ARCHIVE: Fall 2002
Scholarly Publishing (PUB)

PUB 501 Introduction to Scholarly Publishing. (3)
once a year
Introduces the purpose, organization, and operation of scholarly publishing, including its history, societal role, and current issues. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: graduate standing.

PUB 502 Scholarly Editing. (3)
once a year
Publishing procedures, proofreading, and manuscript editing of scholarly books, textbooks and scholarly journals. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: admission to scholarly publishing certificate program. Pre- or corequisite: PUB 501.

PUB 503 Advanced Scholarly Editing. (3)
once a year
Advanced manuscript editing, acquisitions, developmental editing, and indexing of scholarly books, textbooks, and scholarly journals. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisites: PUB 501, 502.

PUB 510 Research in Scholarly Publishing. (3)
once a year
Individual or group research projects on issues in scholarly publishing, including legal, economic, design, technological, and related topics. Directed research, discussion. Prerequisites: PUB 501; admission to scholarly publishing certificate program.

PUB 584 Scholarly Publishing Internship. (1 – 6)
once a year
Structured, supervised, practical experience with a scholarly publisher or other appropriate publishing enterprise. Internship. Prerequisites: PUB 501; 9 hours in scholarly publishing core; instructor approval.

PUB 598 Special Topics in Scholarly Publishing. (1)
One-week short courses covering special topics in scholarly publishing, to be taught by visiting publishing professionals. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisites: PUB 501; admission to scholarly publishing certificate program.

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Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of additional courses offered but not specifically listed, see “Omnibus Courses.”

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