Computer Engineering Technology (CET)

CET 100 Object-Oriented Software Development I. (3) F
Basic concepts of OO analysis, design, and programming using JAVA. Studies main features of software development in an OO framework. Prerequisite: freshman standing.

CET 150 Digital Systems I. (4) F, S
Number systems, Boolean algebra, combinational logic, K-maps, flip-flops, sequential circuits, state machines, and minimization techniques. General Studies: N3.

CET 200 Object-Oriented Software Development II. (3) F
Continuation of CET 100. Object modeling, task scripts, and use cases; the dynamic model, interaction diagrams, and other OO concepts. Prerequisite: CET 100.

CET 230 Applied Data Structures. (3) F
Introduction to data structures: strings, stacks, queues, binary trees, recursion, searching, and sorting. Prerequisite: CET 100.

CET 236 Introduction to Visual BASIC. (3) F
Introduction to BASIC and programming in the Visual BASIC environment. Prerequisite: CET 100.

CET 256 C Programming for Engineering Technology. (3) F, S, SS
Applied and practical problem solving using the C programming language. Prerequisite: ETC 100.

CET 300 Object-Oriented Software Development III. (3) F
Increases skills in OO concepts and present C++. Covers JAVA concepts of threads, serialization, and JAVA Beans. C++ language concepts. Prerequisites: CET 200, 256.

CET 326 Modern Programming Languages. (3) F
Concepts and semantical and syntactical construction of modern programming languages. Prerequisite: CET 200.

CET 350 Digital Systems II. (4) F, S
Analysis and design of synchronous and asynchronous state machines. Introduction to VHDL. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: CET 150.

CET 354 Microcomputer Architecture and Programming. (4) F, S
Microcomputer architecture, assembly language programming, I/O considerations, exception and interrupt handling. Introduction to interfacting. Prerequisite: CET 150.

CET 386 Operating Systems Principles. (3) S
Fundamentals of operating systems, process management, scheduling and synchronization techniques, memory and file management, protection and security issues. Prerequisite: CET 256.

CET 400 Software Engineering Technology. (3) S
Software life-cycle models; project management; team development environments; software specification, design, implementation techniques and tools, validation, and maintenance; user documentation. Prerequisite: senior standing in Technology.

CET 425 Systems Programming. (3) F
Design and implementation of systems programs, including text editors, file utilities, monitors, assemblers, relocating linking loaders, I/O handlers, and schedulers. Prerequisite: CET 300.

CET 426 Software Tools for the Semiconductor Industry. (3) S
Introduction to software tools commonly used in the semiconductor industry, such as SUPREM IV, PSPICE, VIEWLOGIC, and ICED. Cross-listed as UET 426. Credit is allowed for only CET 426 or UET 426. Prerequisite: UET 331.

CET 433 Database Technology. (3) F
Introduction to database technologies and DBMS, data models, and languages. Prerequisites: CET 230, 300.

CET 436 Applications of Visual Basic. (3) F
Applications of visual basic to graphics, graphical user interfaces, error handling, file processing, OO programming, DBMS, networking, and multimedia. Prerequisite: CET 236.

CET 452 Digital Logic Applications. (4) S
Design of sequential machines using system design techniques and complex MSI/LSI devices with lab. Prerequisite: CET 350.

CET 454 Microcontrollers. (3) S
Microcontroller input/output ports and advanced features. Microcontrollers as an embedded system and their interfacing considerations. Prerequisites: CET 350, 354.

CET 456 Assembly Language Applications. (3) F
Programming using BIOS and DOS routines. High-level language interfacing. Disk operations, TSR routines, and device drivers. Prerequisite: CET 354.

CET 457 Microcomputer Systems Interfacing. (4) S
Applications of microcomputer hardware and software. Special purpose controllers, interface design. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: CET 354; CSE 183; EET 310.

CET 458 Digital Computer Networks. (3) A
Network technology, topologies, protocols, control techniques, reliability, and security. Prerequisite: CET 354.

CET 473 Digital/Data Communications. (4) F
Signals, distortion, noise, and error detection/correction. Transmission and systems design. Interface techniques and standards. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: CET 354; EET 372.

CET 483 UNIX with C Applications. (3) S
Generate user proficiency in the use of the UNIX operating system, its shells, environment, and 4th generation language and tools. Prerequisite: senior standing in the ECET department or equivalent.

CET 485 Digital Testing Techniques I. (3) A
Hardware/software aspects of digital testing technology; systems, board, and logic testing and equipment. Lecture, lab. Cross-listed as UET 485. Credit is allowed for only CET 485 or UET 485. Prerequisites: CET 350; EET 310.

CET 486 Hardware Description Languages: VHDL. (3) S
Introduction to hardware description languages using VHDL. Techniques for modeling and simulating small digital systems using a VHDL simulator. Prerequisites: CET 350, 483.

CET 487 Hardware Description Languages: VERILOG. (3) F
Introduction to hardware description languages, digital modeling, and simulation techniques using the VERILOG HDL. Prerequisites: CET 350, 354.

CET 488 UNIX Systems Administration. (3) F
Generate user proficiency in administration of UNIX operating system, its processes, system calls, kernel, file structure, and interprocess communication tools. Prerequisites: CET 483 (or equivalent); C or C++ language.

CET 489 Network Programming. (3) F
Generate user proficiency in writing C programs and scripts to control and administer a UNIX operating system network. Prerequisites: CET 473 and 488 or equivalents; C or C++ language.

CET 520 Computer Architecture. (3) F
The basics of computer architecture. RTN, RISC, CISC concepts; computer arithmetic; ALUs; memory systems; I/O. Prerequisite: CET 354.

CET 533 Database Management Systems. (3) F
Systems aspects of relational databases: relational database design, index and access structures, implementation and performance evaluation, query processing and optimization. Prerequisite: CET 433.

CET 546 Computer Vision. (3) S
Image segmentation and enhancement. Object recognition and modeling. Morphological operation for object recognition and measurement. Prerequisite: CET 300.

CET 552 Digital Systems Design. (3) S
Digital system design techniques and applications. Prerequisite: CET 452 or instructor approval.

CET 554 Distributed Computing. (3) S
Topics in distributed systems, including communications, distributed operating systems, fault-tolerance, and performance issues. Prerequisites: CET 354, 386.

CET 556 Windows Programming. (3) F
Programming techniques in the MS Windows and X Window environments. Prerequisite: CET 256 or equivalent.

CET 557 Microcomputers and Applications. (3) F
Applications of small computer systems, mini- and microcomputer hardware and software. Prerequisites: CET 354; CSE 100 (or 183); EET 310.

CET 566 Principles and Practices of Operating Systems. (3) S
Principles and practices of operating systems: virtual memory systems, I/O devices and systems, file systems and organization, and other topics. Prerequisite: CET 386.

CET 576 Embedded Real-Time Programming. (3) F
Topics in real-time embedded operating systems such as synchronization, communications, file systems, and memory sharing. Prerequisites: CET 300, 386.

CET 583 Network Programming. (3) F
Generate user proficiency in writing C programs and scripts to control and administer a UNIX operating system network. Prerequisites: CET 473 and 488 or equivalents; C or C++ language.

CET 585 Digital Testing Techniques II. (3) F
Testing technology as applied to digital systems, boards, and chips. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: CET 354.

CET 586 Digital Modeling Techniques. (3) S
Digital system modeling and simulation using hardware description languages. Prerequisites: CET 350, 354.

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