College of Business (COB)

COB 294 ST: Special Topics. (1–4) F, S

COB 301 Business Forum. (1) F, S, SS
Provides professional program business students with information on careers, interviewing, job hunting, and resume skills. Must be taken in the first semester of the professional program for business students. Prerequisite: professional program business student.

COB 380 Small Business Leadership. (3) F, S
Develops leadership skills needed to form, lead, and operate a small business. Emphasis on visioning, research, and problem solving. Team teaching, collaborative learning. Prerequisites: 2.00 GPA; 47 hours; non-business major.

COB 381 Small Business Accounting and Finance. (3) F, S
Accounting and finance skills needed by a small business to acquire, allocate, and track monetary resources and evaluate performance. Team teaching, collaborative learning. Prerequisites: COB 380; 2.00 GPA; 56 hours; non-business major.

COB 382 Small Business Sales and Market Development. (3) F, S
Building and maintaining customers, developing a market persona and a niche, and the importance of sales. Team teaching, collaborative learning. Prerequisites: COB 380; 2.00 GPA; 56 hours; non-business major.

COB 383 Small Business Working Relationships. (3) F, S
Addresses communication and the people in a business—consumers/clients, employees, suppliers/providers, competitors, governments, family, and self development. Team teaching, collaborative learning. Prerequisites: COB 380; 2.00 GPA; 56 hours; non-business major.

COB 384 Small Business Operations and Planning. (3) F, S
Planning and executing plans—the what, when, where, how, and who from product/service/project idea to pay back or completion. Team teaching, collaborative learning. Prerequisites: COB 380; 2.00 GPA; 56 hours; non-business major.

COB 394 ST: Special Topics. (1–4) F, S

COB 492 Honors Directed Study. (1) F, S

COB 494 ST: Special Topics. (1) F, S
(a)Honors Research

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