ARCHIVE: Fall 2002
International Business Studies (IBS)

IBS 300 Principles of International Business. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Multidisciplinary analysis of international economic and financial environment. Operations of multinational firms and their interaction with home and host societies. Prerequisite: ECN 112.
General Studies: G

IBS 306 Survey of International Economics. (3)
fall and spring
Survey of international trade issues, commercial policy, trade theory, customs unions, and international monetary topics. Not for Economics majors. Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as ECN 306. Credit is allowed for only ECN 306 or IBS 306. Prerequisites: ECN 111 (or 112); 2.00 ASU GPA; junior standing.
General Studies: SB, G

IBS 394 Special Topics. (1 – 4)
fall and spring
Topics may include the following:

Economics of Latin America. (3)
Regional Business Environment of Southeast Asia. (3)

Prerequisites: 2.00 ASU GPA; junior standing.

IBS 400 Cultural Factors in International Business. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Cultural role in international business relations; applied principles of cross-cultural communications, negotiations, and management; regional approaches to business relations. Prerequisites: IBS 300, 306 (or ECN 306).
General Studies: C, G

IBS 484 International Business Internship. (3)
selected semesters
Academic credit for professional work organized through the internship/international program. Prerequisites: IBS 300 or 306 (or ECN 306); professional program business student; senior; minimum cumulative ASU GPA of 3.40; minimum ASU business GPA of 3.40.

IBS 493 International Honors Thesis. (3)
fall and spring
General Studies: L

IBS 494 Special Topics. (1 – 4)
fall and spring
Topics may include the following:

International Management. (3)
Prerequisite: IBS 300 or MGT 300.
Multinational Management. (3)
Regional Business Environment of Southeast Asia. (3)

Credit is allowed for only IBS 494 ST: International Management or ST: Multinational Management or MGT 459.

IBS 499 Individualized Instruction of International Business. (3)
fall and spring

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Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of additional courses offered but not specifically listed, see “Omnibus Courses.”

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