Landscape Architecture (PLA)

PLA 101 Landscape and Society. (3) F
Examination of interrelationship between society and the landscape with emphasis on human involvement in shaping the landscape.

PLA 161 Graphic Communication I. (3) F, S
Development of drawing skills and understanding of the graphic communication systems used by planning, homebuilding, and landscape architecture professions. Studio. Cross-listed as HUD 161. Credit is allowed for only HUD 161 or PLA 161.

PLA 222 Computers in Landscape Architecture. (3) S
Computer applications in landscape architecture including CAD, GIS, graphics, and visualization. Lab.

PLA 240 Landscape Survey Techniques. (3) F
Development of landscape survey skills including aerial photography, satellite images, geo-referencing, landscape surveys, and field data collection. Lecture, lab.

PLA 242 Landscape Construction I. (4) S
Landscape constructions focusing on landform transformations. Topics include landform analysis, grading, and earthwork. Studio. Prerequisite: admission to professional program.

PLA 261 Landscape Architecture I. (4) F
Reading the landscape: observing, experiencing, and graphically expressing the symbolic and aesthetic significance of natural landscapes. Studio. Prerequisites: ADE 120; GPH 111.

PLA 264 Landscape Architecture II. (4) S
Landscape communication: communication techniques for urban planning and landscape architecture communication. Prerequisites: ADE 120; PLA 261 (or PUP 261).

PLA 294 ST: Special Topics. (3) F
(a)Landscape Survey Techniques
Development of landscape survey skills including aerial photography, satellite images, georeferencing and land surveys, and field data collection.

PLA 310 History of Landscape Architecture. (3) F
Physical record of human attitudes toward the land. Ancient through contemporary landscape planning and design. Cross-listed as APH 411. Credit is allowed for only APH 411 or PLA 310. General Studies: H.

PLA 311 Contemporary Landscape Architecture. (3) F
Exploration of concerns, projects, and movements in landscape architecture of late 20th-century understanding social, ecological, regional, and historical influences.

PLA 322 Planning Methods Using Computers. (3) F
Planning methods using database, word processors, spreadsheets, CAD, and mapping packages on microcomputers. Lecture, lab. Cross-listed as PUP 322. Credit is allowed for only PLA 322 or PUP 322.

PLA 344 Landscape Construction II. (4) F
Characteristics of materials and methods used in landscape architectural construction. Studio. Prerequisite: PLA 242 or instructor approval.

PLA 345 Professional Practice Seminar. (1) S
Landscape architecture practice including contracts, project and office management, liability, licensing, and professional development.

PLA 359 Resort Planning and Recreation Design. (3) F
Interrelationships of social, economic, and physical aspects of total tourist resort design; emphasis on physical development of tourist centers and resort areas.

PLA 361 Landscape Architecture III. (4) F
Site planning: analysis of natural and cultural features; site systems and implications for plan making and design. Studio. Prerequisite: admission to professional program.

PLA 362 Landscape Architecture IV. (4) S
Site design: site specific design of configured space by the creative development of form. Studio. Prerequisite: admission to professional program.

PLA 363 Landscape Planting Design. (4) S
Functional and aesthetic use of plants in arid region landscape design. Design philosophies are explored through planting design problems. Studio. Prerequisite: admission to professional program.

PLA 394 ST: Special Topics. (3) F
(a)Contemporary Landscape Architecture
Exploration of concerns, projects, and movements in landscape architecture of the late 20th century focusing on understanding of the social, ecological, regional, and historical influences.

PLA 410 Social Factors in Landscape and Urban Planning. (3) F
Examination of the influence of social factors in landscape architecture and urban planning.

PLA 411 Landscape Architecture Theory and Criticism. (3) S
Landscape architecture theories and projects are critically analyzed to evaluate validity of design and contribution to society. Prerequisites: PLA 310, 361, 362, 420, 461.

PLA 412 Landscape Ecology and Planning. (3) S
Review of the evolution of landscape ecology and landscape planning and examination of use and value.

PLA 413 Southwest Landscape Interpretation. (3) S
Explorations in methods and implications of landscape interpretation within the American Southwest.

PLA 420 Theory of Urban Design. (3) S
Analysis of the visual and cultural aspects of urban design. Theories and techniques applied to selected study models. Prerequisite: junior standing. General Studies: HU.

PLA 446 Landscape Construction III. (3) S
Landscape construction focusing on low technology, biotechnical, regional, and experimental techniques or systems. Lecture, studio.

PLA 461 Landscape Architecture V. (4) F
Landscape ecological planning: collection and application of ecological data relevant to planning and design at landscape scale. Studio. Prerequisite: PLA 362.

PLA 462 Landscape Architecture VI. (4) S
Advanced landscape architecture: integrative capstone studio with multifaceted design problems. Prerequisite: PLA 461.

PLA 484 Internship. (1–12) F, S, SS (SS1 only)
Full-time internship under the supervision of practitioners in the Phoenix area or other locales. Credit/no credit. Prerequisite: school major or instructor approval.

PLA 485 International Field Studies in Planning and Landscape Architecture. (1–12) F, S, SS
Organized field study of planning and landscape architecture in specified international locations. May be repeated for credit with school approval. Study abroad. Cross-listed as PUP 485. Credit is allowed for only PLA 485 or PUP 485.

PLA 494 ST: Special Topics. (3) F, S
(a)Landscape Construction III. (3) S
Landscape construction focusing on low technology, biotechnical, regional, and experimental techniques or systems.
(b)Landscape Ecology and Planning. (3) S
Landscape ecology is examined for its value in the landscape planning process. Review of the evolution of landscape ecology and landscape planning.
(c)Social Factors in Landscape and Urban Planning. (3) F
Examination of the influence of social factors in landscape architecture and urban planning.
(d)Southwest Landscape Interpretation. (3) S
Explorations in methods and implications of landscape interpretation within the American Southwest focusing on how people interpret landscape, the tools they use, and how these methods and mechanisms influence land use decisions.

PLA 498 PS: Professional Senior Seminar. (1) S

PLA 546 Urban Design Policy. (3) N
Advanced study of local, state, and federal urban design policy. Cross-listed as PUP 546. Credit is allowed for only PLA 546 or PUP 546. Prerequisite: PLA 420 or PUP 420.

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