Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS)

BIS 301 Foundations of Interdisciplinary Studies. (3) F, S, SS
Analysis of 21st-century workplace, introduction of critical thinking skills, interdisciplinary methods. Includes autobiographical self-study and education plan. Lecture, seminar, discussion.

BIS 302 Interdisciplinary Studies. (3) F, S, SS
Development of general learning skills and interdisciplinary thinking. Lecture, seminar, discussion. Prerequisite: BIS 301.

BIS 401 Applied Interdisciplinary Studies. (3) F, S, SS
Students propose a set of learning outcomes that may require a service learning project, independent research, senior thesis, or practicum. Prerequisite: BIS 301.

BIS 402 Senior Seminar. (3) F, S, SS
Capstone course will help students integrate their classroom and experiential learning. Lecture, seminar, discussion. Prerequisites: BIS 301, 302, 401. General Studies: L2.

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