renaissance literature with special attention to the humanist movement and to Rabelais, Montaigne, and the Pleiade.
FRE 580 Translation Theory and Practice. (3)
Theoretical and practical approaches to the fundamentals of meaning-based translation. Lecture, seminar. Prerequisite: FRE 412 or instructor approval.
FRE 582 Business Translation. (3)
Practical approach to meaning-based translation through exposure to a variety of business texts. Prerequisite: FRE 312 or instructor approval.
FRE 585 Literary Translation. (3)
Theory and practice of literary translation with emphasis on application through individual translation project. Lecture, seminar. Prerequisite: FRE 480.
FRE 591 Seminar. (1 – 12)
selected semesters
Topics may include the following:
• | Advanced Problems in French Literature. (3) |
• | Balzac. (3) |
• | Corneille, Molière, and Racine. (3) |
• | Diderot, Voltaire, and Rousseau. (3) |
• | Flaubert. (3) |
• | French Existentialist Literature. (3) |
• | French Literary Criticism. (3) |
• | Proust. (3) |
• | Realism and Naturalism. (3) |
• | Romanticism. (3) |
• | Stendhal and Zola. (3) |
Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of additional courses offered but not specifically listed, see “Omnibus Courses.”