ARCHIVE: Fall 2002
Korean (KOR)

KOR 101 First-Year Korean I. (5)
Pronunciation, grammar, elementary conversation, and development of basic reading and writing skills including Han’gul. Lecture, recitation.

KOR 102 First-Year Korean II. (5)
Continuation of KOR 101. Lecture, recitation. Prerequisite: KOR 101 (or its equivalent).

KOR 201 Second-Year Korean I. (5)
Continual development of communication skills. Increased emphasis on reading and writing, vocabulary building, and review of fundamentals. Lecture, recitation. Prerequisite: KOR 102 (or its equivalent).
General Studies: G

KOR 202 Second-Year Korean II. (5)
Continuation of KOR 201. Lecture, recitation. Prerequisite: KOR 201 (or its equivalent).
General Studies: G

KOR 250 Korean Culture and Society. (3)
once a year
Survey of Korean culture and society, covering history, religious traditions, gender, and popular culture. Lecture, discussion.
General Studies: G

KOR 313 Third-Year Korean I. (3)
Continued development of ability to communicate orally and in writing. Exposure to a variety or Korean written styles. Reading, writing, discussion. Prerequisite: KOR 202 (or its equivalent).

KOR 314 Third-Year Korean II. (3)
Continuation of KOR 313. Reading, writing, discussion. Prerequisite: KOR 313 (or its equivalent).

KOR 347 Korean Film and Literature. (3)
Introduces aspects of Korean history, culture, and society through Korean films and literature. Lecture, discussion.

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Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of additional courses offered but not specifically listed, see “Omnibus Courses.”

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