GLG 101 Introduction to Geology I (Physical). (3)
fall, spring, summer
Basic principles of geology, geochemistry, and geophysics. Rocks, minerals, weathering, earthquakes, mountain building, volcanoes, water, and glaciers. Possible weekend field trips.
General Studies: SQ (if credit also earned in GLG 103), G
GLG 102 Introduction to Geology II (Historical). (3)
Basic principles of applied geology and the use of these principles in the interpretation of geologic history. Possible weekend field trips. Fee. Prerequisite: GLG 101.
General Studies: SG (if credit also earned in GLG 104), H
GLG 103 Introduction to Geology I — Laboratory. (1)
fall, spring, summer
3 hours lab, some field trips. Fee. Corequisite: GLG 101.
General Studies: SQ (if credit also earned in GLG 101)
GLG 104 Introduction to Geology II — Laboratory. (1)
Laboratory techniques involving map interpretation, cross sections, and fossils. 3 hours lab, possible field trips. Prerequisite: GLG 103 (or its equivalent). Corequisite: GLG 102.
General Studies: SG (if credit also earned in GLG 102)
GLG 105 Introduction to Planetary Science. (4)
Solar system objects and their geologic evolution, surfaces, interiors, and atmospheres; weekly laboratory for data analysis and experiments. Lecture, lab, weekend field trip.
General Studies: SG
GLG 110 Geologic Disasters and the Environment. (3)
Geological studies as they apply to interactions between humans and earth. Includes geological processes and hazards, resources, and global change.
General Studies: SG (if credit also earned in GLG 111), G
GLG 111 Geologic Disasters Laboratory. (1)
Basic geological processes and concepts. Emphasis on geology-related environmental problems. Case histories, field studies, lab. Corequisite: GLG 110.
General Studies: SG (if credit also earned in GLG 110)
GLG 294 Special Topics. (1 – 4)
selected semesters
Topics may include the following:
• | Geology of the Planets
Fee. |
GLG 300 Geology of Arizona. (3)
once a year
Basic and historical geology, fossils, mining, energy resources, environmental problems, landscape development, and meteorites, cast in examples from Arizona. Majors who have taken GLG 101 for credit may not enroll.
GLG 304 Geology of the Grand Canyon. (2)
selected semesters
Reviews the discovery, history, origin, and geology of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in Arizona. Requires 6-day field trip down the river (first 6 days after commencement in May) at student’s expense. Requires field research and term paper on trip.
GLG 310 Structural Geology. (3)
Geologic structures and the mechanical processes involved in their formation. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab; possible field trips. Fee. Prerequisites: GLG 101; MAT 270 (or 290).
GLG 321 Mineralogy. (3)
Crystal chemistry, crystallography, mineral identification, origin and occurrence of minerals, systematic mineralogy. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab, possible field trips. Prerequisites: CHM 113; MAT 270 (or 290). Pre- or corequisite: CHM 116.
GLG 335 Paleontology. (3)
Introduces concepts and analytical techniques in biogeology, paleobiology, paleoecology, and paleoenvironmental reconstruction from the fossil record. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Fee. Prerequisites: both GLG 102 and MAT 270 (or 290) or only instructor approval.
GLG 362 Geomorphology. (3)
selected semesters
Land forms and processes which create and modify them. Laboratory and field study of physiographic features. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab, possible weekend field trips. Prerequisite: GLG 101. Pre- or corequisite: GLG 310.
GLG 400 Geology Colloquium. (1)
fall and spring
Presentation of recent research by faculty and guests. Requires written assignments. 1 semester hour required for Geological Sciences majors; may be repeated for a total of 2 semester hours. Prerequisite: 2 courses in the department or instructor approval.
GLG 405 Geology of the Moon. (3)
selected semesters
Current theories of the origin and evolution of the moon through photogeological analyses and consideration of geochemical and geophysical constraints. Possible field trips to examine Arizona geology. Fee. Prerequisite: GLG 105 or instructor approval.
GLG 406 Geology of Mars. (3)
selected semesters
Geological evolution of Mars through analyses of spacecraft data, theoretical modeling, and study of terrestrial analogs; emphasizes current work. Possible field trips to examine Arizona geology. Fee. Prerequisite: GLG 105 or instructor approval.
GLG 410 Computers in Geology. (3)
Geological computer skills including data processing, visualization, presentation, numerical analysis, software and hardware applications. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisites: both GLG 101 and an upper-division course in geology or only instructor approval.
General Studies: CS
GLG 412 Geotectonics. (3)
selected semesters
Earthquakes, earth’s interior, formation of oceanic and continental crust, and plate tectonics. Emphasizes current work. Prerequisite: GLG 310.
GLG 416 Field Geophysics. (3)
Methods of applied geophysical exploration; seismic refraction, gravity, electrical resistivity, geomagnetics. Includes survey planning, data acquisition, processing, analysis, and interpretation. Lecture, field exercises. Prerequisite: a course in geology or instructor approval.
GLG 418 Geophysics. (3)
Solid earth geophysics; geomagnetism, gravity, seismology, heat flow. Emphasizes crust and upper mantle. Prerequisites: a combination of GLG 310 and MAT 272 and PHY 131 or only instructor approval.
GLG 419 Geodynamics. (3)
selected semesters
Emphasizes application of continuum principles to geological problems, including lithospheric stresses, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and rock rheology. Prerequisite: PHY 131.
GLG 420 Volcanology. (3)
once a year
Distribution of past and present volcanism, types of volcanic activity, mechanism of eruption, form and structure of volcanoes, and geochemistry of volcanic activity. Possible weekend field trips. Fee. Prerequisite: GLG 424.
GLG 424 Petrology. (3)
Origin of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Optical mineralogy, hand specimen identification, and thin-section analysis. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab, possible weekend field trips. Fee. Prerequisite: GLG 321.
GLG 435 Sedimentology. (3)
Origin, transport, deposition, and diagenesis of sediments and sedimentary rocks. Physical analysis, hand specimen examination, and interpretation of rocks and sediments. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab, possible weekend field trips. Fee. Prerequisites: GLG 102, 321.
GLG 441 Ore Deposits. (3)
selected semesters
Origin, occurrence, structure, and mineralogy of ore deposits. Possible weekend field trips. Fee. Prerequisite: GLG 424 or instructor approval.
GLG 451 Field Geology I. (3)
Geological mapping techniques using topographic maps and aerial photos. Intensive field-based instruction. Lab. Prerequisites: GLG 310, 321.
General Studies: L
GLG 452 Field Geology II. (3)
Continuation of GLG 451. Lab. Prerequisite: GLG 451.
General Studies: L
GLG 455 Advanced Field Geology. (3 – 4)
once a year
Geologic mapping in igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic terrains of the Basin and Range province of Arizona. May be repeated for credit. Weekend field trips. Fee. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
GLG 456 Cordilleran Regional Geology. (3)
selected semesters
Systematic coverage through space and time of the geological development of western North America, emphasizing the western United States. Fee. Prerequisite: senior major or graduate student in Geological Sciences or instructor approval.
GLG 461 Geomicrobiology. (3)
Past and present interactions among microbial life, geological materials, and biogeochemical cycles involving carbon, sulfur, phosphate, nitrogen, and minerals. Cross-listed as MIC 461. Credit is allowed for only GLG 461 or MIC 461. Prerequisites: introductory courses in chemistry and microbiology (or geological sciences); instructor approval.
GLG 470 Hydrogeology. (3)
Geology of groundwater occurrence, aquifer and well hydraulics, water chemistry and quality, contaminant transport, remediation. Emphasizes quantitative methods. Prerequisites: GLG 101 (or 103); MAT 270; PHY 121.
GLG 481 Geochemistry. (3)
Origin and distribution of the chemical elements. Geochemical cycles operating in the earth’s atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. Cross-listed as CHM 481. Credit is allowed for only CHM 481 or GLG 481. Prerequisite: CHM 341 (or 346) or GLG 321.
GLG 484 Geology Internship. (3)
fall and spring
Assist in teaching fifth-grade students a simplified version of GLG 103 using hands-on activities.
GLG 485 Meteorites and Cosmochemistry. (3)
selected semesters
Chemistry of meteorites and their relationship to the origin of the earth, solar system, and universe. Cross-listed as CHM 485. Credit is allowed for only CHM 485 or GLG 485.
GLG 490 Topics in Geology. (1 – 3)
fall, spring, summer
Special topics in a range of fields in geology. May be repeated for credit. Fee. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
GLG 495 Undergraduate Thesis. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Guided research culminating in the completion and presentation of an undergraduate thesis based on supervised research. Independent study. Prerequisite: GLG 499 (3 hours); formal conference with instructor; instructor and department chair approval.
GLG 499 Individualized Instruction. (1 – 3)
selected semesters
GLG 500 Geology Colloquium. (1)
fall and spring
Presentation of recent research by faculty and invited guests. 1 semester required for all Geological Sciences graduate students. May be repeated for a total of 2 semester hours. Requires research paper. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
GLG 501 Geology of Arizona. (3)
once a year
Basic and historical geology, fossils, mining, energy resources, environmental problems, landscape development, and meteorites, cast in examples from Arizona. Requires research paper.
GLG 504 Geology of the Grand Canyon. (2)
selected semesters
Reviews the discovery, history, origin, and geology of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in Arizona. Requires 6-day field trip down the river (first 6 days after commencement in May) at student’s expense. Requires field research and term paper on trip.
GLG 510 Advanced Structural Geology. (3)
selected semesters
Mechanics of rock deformation, emphasizing relationship between field observation, theory, and experiment. Stress, strain, simple constitutive relationships, failure criteria, and the basis of continuum methods. Possible field trips. Fee. Prerequisites: both GLG 310 and 424 or only instructor approval.
GLG 520 Advanced Physical Volcanology. (2 – 3)
selected semesters
Selected volcanologic topics, including explosive eruption processes, lava flow mechanics, and intrusive mechanisms. Possible field trips. Fee. Prerequisite: GLG 420 or instructor approval.
GLG 524 Advanced Igneous Petrology. (3)
selected semesters
Theoretical and practical aspects of the genesis of igneous rocks. Study of selected sites. Modern laboratory techniques. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab, possible weekend field trips. Fee. Prerequisite: GLG 424.
GLG 581 Isotope Geochemistry. (3)
selected semesters
Geochemistry and cosmochemistry of stable and radioactive isotopes; geochronology; isotope equilibria. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
GLG 582 Physical Geochemistry. (3)
selected semesters
Applies thermodynamic and kinetic principles to geochemical processes. Prerequisite: CHM 341 (or 346) or GLG 321.
GLG 591 Seminar. (1 – 3)
fall, spring, summer
Topics in a range of fields in geology. May be repeated for credit. Fee. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
GLG 592 Research. (1 – 12)
fall, spring, summer
GLG 598 Special Topics. (1 – 4)
fall, spring, summer
Special topics in geological sciences. May be repeated for credit. Topics may include the following:
• | Advanced Field Geology. (1 – 3)
Fee. |
• | Clastic Sedimentology and Petrology. (1 – 3)
Fee. |
• | Cordilleran Regional Geology. (1 – 3)
Fee. |
• | Fundamental Planetary Geology. (1 – 3) |
• | Geology of Mars. (1 – 3)
Fee. |
• | Methods in Geoscience Teaching. (1 – 3) |
• | Ore Deposits. (1 – 3)
Fee. |
• | Orogenic Systems. (1 – 3) |
• | Petrology-Petrography. (1 – 3)
Fee. |
• | Principles of Stratigraphy. (1 – 3)
Fee. |
• | Remote Sensing. (1 – 3) |
• | Sedimentology. (1 – 3)
Fee. |
• | Volcanology. (1 – 3)
Fee. |
GLG 599 Thesis. (1 – 12)
fall, spring, summer
GLG 792 Research. (1 – 12)
fall, spring, summer
GLG 799 Dissertation. (1 – 15)
fall, spring, summer
Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of additional courses offered but not specifically listed, see “Omnibus Courses.”