HPS 311 Origins, Evolution, and Creation. (3)
selected semesters
Examines scientific, mythic, and religious ideas relating to origins (particularly human). Place of antievolutionism and “scientific creationism” in American culture. Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as BIO 344/HUM 371/REL 383. Credit is allowed for only BIO 344 or HPS 311 or HUM 371 or REL 383.
HPS 322 History of Science. (3)
once a year
Development and application of scientific thinking from ancient times through the 17th century.
General Studies: HU, H
HPS 323 History of Science. (3)
selected semesters
Development and application of scientific thinking from the 18th century to the present.
General Studies: HU, H
HPS 325 Chinese Science and Medicine. (3)
selected semesters
Explores developments of Chinese traditions dealing with the natural world, science, and medicine. Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as HST 385. Credit is allowed for only HPS 325 or HST 385.
General Studies: HU, G, H
HPS 330 History of Biology: Conflicts and Controversies. (3)
selected semesters
Focuses on 19th and 20th centuries, considering biology as a discipline. Evolution, problems of heredity, development, and cell theory. Cross-listed as BIO 316. Credit is allowed for only BIO 316 or HPS 330.
General Studies: H
HPS 331 History of Medicine. (3)
once a year
Scientific study of the human body, changing theories of disease, evolution of practical opinions on treatment, and the emerging institutionalization of medical practice. Cross-listed as BIO 318. Credit is allowed for only BIO 318 or HPS 331.
General Studies: H
HPS 332 The Darwinian Revolution. (3)
selected semesters
Intellectual and cultural history of Darwinism and modern evolutionary theory and their impact on 19th- and 20th-century thought. Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as BIO 346/HUM 372. Credit is allowed for only BIO 346 or HPS 332 or HUM 372.
HPS 340 Biology and Society. (3)
Explores interactions between biological sciences and society, e.g., biomedical, environmental, ethical, historical, legal, philosophical, political, and social issues. Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as BIO 311. Credit is allowed for only BIO 311 or HPS 340. Prerequisites: both BIO 187 and 188 or only BIO 193 (or 100).
HPS 377 Nature in Context. (3)
Explores perspectives on the nature of nature, the history of ecology, and the rise of environmentalism. Seminar. Cross-listed as HON 377. Credit is allowed for only HON 377 or HPS 377.
General Studies: L/HU
HPS 402 Technology, Society, and Human Values. (3)
once a year
Values that motivate humankind to create technology. Areas of conflict and resolution of conflict between values and technology. Readings and discussions with visiting lecturers. Prerequisite: junior standing.
HPS 410 Professional Values in Science. (3)
once a year
Considers issues related to values in science such as collaboration, finances, legal issues, media, mentoring, ownership of ideas, scientific integrity. Discussion, student projects. Cross-listed as BIO 416. Credit is allowed for only BIO 416 or HPS 410.
General Studies: L
Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of additional courses offered but not specifically listed, see “Omnibus Courses.”