Arabic (ARB)

ARB 101 Elementary Arabic. (4)
fall only
Reading, writing, speaking, and understanding basic Arabic. 4 hours lecture, 1 hour lab.

ARB 102 Elementary Arabic. (4)
spring only
Reading, writing, speaking, and understanding basic Arabic. 4 hours lecture, 1 hour lab. Prerequisite: ARB 101 (or its equivalent).

ARB 201 Intermediate Arabic. (4)
fall only
Review of Arabic grammar with emphasis on the development of the skills of listening comprehension, reading, speaking, and writing. 4 hours lecture, 1 hour lab. Prerequisite: ARB 102 (or its equivalent).
General Studies: G

ARB 202 Intermediate Arabic. (4)
spring only
Review of Arabic grammar with emphasis on the development of the skills of listening comprehension, reading, speaking, and writing. 4 hours lecture, 1 hour lab. Prerequisite: ARB 201 (or its equivalent).
General Studies: G

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