Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS)

BIS 301 Foundations of Interdisciplinary Studies. (3)
fall and spring only
Introduces concepts and methods of interdisciplinary study by critically examining anticipated 21st-century workplace and civic trends. Lecture, seminar, discussion. Prerequisites: B.I.S. major; 2.00 GPA.
General Studies: L

BIS 302 Interdisciplinary Principles. (3)
fall and spring only
Demonstrates interdisciplinary principles as applied to progressively more complex problems. Students choose among course topics that address both their concentrations. Lecture, seminar, discussion. Prerequisite: BIS 301.

BIS 401 Applied Interdisciplinary Studies. (3)
fall and spring only
Applies interdisciplinary problem-solving skills in internships, service-learning, or research; may involve individual or group projects combining both concentrations. Prerequisite: BIS 301.

BIS 402 Senior Seminar. (3)
fall and spring only
Capstone course helps students integrate their classroom and experiential learning. Lecture, seminar, discussion. Prerequisites: BIS 301, 302, 401.
General Studies: L

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