MUP 100 Concert Attendance. (0)
fall and spring
Required of all music majors for 6 semesters in each degree program, with a minimum of 4 convocations attended each semester.
MUP 111 Studio Instruction. (2)
fall and spring
Bassoon, cello, clarinet, contrabass, cornet, euphonium, flute, guitar, harp, harpsichord, horn, oboe, organ, percussion, piano, saxophone, trombone, trumpet, tuba, viola, violin, voice. Minimum contact of 1 hour plus studio class weekly. May be repeated for credit. May not be taken for audit. Fee. Prerequisites: music major; placement examination; audition.
MUP 121 Studio Instruction. (1)
fall, spring, summer
Secondary or minor instrument instruction. Bassoon, cello, clarinet, contrabass, cornet, euphonium, flute, guitar, harp, harpsichord, horn, oboe, organ, percussion, piano, saxophone, trombone, trumpet, tuba, viola, violin, voice. Minimum contact of 1/2 hour per week. May be repeated for credit. May not be taken for audit. Fee. Prerequisites: music major; instructor approval.
MUP 127 Studio Instruction. (4)
fall and spring
Bassoon, cello, clarinet, contrabass, cornet, euphonium, flute, guitar, harp, harpsichord, horn, oboe, organ, percussion, piano, saxophone, trombone, trumpet, tuba, viola, violin, voice. Minimum contact of 1 hour plus studio class weekly. May be repeated for credit. May not be taken for audit. Fee. Prerequisites: Performance major; placement examination; audition.
MUP 130 Beginning Group Piano. (1)
fall and spring
Provides a basic introduction to playing piano through music reading, chords, rhythmic, and written activities. Prerequisite: non-music major.
MUP 131 Class Piano. (1)
fall and spring
4-semester sequence (with MUP 132, 231, and 232) designed for those with little or no piano experience. Emphasizes keyboard technique, sight reading, simple accompaniments, and improvisation. 2 hours per week. May not be taken for audit. Prerequisite: music major.
MUP 132 Class Piano. (1)
See MUP 131.
MUP 133 Class Voice. (1)
fall and spring
4-semester sequence (MUP 134, 233, and 234) open to all students. 2 hours per week. May not be taken for audit.
MUP 134 Class Voice. (1)
fall and spring
See MUP 133. Prerequisite: MUP 133 or instructor approval.
MUP 141 Jazz Fundamentals. (1)
Principles, methods, and theory of jazz performance, especially designed for the small jazz ensemble. 2 hours per week.
MUP 142 Jazz Fundamentals. (1)
Continuation of MUP 141. 2 hours per week.
MUP 209 Beginning Choral Conducting. (1)
fall and spring
Essentials of choral conducting techniques. 2 hours per week.
MUP 210 Beginning Instrumental Conducting. (1)
Essentials of instrumental conducting techniques. 2 hours per week.
MUP 217 Improvisation Workshop. (2)
fall and spring
Emphasizes basic jazz literature, chord symbol reading, melodic patterns, ear training, melodic concepts, and analysis of improvised solos. Must be taken in sequence with MUP 218. May not be taken for audit. Prerequisites: MTC 125; MUP 111 (1 semester).
MUP 218 Improvisation Workshop. (2)
fall and spring
Continuation of MUP 217. Prerequisite: MUP 217.
MUP 231 Class Piano. (1)
See MUP 131.
MUP 232 Class Piano. (1)
See MUP 131.
MUP 233 Class Voice. (1)
fall and spring
See MUP 133. Prerequisite: MUP 134 or instructor approval.
MUP 234 Class Voice. (1)
fall and spring
See MUP 133. Prerequisite: MUP 233 or instructor approval.
MUP 235 Jazz Piano. (1)
2-semester sequence (with MUP 236) designed for jazz keyboard experience. Emphasizes chord symbol reading, simple improvisation, and voicing. 2 hours per week. Prerequisite: MUP 132.
MUP 236 Jazz Piano. (1)
See MUP 235. Prerequisite: MUP 132.
MUP 237 Fretboard Harmony. (1)
fall and spring
Scales, chords, harmony, basic improvisation for the guitar. 2 hours per week.
MUP 250 Diction for Singers. (1)
fall and spring
Use of phonetics in the study of song and opera literature. Language emphasis differs each semester. May be repeated for credit.
MUP 301 Advanced Class Piano. (1)
Required for the choral-general concentration of the Music Education major. Open to other music majors who have completed MUP 232. Emphasizes accompaniments, ensemble playing, score reading, advanced harmonizations, repertoire, technique, and improvisation. 2 hours per week. May not be taken for audit. Prerequisites: MUP 232 (or proficiency); music major; placement examination.
MUP 302 Advanced Class Piano. (1)
Required for the choral-general concentration of the Music Education major. Open to other music majors who have completed MUP 301. A sequential continuation of MUP 301 skills that include both group and studio instruction. 2 hours per week. May not be taken for audit. Prerequisites: MUP 301 (or proficiency); music major; placement examination.
MUP 311 Studio Instruction. (2)
fall and spring
See MUP 111. Fee.
MUP 319 Recording Studio Techniques. (2)
Study of both analog and digital recording methods. Includes lab time on recording console and tape machines. Lab.
MUP 320 MIDI Workshop. (2)
Presents hardware and software applications for sequencing and music printing. Lab.
MUP 321 Studio Instruction. (1)
fall, spring, summer
See MUP 121. Fee.
MUP 327 Studio Instruction. (4)
fall and spring
See MUP 127. Fee.
MUP 337 Studio Instruction: Piano Accompanying. (2)
Repertoire to be selected from vocal and instrumental literature. 1 hour lesson per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: Performance major with a concentration in piano accompanying; placement examination.
MUP 339 Choral Conducting. (2)
fall and spring
Elements of choral conducting technique and interpretation. 3 hours per week. Prerequisite: MUP 209.
MUP 340 Instrumental Conducting. (2)
Fundamentals of score reading and interpretation of instrumental music. 3 hours per week. Prerequisite: MUP 210.
MUP 344 Chamber Orchestra. (1)
fall and spring
Important masterpieces from all periods of music are performed throughout the year. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: audition with director.
MUP 345 Symphony Orchestra. (1)
fall and spring
Over a 4-year period, the student is introduced to the masterpieces of symphony orchestra literature. 3 times per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: audition with director.
MUP 346 Sinfonietta. (1)
fall and spring
Symphonic orchestra that presents approximately six concerts annually, performing masterpieces of the classical repertoire. 3 times per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: audition with director.
MUP 350 Choral Union. (1)
fall and spring
Open to all students in the university and to interested singers in the community by audition. Preparation and performance of the larger choral works. 2 hours per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: audition with director.
MUP 352 Concert Choir. (1)
fall and spring
Important masterpieces from all periods of music are performed. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MUP 353 University Choir. (1)
fall and spring
4 hours per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MUP 355 Men’s Chorus. (1)
fall and spring
Rehearsal and performance of music for male voices. 3 hours per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: audition with director; instructor approval.
MUP 357 Women’s Chorus. (1)
fall and spring
2 hours per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MUP 361 Marching and Concert Bands. (1)
fall and spring
Staging of formations and drills for football games and other events (fall); masterpieces of symphonic band literature (spring). Meets daily. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: audition with director.
MUP 362 Wind Ensemble. (1)
fall and spring
Rehearsal and performance of literature for wind ensemble. 2 hours per week in fall, 4 hours in spring. Performing ensemble. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MUP 363 Chamber Winds. (1)
fall and spring
Rehearsal and performance of advanced literature for chamber winds. 2 hours per week. Performing ensemble. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MUP 370 Music Theatre: Techniques. (1)
fall and spring
Exercises and improvisations for the singer/actor emphasizing body awareness, basic music theater performance skills, and freedom of the vocal and breath mechanisms. Section 1 (Movement for Singers); Section 2 (Expression); Section 3 (Interpretation); Section 4 (Advanced Expression); Section 5 (Advanced Interpretation). Sections 2 through 5 must be taken in sequence. Each section: 3 hours per week. May be repeated for credit.
MUP 371 Music Theatre: Workshops. (1)
fall and spring
Development of specific skills for musical-dramatic interpretation. Section 1 (Aria Preparation); Section 2 (Broadway I); Section 3 (Broadway II). Each section: 1 hour lecture, demonstration, 1 lab per week. May be repeated for credit.
MUP 372 Music Theatre: Orchestras. (1)
fall and spring
Participation in Lyric Opera Theatre productions. Section 1 (Orchestra); Section 2 (Chamber Orchestra); Section 3 (Chamber Ensemble). May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: audition with director; instructor approval.
MUP 373 Music Theatre: Performance. (1)
fall and spring
Participation in Lyric Opera Theatre productions. Section 1 (Principal Roles); Section 2 (Chorus). May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: audition with director; instructor approval.
MUP 374 Music Theatre: Production. (1)
fall and spring
Participation in Lyric Opera Theatre productions. Section 1 (Vocal Performance); Section 2 (Technical Music Theatre); Section 3 (Problems in Production) to be taken concurrently with MUP 373, Section 2. May be repeated for credit.
MUP 376 New Music Ensemble. (1)
fall and spring
Rehearsal and performance of music written in the last 20 years. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MUP 377 Brass Choir. (1)
fall and spring
Specializing in public performance of music written for brass instruments. 2 hours per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MUP 379 Chamber Music Ensembles. (1)
fall and spring
Brass, guitar, keyboard, mixed, percussion, string, vocal, and woodwinds ensembles. 2 hours per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MUP 382 Collegium Musicum. (1)
selected semesters
Singers and instrumentalists specializing in the performance of early and unusual music. 2 hours per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MUP 385 Percussion Ensemble. (1)
fall and spring
Rehearsal and performance of standard and original repertoire for the percussion ensemble and related instruments. 2 hours per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MUP 386 Jazz Band. (1)
fall and spring
Rehearsal and performance of new, traditional, and Latin literature for jazz bands. 4 hours per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MUP 387 Ethnomusicology Ensembles. (1)
fall and spring
Performance learning experience for the music of various cultures of the world. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: knowledge of instrument or instructor approval.
MUP 388 Piano Accompanying. (1)
fall and spring
Piano accompaniments found in vocal and instrumental literature; discussion of styles and performance practices; experience in public performance. 2 hours per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Performance major with a concentration in piano accompanying or instructor approval.
MUP 417 Advanced Improvisation. (2)
fall and spring
Emphasizes analysis and performance of advanced jazz literature; composition in contemporary styles. Must be taken in sequence with MUP 418. May not be taken for audit. Prerequisite: MUP 218.
MUP 418 Advanced Improvisation. (2)
fall and spring
Continuation of MUP 417. Prerequisite: MUP 417.
MUP 440 Keyboard Harmony. (1)
Performance-oriented class emphasizing chord progressions, harmonization, figured bass realization, stylistic improvisation, transposition, open score reading, and sight reading. Prerequisite: Performance major with a concentration in keyboard or instructor approval.
MUP 451 Repertoire. (2)
fall and spring
Literature available for performance in all performing media. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: junior standing in major performance field.
MUP 453 Song Literature. (2)
once a year
Early Italian, English, German, and French art song.
MUP 454 Song Literature. (2)
once a year
American, Russian, Spanish, Scandinavian, and contemporary song.
MUP 481 Performance Pedagogy and Materials. (2)
fall and spring
Principles and methods of performance techniques for each performance field. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: senior standing or instructor approval.
MUP 482 Piano Pedagogy. (2)
selected semesters
Continuation of MUP 481 (Piano). Problems and techniques of teaching intermediate to advanced piano students. Prerequisites: junior standing in Performance (keyboard or piano accompanying concentration); instructor approval.
MUP 487 Piano Accompanying. (1)
fall and spring
Piano accompaniments found in vocal and instrumental literature; discussion of styles and performance practices; experience in public performance. 2 hours per week. May be repeated for credit. May not be taken for audit. Prerequisite: Performance major with a concentration in keyboard or piano accompanying.
MUP 495 Performance. (0)
fall and spring
For candidates of a B.M. degree in which 1/2 recital is a requirement. Prerequisite: B.M. degree candidate.
MUP 496 Performance. (0)
fall and spring
For candidates of a B.M. degree in which a full recital is a requirement. Prerequisites: B.M. degree candidate; MUP 495.
MUP 507 Group Piano Practicum. (2)
Curricula, materials, and teaching techniques for group teaching at the university and community college levels. Observation/supervised teaching in group piano.
MUP 508 Studio Observation. (1)
fall and spring
Weekly observation of studio teaching by various piano faculty. Paper as final requirement. Prerequisite: M.M. piano student in Performance major (performance pedagogy or solo performance concentration).
MUP 509 Jazz Keyboard Harmony. (1)
Emphasizes jazz chords and chord progressions, harmonization, voicing, and analysis of transcriptions. Lab. Prerequisite: M.M., Music Education student.
MUP 510 Jazz Keyboard Harmony. (1)
Continuation of MUP 509. Lab. Prerequisite: MUP 509.
MUP 511 Studio Instruction. (2)
fall and spring
Bassoon, cello, clarinet, contrabass, cornet, euphonium, flute, guitar, harp, harpsichord, horn, oboe, organ, percussion, piano, saxophone, trombone, trumpet, tuba, viola, violin, voice. Minimum contact of 1 hour plus studio class weekly. May be repeated for credit. May not be taken for audit. Fee. Prerequisites: graduate music major; placement examination; audition.
MUP 517 Advanced Improvisation. (1)
Improvisation techniques within the context of advanced jazz literature. Must be taken in sequence with MUP 518. Lab. Prerequisites: placement examination; audition.
MUP 518 Advanced Improvisation. (1)
Continuation of MUP 517. Lab. Prerequisite: MUP 517.
MUP 521 Studio Instruction. (1)
fall, spring, summer
Secondary or minor instrument instruction. Bassoon, cello, clarinet, contrabass, cornet, euphonium, flute, guitar, harp, harpsichord, horn, oboe, organ, percussion, piano, saxophone, trombone, trumpet, tuba, viola, violin, voice. Minimum contact of 1/2 hour per week. May be repeated for credit. May not be taken for audit. Fee. Prerequisites: graduate music major; instructor approval.
MUP 527 Studio Instruction. (2 or 4)
fall and spring
Bassoon, cello, clarinet, contrabass, cornet, euphonium, flute, guitar, harp, harpsichord, horn, oboe, organ, percussion, piano, saxophone, trombone, trumpet, tuba, viola, violin, voice. Minimum contact of 1/2 hour per week. May be repeated for credit. May not be taken for audit. Fee. Prerequisites: M.M., Performance major; placement examination; audition.
MUP 540 Advanced Conducting. (3)
Score preparation and conducting techniques for instrumental music. Concentration on study of historical styles. Required of D.M.A. students in Instrumental Music.
MUP 541 The Art Song. (3)
selected semesters
Seminar on solo song from its beginning to the present day.
MUP 544 Chamber Orchestra. (1)
fall and spring
Important masterpieces from all periods of music are performed throughout the year. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MUP 545 Symphony Orchestra. (1)
fall and spring
Masterpieces of symphony orchestra literature. 3 times per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: audition with director.
MUP 546 Sinfonietta. (1)
fall and spring
Symphonic orchestra that presents approximately six concerts annually, performing masterpieces of the classical repertoire. 3 times per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: audition with director.
MUP 550 Choral Union. (1)
fall and spring
Open to all students in the university and to interested singers in the community by audition. Preparation and performance of the larger choral works. 2 hours per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: audition with director.
MUP 551 Repertoire. (2)
fall and spring
Literature available for performance in all performing media. May be repeated for credit.
MUP 552 Concert Choir. (1)
fall and spring
Important masterpieces from all periods of music are performed. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MUP 553 University Choir. (1)
fall and spring
4 hours per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MUP 555 Men’s Chorus. (1)
fall and spring
Rehearsal and performance of music for male voices. 3 hours per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: audition with director; instructor approval.
MUP 557 Women’s Chorus. (1)
fall and spring
2 hours per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MUP 561 Marching and Concert Bands. (1)
fall and spring
Staging of formations and drills for football games and other events (fall); masterpieces of symphonic band literature (spring). Meets daily. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: audition with director.
MUP 562 Wind Ensemble. (1)
fall and spring
Rehearsal and performance of literature for wind ensemble. 2 hours per week in fall, 4 hours in spring. May be repeated for credit. Performing ensemble. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MUP 563 Chamber Winds. (1)
fall and spring
Rehearsal and performance of advanced literature for chamber winds. 2 hours per week. May be repeated for credit. Performing ensemble. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MUP 570 Music Theatre: Techniques. (1)
fall and spring
Exercises and improvisations for the singing actor emphasizing body awareness, isolations, and freedom of the vocal and breath mechanisms. Section 1 (Interpretation); Section 2 (Expression); Section 3 (Movement for Singers). Each Section: 3 hours per week. May be repeated for credit.
MUP 571 Music Theatre: Workshops. (1)
fall and spring
Development of specific skills for the musical-dramatic interpretation. Section 1 (Role Preparation); Section 2 (Styles); Section 3 (Opera Scenes); Section 4 (Musical Comedy); Section 5 (Revue Ensembles). Each section: 1 hour lecture, demonstration, 1 lab per week. May be repeated for credit.
MUP 572 Music Theatre: Orchestras. (1)
fall and spring
Participation in Lyric Opera Theatre productions. Section 1 (Orchestra); Section 2 (Chamber Orchestra); Section 3 (Chamber Ensemble). May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: audition with director; instructor approval.
MUP 573 Music Theatre: Performance. (1)
fall and spring
Participation in Lyric Opera Theatre productions. Section 1 (Principal Roles); Section 2 (Chorus). May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: audition with director; instructor approval.
MUP 574 Music Theatre: Production. (1)
fall and spring
Participation in Lyric Opera Theatre productions. Section 1 (Vocal Performance); Section 2 (Technical Music Theatre); Section 3 (Problems in Production) to be taken concurrently with MUP 573, Section 2. May be repeated for credit.
MUP 576 New Music Ensemble. (1)
fall and spring
Rehearsal and performance of music written in the last 20 years. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MUP 579 Chamber Music Ensembles. (1)
fall and spring
String, brass, woodwind, percussion, keyboard, vocal, and mixed ensembles. 2 hours per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MUP 581 Performance Pedagogy and Materials. (2)
fall and spring
Principles and methods of performance techniques for each performance field. May be repeated for credit.
MUP 582 Collegium Musicum. (1)
selected semesters
Singers and instrumentalists specializing in the performance of early and unusual music. 2 hours per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MUP 585 Percussion Ensemble. (1)
fall and spring
Rehearsal and performance of standard and original repertoire for the percussion ensemble and related instruments. 2 hours per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MUP 586 Jazz Band. (1)
fall and spring
Rehearsal and performance of new, traditional, and Latin literature for jazz bands. 4 hours per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
MUP 587 Ethnomusicology Ensembles. (1)
fall and spring
Performance learning experience for the music of various cultures of the world. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: knowledge of instrument or instructor approval.
MUP 588 Piano Accompanying. (1)
fall and spring
Piano accompaniments found in vocal and instrumental literature; discussion of styles and performance practices; experience in public performance. 2 hours per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Performance major with a concentration in piano accompanying or instructor approval.
MUP 591 Seminar. (1 – 12)
selected semesters
MUP 595 Continuing Registration. (1)
fall and spring
MUP 596 Solo Performance. (1)
fall and spring
May be full recital, major operatic role, solo performance with orchestra, ensemble, or lecture recital. Prerequisite: M.M. candidate in applied music.
MUP 597 Solo Performance. (1)
fall and spring
See MUP 596.
MUP 671 Choral Repertoire. (3)
selected semesters
Examines large choral/orchestral works to determine their musical and textual characteristics from a conductor’s point of view.
MUP 727 Studio Instruction. (2 or 4)
fall and spring
Minimum contact of 1 hour per week. May be repeated for credit. Fee. Prerequisite: D.M.A. candidate.
MUP 751 Seminar in Piano Literature. (2)
fall in odd years
In-depth study of selected topics related to the standard piano literature. Requires research paper, bibliography, class presentation. Seminar.
MUP 792 Research. (1 – 12)
fall, spring, summer
MUP 796 Solo Performance. (1 – 15)
fall and spring
May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: D.M.A. candidate.
MUP 799 Dissertation. (1 – 15)
fall and spring
Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of additional courses offered but not specifically listed, see “Omnibus Courses.”