Environmental Analysis and Programming (ANP)

ANP 236 Introduction to Computer Modeling. (3)
fall and spring only
Fundamentals of computer operation, geographic information systems, geometric modeling of three-dimensional forms and rendering of light, mathematical modeling of processes using spreadsheets. Lab. Prerequisite: major in the School of Architecture.
General Studies: CS

ANP 331 Programming for Design. (3)
spring only
Theory and methods for refracting “constraints” into opportunities for design excellence. Corequisite: ADE 322.

ANP 475 Computer Programming in Architecture. (3)
fall and spring only
Computer programming for architectural problems and applications. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: CSE 183 (or its equivalent).

ANP 477 Computer Applications to Design Problems. (3)
fall only
Examination of generic microcomputer software in solving architectural design problems. Emphasis on the logic of problem formulation. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

ANP 500 Research Methods. (1–12)
not regularly offered
Fee or deposit.

ANP 530 Computer Graphics in Architecture. (3)
once a year
Fundamentals of computer graphics programming in architecture, including graphics hardware, device independent packages, 2- and 3- dimensional transformations, and data structures. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisite: ANP 475 or instructor approval.

ANP 561 Architectural Information Processing Systems. (3)
once a year
Applications of information processing systems to architectural problems. Analysis of computing tools with respect to assumptions and theories. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: graduate standing; instructor approval.

ANP 563 Methods in Architectural Design Computation. (3)
spring only
Concepts and models for research in computer-aided architectural design with an emphasis on computational methods and a system framework. Discussion, lab. Prerequisite: ANP 500 or instructor approval.

ANP 590 RC: Computer Programming and Architecture. (1–12)
not regularly offered

ANP 598 Special Topics. (1–4)
not regularly offered
Possible topics:
(a)Computer-Aided Design Methods

ANP 599 Thesis. (1–12)
not regularly offered
Fee or deposit.

ANP 681 Project Development. (3)
fall in even years only
Definition and elaboration of major ideas for implementation in ADE 622 Advanced Architectural Studio IV in relation to contemporary theory and practice. Seminar. Prerequisite: ADE 522.

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