Architectural Philsophy and History (APH)

APH 100 Introduction to Environmental Design. (3) F, S, SS
Survey of environmental design: includes historic examples and the theoretical, social, technical, and environmental forces that shape them. Cross-listed as DSC/PUP 100. Credit is allowed only for APH 100 or DSC 100 or PUP 100. General Studies: HU, G, H.

APH 200 Introduction to Architecture. (3) F
Survey of issues and polemics affecting current architectural theory and practice. Lecture, discussion. General Studies: HU, G.

APH 300 World Architecture I/Western Cultures. (3) F
Historical and contemporary built environments of Western civilizations: Mediterranean, Europe, and the Americas as manifestations of cultural history and responses to environmental determinants. Prerequisite: nonmajor. General Studies: HU, G, H.

APH 301 World Architecture II/Eastern Cultures. (3) S
Historical and contemporary built environments of Eastern civilizations: Mid-East, Central Asia, Far East, and South Pacific as manifestations of cultural history and responses to environmental determinants. General Studies: G.

APH 304 American Architecture. (3) N
Architecture in the United States from earliest colonial times to present. Prerequisite: nonmajor. General Studies: HU.

APH 305 Contemporary Architecture. (3) N
Europe and America from the foundations of the modern movement to the present. Prerequisite: nonmajor. General Studies: HU.

APH 313 History of Western Architecture I. (3) F
Representative buildings and sites with emphasis on their physical and social settings from antiquity through the Middle Ages. Prerequisite: junior standing or instructor approval. General Studies: L2/HU.

APH 314 History of Western Architecture II. (3) S
Representative examples of architecture and urban design with emphasis on their social and historical contexts; from the Middle Ages to the present. Prerequisite: junior standing or instructor approval. General Studies: L2/HU.

APH 411 History of Landscape Architecture. (3) F
Physical record of human attitudes toward the land. Ancient through contemporary landscape planning and design. Cross-listed as PLA 310. Credit is allowed only for APH 411 or PLA 310. General Studies: H.

APH 414 History of the City. (3) F
The city from its ancient origins to the present day. Emphasis on European and American cities during the last five centuries. Cross-listed as PUP 412. Credit is allowed only for APH 414 or PUP 412. General Studies: H.

APH 441 Ancient Architecture. (3) N
Architecture of the ancient Mediterranean world with selective emphasis on major historical complexes and monumental sites. Prerequisite: APH 313. General Studies: HU.

APH 442 Preservation Planning. (3) F
Principles and practices in planning for preservation, conservation and neighborhood redevelopment. Emphasis on evaluation of historic resources. Off-campus field practicum required. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

APH 443 Renaissance Architecture. (3) N
Selected examples of Renaissance architecture and urbanism with emphasis on their historical and cultural settings. Prerequisite: APH 314. General Studies: HU.

APH 444 Baroque Architecture. (3) N
Selected examples of Baroque architecture and urbanism with emphasis on relationships between architecture and other arts. Prerequisite: APH 314. General Studies: HU.

APH 446 20th-Century Architecture I. (3) F
Architecture in Europe and America from the foundations of the modern movement to the culmination of the international style. Prerequisite: major in college. General Studies: HU.

APH 447 20th-Century Architecture II. (3) S
Developments in architecture since the international style. Prerequisite: APH 446. General Studies: HU.

APH 509 Foundation Seminar. (3) SS
Historical, technical, theoretical, environmental, and professional issues in architecture. Lecture, seminar, field trips. Prerequisite: ADE 510.

APH 511 Energy Environment Theory. (3) F
Solar and other energy sources in designed and natural environments; architectural, urban, and regional implications of strategies using other renewable resources.

APH 681 Architectural Theory. (3) S
Examination of architectural theory. Emphasis on application of theory to practice. Seminar. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

APH 682 Architectural Criticism. (3) F
Examination of architectural criticism, emphasizing specific methods of criticism and their application for aesthetic judgment. Seminar. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

APH 683 Critical Regionalism. (3) N
Critical inquiry in cultural grounding the definition of place in architectural theory and practice. Lecture, field studies. Prerequisite: APH 446 or 447.

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