Fire Service Management (FSM)

FSM 304 Fire Personnel Management. (3) F
Topics include promotion, personnel development, career and incentive systems, validation of physical requirements, managerial and supervisory procedures.

FSM 305 Quality Emergency Services. (3) N
Covers quality issues relating to services delivered by progressive fire departments. Covers management of personnel and resources during organizational change.

FSM 306 Fire Prevention Organization and Management. (3) N
Examination and evaluation of the techniques, procedures, programs, and agencies involved in preventing fires.

FSM 363 Computer Applications in Emergency Management. (3) S
Specific computer programs will be explored which are currently in use for contingency planning, tracking chemical inventories, and response resources. Cross-listed as ETM 363. Credit is allowed for only ETM 363 or FSM 363.

FSM 400 Human Behavior and the Fire Threat. (3) N
Proper ways of conducting post-fire interviews; emphasizes the psychological effects of communications during emergencies.

FSM 421 Political and Legal Consideration in Fire Science. (3) S
Study of legal and political considerations that affect the decision making of fire service managers.

FSM 425 Fire Service Administration. (3) F
Presentation of modern management and planning techniques that apply to organizing a fire department.

FSM 460 Incident Management Systems and Emergency Operations Center. (3) F
Covers IMS, terminology, players, and management philosophy. EOC setup, activation, operation, and termination. EOC funding and politics. Cross-listed as ETM 460. Credit is allowed for only ETM 460 or FSM 460.

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