SPE 294 Special Topics. (1 – 4)
selected semesters
SPE 309 Basic Special Education Curriculum. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Introduces curricular practices used in inclusion classrooms.
SPE 311 Orientation to Education of Exceptional Children. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Includes gifted, mildly handicapped, severely handicapped, and the bilingual/multicultural exceptional child.
General Studies: SB
SPE 312 Mental Retardation. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Characteristics and assessment specific to mental retardation. Emphasizes terminology, development, educational programming, and therapeutic procedures. Prerequisite: ITC admission.
SPE 314 Introduction to Bilingual/Multicultural Special Education. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Theoretical background and practical application of general issues regarding the education of bilingual/multicultural handicapped children. Prerequisite: ITC admission.
SPE 336 Behavioral and Emotional Problems in Children. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Characteristics and assessment specific to emotionally and behaviorally disturbed children. Emphasizes terminology, development, and educational programming. Prerequisite: ITC admission.
SPE 361 Introduction to Learning Disabilities. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Characteristics and assessment specific to learning disabilities. Emphasizes terminology, development, and educational programming. Prerequisite: ITC admission.
SPE 394 Special Topics. (1 – 4)
fall and spring
Topics may include the following:
• | Basic Special Education Curriculum. (3) |
• | Inclusion Practices at the Secondary Level. (3) |
• | Quality Practices in the Collaborative Classroom. (3) |
SPE 411 Parent Involvement and Regulatory Issues. (3)
fall and spring
Emphasizes parent and school relations through effective communication and state and federal regulations impacting services for the handicapped. Prerequisite: ITC admission.
SPE 412 Evaluating Exceptional Children. (3)
fall and spring
Normative and criterion-referenced diagnostic techniques, including formative evaluation. Emphasizes application. Requires daily practicum. Prerequisite: ITC admission.
SPE 413 Methods in Language, Reading, and Arithmetic for Exceptional Children. (3)
fall and spring
Methods, techniques, and materials for use in prescriptive teaching. Requires daily practicum. Prerequisite: ITC admission.
SPE 414 Methods and Strategies in Behavior Management. (3)
fall and spring
Organization and delivery of instruction, including formative evaluation techniques. Techniques of behavior management. Requires daily practicum. Prerequisite: ITC admission.
SPE 415 Social Behavior Problems of Exceptional Children. (3)
fall and spring
Analysis and intervention into social behavior problems of exceptional populations. Requires daily practicum. Prerequisite: ITC admission.
SPE 455 Early Childhood and the Handicapped. (3)
Early childhood education as it applies to the handicapped child.
SPE 478 Student Teaching in Special Education. (3 – 15)
fall and spring
“Y” grade only. Fee. Prerequisite: ITC admission.
SPE 494 Special Topics. (1 – 4)
fall and spring
Topics may include the following:
• | Instruction in Content Areas: Science/Social Studies. (3) |
SPE 496 Field Experience. (0)
selected semesters
Applies course content in a special education setting. Emphasizes observation, pupil management, planning and delivering instruction, and assessment. Fee. Prerequisite: ITC admission.
SPE 498 Pro-Seminar. (1 – 7)
fall and spring
Topics may include the following:
• | Field Experience. (1 – 3)
Applies course content in a special education setting. Emphasizes observation, pupil management, planning and delivering instruction, and assessment. Fee. Prerequisite: ITC admission. |
SPE 510 Inclusionary Curriculum for Special Education Teachers. (3)
fall and summer
Curricular practices used in inclusion classrooms.
SPE 511 The Exceptional Child. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Educational needs of exceptional children and adults. Not recommended for students who have completed SPE 311.
SPE 512 Individuals with Mental Retardation. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Etiology, diagnosis, and management of individuals with mental retardation. Current trends in prevention, programming, and teacher preparation. Not recommended for students who have completed SPE 312.
SPE 514 Bilingual/Multicultural Aspects of Special Education. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Theories and issues related to the education of bilingual and culturally diverse exceptional children.
SPE 515 Methods for the Remediation of Learning Problems of Exceptional Children. (3)
Methods and materials for remediating the basic academic problems of exceptional children. Prerequisites: SPE 511; a methods course in teaching reading and mathematics.
SPE 522 Academic Assessment of Exceptional Children. (3)
Normative and criterion-referenced assessment of learning problems in exceptional children. Includes formative evaluation. Requires practicum. Lecture, practicum. Prerequisites: SPE 311 (or 511); elementary methods courses; program approval.
SPE 523 Prescriptive Teaching with Exceptional Children. (3)
Language, reading, and arithmetic methods, techniques, and materials used in individualized instruction. Requires practicum. Lecture, practicum. Prerequisites: SPE 311 (or 511); elementary methods courses; program approval. Pre-or corequisites: SPE 522
SPE 524 Effective Classroom Behavior Management. (3)
Organization and delivery of instruction including formative evaluation and techniques of academic behavior management for exceptional children. Requires practicum. Lecture, practicum. Prerequisites: SPE 311 (or 511), 522, 523; program approval.
SPE 525 Social Behavior Interventions. (3)
Analysis and intervention into social behavior problems of exceptional students. Focuses on strategies to change maladaptive social behavior. Requires practicum. Prerequisites: SPE 311 (or 511 or 522 or 523); program approval.
SPE 531 Behavior Management Approaches with Exceptional Children. (3)
fall and summer
Behavior management approaches for classroom behavior of exceptional children. Prerequisite: SPE 511 (or its equivalent).
SPE 536 Characteristics of Children with Behavioral Disorders. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Variables contributing to behavior patterns of behaviorally disordered children.
SPE 551 Teaching Young Children with Special Needs. (3)
Methods, materials, and curriculum for preschool and primary-aged children with special needs. Prerequisites: SPE 455 and 511 (or their equivalents).
SPE 552 Management of Individuals with Severe Handicaps. (3)
Instruction and management of school-aged and adult individuals with severe, physical, or multiple handicaps. Prerequisites: SPE 511 (or its equivalent); instructor approval.
SPE 553 Developmental/Functional Assessment. (3)
Teacher-focused developmental/functional assessment of preschool and severely, physically, and multiply handicapped individuals. Requires field experience. Prerequisites: SPE 511 and 512 and 574 (or their equivalents).
SPE 554 The Parent/School Partnership. (3)
Includes knowledge and procedures for involvement and training of parents and caregivers of preschool and severely handicapped individuals. Requires field experience. Prerequisites: SPE 455 and 511 (or their equivalents).
SPE 561 Characteristics/Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Theories related to learning disabilities, including identification and characteristics.
SPE 562 Methods of Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities. (3)
selected semesters
Various methods and intervention strategies for remediating learning disabilities of children and youth. Prerequisite: SPE 361 or 561.
SPE 574 Educational Evaluation of Exceptional Children. (3)
Design and statistical considerations of normative and criterion-referenced tests. Collection, recording, and analysis of data from formative evaluation. Prerequisites: SPE 511 (or its equivalent); a methods course in teaching reading and mathematics.
SPE 575 Current Issues in the Education of Exceptional Children. (3)
Mainstreaming, noncategorical, financing, legal diagnostic, labeling, legislative, and other critical and controversial issues related to the education of exceptional children.
SPE 577 Mainstreaming Methods. (3)
Addresses successful mainstreaming methods, practical problem-solving sessions related to teacher’s classroom needs, and individual contracts focusing on mainstreaming issues. General educators encouraged.
SPE 578 Student Teaching in Special Education. (3 – 15)
fall and spring
“Y” grade only. Fee. Prerequisites: completion of specified courses; approval by the special education program coordinator.
SPE 582 Classroom Research with Exceptional Children. (3)
Introduces interpreting research. Specific research techniques with primary emphasis on classroom research, including applied behavior analysis.
SPE 585 Creativity: Research and Development. (3)
Explores nature of creativity in terms of philosophical underpinnings, empirical evidence, human development, self-actualization, and the ecology surrounding the creative event.
SPE 586 Advising the Gifted Child. (3)
once a year
Focuses on educational planning and guidance, social and emotional development, and family problem solving regarding needs of gifted children.
SPE 587 Controversies in Educating the Gifted. (3)
In-depth analysis of major controversies in educating the gifted, including nature/nurture, the role of mental tests, and sex differences.
SPE 588 The Gifted Child. (3)
fall and summer
Gifted children’s characteristics, identification, needs, school and home environments, definitions, and misunderstandings. Research by Pressey, Stanley, Terman, and others.
SPE 589 Methods in Teaching the Gifted. (3)
spring and summer
Methods in teaching elementary and secondary school gifted children, including individualized and computer-assisted instruction, team teaching. Prerequisite: SPE 588.
SPE 774 Characteristics and Causation of Exceptionality. (3)
In-depth analysis of literature pertaining to causes of exceptionality and learning, educational, personal-social, and cognitive characteristics. Lecture, discussion.
SPE 775 Evaluation and Intervention in Special Education. (3)
In-depth analysis of research and literature on evaluation procedures and intervention approaches for exceptional individuals at all age levels. Lecture, discussion.
SPE 781 Research and Evaluation in Special Education. (3)
Issues and problems in conducting research and/or evaluation programs involving exceptional children.
Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of additional courses offered but not specifically listed, see “Omnibus Courses.”