ARCHIVE: Fall 2002
Graphic Design (GRA)

GRA 283 Letterform I. (3)
Drawing of letterforms with focus on proportion and structure. Introduces letterform nomenclature and classifications. 6 hours a week. Fee. Prerequisites: DSC 122; acceptance into Graphic Design professional program.

GRA 284 Visual Communication I. (3)
Theoretical and applied studies in shape, drawing, and color. 6 hours a week. Fee. Prerequisite: GRA 283.

GRA 286 Visual Communication II. (3)
Transition from theoretical to applied problems. Emphasizes refinement of visual skills. 6 hours a week. Fee. Prerequisites: GRA 284; acceptance into Graphic Design professional program. Corequisite: GRA 287.

GRA 287 Letterform II. (3)
Continuation of GRA 283 with emphasis on lowercase letters; basics of pen writing and font design. 6 hours per week. Fee. Prerequisites: GRA 284; acceptance into Graphic Design professional program. Corequisite: GRA 286.

GRA 318 History of Graphic Design. (3)
Surveys development in the graphic arts, innovative printing methods, aesthetic values, and social and cultural environments that shape them.
General Studies: HU

GRA 345 Design Rhetoric. (3)
fall and spring
Develops critical thinking and expression of ideas in concise and persuasive written and spoken form. Prerequisites: ENG 101, 102.
General Studies: L

GRA 382 Graphic Representation. (3)
Studio practice in drawing with an application toward graphic communication. 6 hours a week. May be repeated once for credit. Fee. Prerequisite: GRA 284.

GRA 383 Typography I. (3)
Theoretical exercises in spatial and textural qualities of type. Problems in tension, activation, and balance. Exercises in simple typographical applications. 6 hours a week. Fee. Prerequisites: GRA 286, 287. Corequisite: GRA 386.

GRA 385 Typography II. (3)
Problems in composition, choice, and combinations of typefaces, formats, and their application to a variety of design projects. 6 hours a week. Fee. Prerequisite: GRA 383. Corequisite: GRA 387.

GRA 386 Visual Communication III. (3)
Problems in specific design applications such as poster, packaging, publications. Emphasizes development of concepts in visual communications. 6 hours a week. Fee. Prerequisites: GRA 286, 287. Corequisite: GRA 383.

GRA 387 Visual Communication IV. (3)
Client-oriented projects. Multifaceted problems with emphases on continuity of design in more than one medium and format. 6 hours a week. Fee. Prerequisites: GRA 383, 386. Corequisite: GRA 385.

GRA 481 Visual Communication V. (3)
Studio problems with emphasis on analysis, problem solving, and professional portfolio preparation. 6 hours a week. Fee. Prerequisites: GRA 385, 387.

GRA 482 Visual Communication VI. (3)
Individual and group projects with outside clients. All projects culminate in an exhibit. 6 hours a week. Fee. Prerequisite: GRA 481.

GRA 485 Graphic Design Workshop. (3)
selected semesters
Preprofessional client/designer situations from concept to printed work.Studio workshop and internships for selected students. 6 hours a week. May be repeated once for credit. Fee. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

GRA 494 Special Topics. (1 – 4)
fall and spring
Topics may include the following:

Graphic Design. (3)

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Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of additional courses offered but not specifically listed, see “Omnibus Courses.”

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