Analysis and Systems (ASE)

ASE 100 College Adjustment and Survival. (2)
fall and spring only
Exploration of career goals and majors. Emphasis on organization and development of study skills, including time management, stress management, and use of the library.

ASE 194 Special Topics. (1–4)
fall only
Possible topics:
(a)MEP Academic Success. (2)

ASE 399 Cooperative Work Experience. (1)
fall, spring, summer
Usually involves two six-month work periods with industrial firms or government agencies alternated with full-time semester and summer sessions studies. Not open to students from other colleges on campus. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: at least 45 hours completed in major area with minimum 2.50 GPA; instructor approval.

ASE 485 Engineering Statistics. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Designing statistical studies for solutions to engineering problems. Methods include regression, design and analysis of experiments, and other statistical topics. Prerequisite: ECE 380.
General Studies: CS

ASE 490 Project in Design and Development. (2–3)
fall, spring, summer
Individual project in creative design and synthesis. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: senior standing.

ASE 496 Professional Seminar. (0)
fall and spring only
Topics of interest to students in the engineering special and interdisciplinary studies.

ASE 500 Research Methods: Engineering Statistics. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Designing statistical studies for solutions to engineering problems. Methods include regression, design and analysis of experiments, and other statistical topics. Prerequisite: ECE 380.

ASE 582 Linear Algebra in Engineering. (3)
fall only
Development and solution of systems of linear algebraic equations. Applications from mechanical, structural, and electrical fields of engineering. Prerequisite: MAT 242 (or its equivalent).

ASE 586 Partial Differential Equations in Engineering. (3)
spring only
Development and solution of partial differential equations in engineering. Applications in solid mechanics, vibrations, and heat transfer. Prerequisites: ECE 386; MAT 242, 274.

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