ARCHIVE: Fall 2002
Global Technology and Development (GTD)

GTD 501 Global Technology and Development I. (1)
fall and spring
Major theories of economic, political, and social development, with particular emphasis on the impact of current technologies and globalization. Seminar. Prerequisite: admission to M.S. in Technology degree with a concentration in global technology and development or instructor approval.

GTD 502 Global Technology and Development II. (1)
fall and spring
Continued study of theories of development, emphasizing role of technology in historical perspective. Seminar. Prerequisite: GTD 501.

GTD 503 Technology and the International Political System I. (1)
fall and spring
Historical development of international political system, with emphasis on role of technology. Seminar. Prerequisite: GTD 502 or instructor approval.

GTD 504 Technology and the International Political System II. (1)
fall and spring
Continuing themes of GTD 503, exploring current impact of technology on international system and future trends. Seminar. Prerequisite: GTD 503.

GTD 505 Quantitative Methods in Technology and Development. (2)
fall and spring
Emphasizes techniques of primary data collection, effective uses of secondary sources, for qualitative and quantitative applications. Prerequisite: admission to M.S. in Technology degree with a concentration in global technology and development or instructor approval.

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Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of additional courses offered but not specifically listed, see “Omnibus Courses.”

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