M PSY 230 Introduction to Statistics. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Basic concepts in descriptive and inferential statistics, emphasizing applications to psychology. Self-paced (PSI) and lecture sections. Prerequisites: MAT 117; PGS 101.
General Studies: CS
M PSY 290 Research Methods. (4)
fall and spring
Planning, execution, analysis, and reporting of experiments. Literature, procedures, and instruments in representative areas of psychological research. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisites: ENG 101 (or 105); PSY 230.
General Studies: L/SG
M PSY 320 Learning and Motivation. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Principles of conditioning and motivation; approaches to learning, including acquisition of verbal materials, concepts, and motor skills; memory and transfer. Prerequisite: PSY 290.
M PSY 323 Sensation and Perception. (3)
fall and spring
Underlying processes of vision, audition, and the other senses. Applies current research and theory in a laboratory environment. Prerequisite: PSY 290 or instructor approval.
M PSY 324 Memory and Cognition. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Processes underlying information storage and retrieval, including different kinds of memory, forgetting, depth of processing, and control processes. Prerequisite: PSY 290.
M PSY 325 Physiological Psychology. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Relationships of physiological processes to behavior. Emphasizes nervous system functioning. Prerequisites: PSY 290 (or 2 courses in biological science); instructor approval.
M PSY 330 Statistical Methods. (3)
Advanced application of statistics to psychology. Highly recommended for students interested in attending graduate school. 3 hours lecture, 1 hour lab. Prerequisite: PSY 230.
General Studies: CS
M PSY 390 Experimental Psychology. (3)
Continuation of concepts in PSY 290, with emphasis on multifactor designs and programmatic sequence of experiments. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: PSY 290.
General Studies: L
M PSY 399 Supervised Research. (1 – 3)
fall, spring, summer
M PSY 420 Analysis of Behavior. (3)
selected semesters
Research, applications, and philosophy of the analysis and control of human behavior. Prerequisite: PSY 290.
General Studies: L
M PSY 424 Genetic Psychology. (3)
Introduces the concepts, methodologies, and findings of behavioral genetics for Psychology majors. Prerequisites: PGS 101; PSY 230, 290.
General Studies: L
M PSY 425 Biological Bases of Behavior. (3)
selected semesters
Critical study of physiological psychology; brain mechanisms underlying motivation and learning. Prerequisite: PSY 325.
General Studies: L
M PSY 426 Neuroanatomy. (4)
selected semesters
Structure and function of mammalian brain, including sheep brain dissection. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisite: PSY 325 (or its equivalent).
General Studies: L
M PSY 434 Cognitive Psychology. (3)
Human organism as a processor of information, from perception to cognition. Abstract concepts, semantic memory, attention, and mental imagery. Prerequisite: PSY 323 or 324 or instructor approval.
General Studies: L
M PSY 437 Human Factors. (3)
Emphasizes human factors in high-technology systems. Specific topics include systems development, systems analysis techniques, displays, and controls. Prerequisites: both PSY 290 and upper-division standing or only instructor approval.
General Studies: L
M PSY 470 Psychopharmacology. (3)
fall and spring
Basis of drug action at physiological and behavioral levels. Psychological and medical applications and limitations of drugs used in the treatment of mental illness. Prerequisites: PSY 325; 1 semester each of biology and chemistry.
M PSY 484 Internship. (1 – 12)
selected semesters
M PSY 492 Honors Directed Study. (1 – 6)
selected semesters
M PSY 493 Honors Thesis. (1 – 6)
selected semesters
M PSY 494 Special Topics. (1 – 4)
selected semesters
M PSY 497 Honors Colloquium. (1 – 6)
selected semesters
M PSY 498 Pro-Seminar. (1 – 7)
fall and spring
Topics may include the following:
• | Behavioral Neuroscience Research. (3)
General Studies: L |
M PSY 499 Individualized Instruction. (1 – 3)
selected semesters
M PSY 501 Supervised Teaching. (4)
Experience in and examination of perspectives on teaching undergraduate psychology. Prerequisites: graduate standing in psychology; instructor approval.
M PSY 506 Survey of Research in Environmental Psychology. (3)
Major topics and paradigms in the study of person-environment relationships. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
M PSY 512 Advanced Learning. (3)
selected semesters
Principles and theories of learning, emphasizing research literature. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
M PSY 524 Advanced Physiological Psychology. (3)
selected semesters
Contributions of physiological processes and brain function to fundamental behavioral processes. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
M PSY 528 Sensation and Perception. (3)
selected semesters
Principles of sensory and perceptual processes, emphasizing research literature. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
M PSY 530 Analysis of Variance in Psychological Research. (3)
One-way and factorial designs, contrasts, post-hoc tests, probing of interactions, mixed designs, power, computer applications. Prerequisite: undergraduate statistics or instructor approval.
M PSY 531 Multiple Regression in Psychological Research. (3)
Multiple regression and correlation, hierarchical regression, interactions, curvilinear relationships, categorical predictors, ANOVA in regression, regression diagnostics, regression graphics. Prerequisite: PSY 530 or instructor approval.
M PSY 532 Analysis of Multivariate Data. (3)
Matrix algebra for multivariate procedures, component and factor analysis, canonical and discriminant analysis, classification, MANOVA, logistic regression, hierarchical linear model. Prerequisites: both PSY 530 and 531 or only instructor approval.
M PSY 533 Structural Equation Modeling. (3)
Path analysis; exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis; recursive and nonrecursive latent variable models; mean and covariance structures; latent growth models. Prerequisite: PSY 532 or instructor approval.
M PSY 534 Psychometric Methods. (3)
fall and spring
Theory and practice of psychological measurement using classical and modern test theories. Reliability assessment, test validation, test construction, test usage. Prerequisites: both PSY 530 and 531 or only instructor approval.
M PSY 535 Cognitive Processes. (3)
selected semesters
Theoretical/empirical treatment of the human organism as a processor of information, including abstraction, memory structure, problem solving, and thinking. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
M PSY 536 Statistical Methods in Prevention Research. (3)
fall and spring
Statistical methods used in prevention research including epidemiological methods, logistic regression, program effect estimation, estimation, and mediation analysis. Prerequisites: both PSY 530 and 531 or only instructor approval.
M PSY 537 Longitudinal Growth Modeling. (3)
selected semesters
Growth modeling methodology to describe individual variation in development over time. Employs multilevel and structural equation modeling frameworks. Prerequisite: PSY 533 or instructor approval.
M PSY 538 Advanced Structural Equation Modeling. (3)
selected semesters
Mean and covariance structure analysis. Includes multiple-group modeling, two-level hierarchical modeling, longitudinal growth modeling, analysis with categorical outcomes. Prerequisite: PSY 533 or instructor approval.
M PSY 539 Meta-Analysis I. (1)
Meta-analysis; searching the literature, coding study characteristics, computing effect sizes. Must be followed by PSY 540. Seminar. Prerequisites: both PSY 530 and 531 or only instructor approval.
M PSY 540 Meta-Analysis II. (2)
Continuation of PSY 539. Meta-analysis; computing effect sizes, and analyzing the heterogeneity of effect sizes. Seminar. Prerequisite: PSY 539.
M PSY 541 Research in Cognitive Development. (3)
selected semesters
Theoretical and empirical issues in the study of children’s knowledge and cognitive processes. Comparison of research in Piagetian and other traditions. Prerequisite: admission to Psychology Ph.D. program or instructor approval.
M PSY 542 Social Development. (3)
selected semesters
Reviews and critiques major issues in the area of social development. Covers theory, research, and content. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
M PSY 550 Advanced Social Psychology. (3)
fall and spring
Theory and research concerning interpersonal perception, decision making, attitude formation and change, group processes, social motivation, and interaction processes. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
M PSY 551 Advanced Social Psychology. (3)
fall and spring
Continuation of PSY 550. Prerequisite: PSY 550 or instructor approval.
M PSY 553 Social Influence. (3)
selected semesters
Researches literature relevant to attitude formation and change, conformity, obedience, power, compliance, and altruism and others. Prerequisite: PSY 551 or instructor approval.
M PSY 555 Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research. (3)
selected semesters
Reviews research techniques. Analyzes laboratory and field research; applications to specific topics. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
M PSY 569 Advanced Study of Personality. (3)
selected semesters
Personality as a theoretical concept in psychology, including definitional problems, behavioral and traditional approaches, the measurement of personality, and current research issues. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
M PSY 572 Psychological Assessment. (3)
Theory and research on assessment of personality, psychopathology, and intelligence; construction of psychological assessment instruments. Prerequisite: admission to clinical Ph.D. program or instructor approval.
M PSY 573 Psychopathology. (3)
Theory and research relating to the contribution of psychological, social, physiological, and genetic factors to the development and persistence of abnormal behavior. Prerequisite: admission to Psychology Ph.D. program or instructor approval.
M PSY 574 Psychotherapy. (3)
Detailed survey of the theoretical and empirical literature relating to verbal psychotherapy. Prerequisite: admission to the clinical Ph.D. program or instructor approval.
PSY 578 Developmental Psychopathology. (3)
not regularly offered
Covers major theories and research related to the development of psychological disorders of childhood and adolescence.
M PSY 582 Community Psychology. (3)
Community systems, intervention techniques, consultation models, history and current status of community mental health movement, and conceptualization of the roles of community psychologists in social system intervention. Prerequisite: advanced standing in Psychology Ph.D. program or instructor approval.
M PSY 588 Consultation Methods. (3)
selected semesters
Several theories and strategies of organizational consultation. Develops consultative skills through simulation and practical experience. Prerequisite: advanced standing in Psychology Ph.D. program or instructor approval.
M PSY 624 Clinical Neuroscience. (3)
Examines the biological underpinnings of psychological disorders at the molecular, cellular, and system levels (schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, etc.). Lecture, pro-seminar. Prerequisites: graduate standing; instructor approval.
Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of additional courses offered but not specifically listed, see “Omnibus Courses.”